Classic Hollywood Script Friday Night
6:30 pmMeeting Called to Order by the Sergeant at ArmsLora Mather, DTM
Welcome everyone
6:32 Introduction by Conference ChairWendy Clothier
- Orient attendees to the hotel (restrooms, main rooms, parking, etc.)
- Hospitality room is Lambert D
- Evening highlights
- Dinner: Tell vegetarians they will not go through the serving line, but should tell servers of their diet choice
- Comic relief kicks off at 7:15 with Roseanne Barr, followed by the celebrity look-alike contest and Hollywood trivia
- Tell celebrities to come be ready to come to the stage after the comic stylings of Roseanne Barr; You will be judged! Prizes will be given.
7:15Master Of CeremoniesWendy Clothier
- Announce fund raisers
- Draw for an attendance prize
7:16 Introduce Roseanne BarrCathy Babis
7:25 Celebrity Look-alike Contest (2 $20 cards)Wendy Clothier
- Invite celebrities to line up at the ramp and prance across the stage
- Attendees will watch, then each celebrity will parade once more when the applause meter and judging will begin
- Prizes will be given for the top two
- Categories: Best Female, Best Male, and Honorable Mention for best Indiana Jones
7:30-8:30Servers clear tablesCatering Mgr.
7:50Trivia (3 rounds)Tom Coscia
- Invite tables to name their teams and write it at the top of their answer sheets
- Round 1:Call off questions, have contestants submit sheets to judges, call out answers
8-8:15Contest Briefing ReminderTom Coscia
- Remind all Evaluation contestants and functionaries to proceed to Gatwick B out the doors, to the left, down the hall, and again to the left
- Round 2:Call off questions, have contestants submit sheets to judges, call out answers
- Round 3 (time permitting)
8:15-8:30 pmBreakTom Coscia
15 minutes to contest time.Now's the time.
8:30Evaluation Contest Opening RemarksLora Mather
Attendance prize drawing
8:32Contest beginsLeigh Britt
9:45Winner announcementsCurtis & Lora
Leigh invites Curtis and Lora to podium to announce winners
Announce trivia winnersLora Mather
Give them popcorn (judges give answers to Lora)
Announce Evaluation Contest winnersCurtis & Lora
- While winners to proceed to media wall in the foyer for photographs, here are a few highlights of tomorrow
- Highlight Saturday’s events: Hospitality room opens for a light breakfast at 8am in Lambert D
- See program for other morning events
- Be in Concourse B at 8:45 to hear keynote, Cathy Newton
- Right now, you can go to the Bookstore, which is open until 10:30 and the Hospitality Room is open until 12 am
- Attendance prize drawing
- Follow the stars!
Classic Hollywood Script Saturday Morning & Afternoon
8:30 amBanner LineupCarole Breckner
Smallest numbers first, longest/newer last
WelcomeCasetta Stevens
Trivia questions
Attendance prize, 1 - $20 card
Introduce Keynote speaker, Cathy Newton
Present Cathy with giftWendy Clothier
End 15-minute break, please meet back herein 15 minutes for the Council Meeting
11:00Call to OrderDennis Roth, DTM
12:00Lunch InvocationCurtis Scroggins, thenPatrice Molinarolo
- Give 1-minute movie trivia
- Before giving the question, announce the prize: two tickets to the Missouri Botanical Garden’s Chinese Culture Days this weekend.
- Tell all present to enjoy lunch and announce we will begin again at 12:30
12:30Introduce Dietmar Patrice Molinarolo
- Confer with Dietmar during lunch (or before) and use introduction he sent
12:45Awards Lora Mather
- 18 clubs Luck 7 ribbon (pick up ribbons in foyer, Suzanne)
- 1 clap technique
- Coach medals
- Dismiss to educational sessions
- Remind everyone Heathrow B is Orly B
- Encourage everyone to claim seats as session are first-come, first-served and doors/sets will be closed when rooms reach capacity
1-5:00pmEducational SessionsBecka Clark
Classic Hollywood Script Saturday Evening
5-6:00 pmPhotographs (fund-raising event)Media Wall
5:30 pmContest Briefings in Gatwick B
6:00 pmDignitary Lineup/ProcessionDennis Roth, DTM
- Begins in Foyer
- Newly elect LGM, LG Ed, DG, head table
- Call to Order
6:10 pmIntroduction to Honor GuardJef Williams
6:15 pmHonor/Color GuardScott Air Force Base
6:15 pmMilitary Service RecognitionJef Williams
6:18 pmNational AnthemWendy Clothier
6:20 pmDinner announcementWendy Clothier
- Remind all present to put their tickets at their places
7:00District 8 Challenge Standings (8-point Gold Stars)Lora Mather
7:15 AwardsCurtis Scroggins
- New officers induction, pinning ceremonyDietmar Wagenknecht
- Sandy Kardis Lora Mather special presentation
- Curtis’ special presentation
- Recognize district staff
- Of-the-Year awards (AG, DG, Toastmaster, Retired TM & Dale Lancaster)
7:45BreakCurtis Scroggins
8:00ContestCurtis Scroggins
Contest MasterJeanette Lynch
9:00AwardsCurtis Scroggins
DTM LineCurtis Scroggins
- Peggy Willoughby, representative ______
- Brenda English, representative Greg Phillips
Back in seats for announcements
Committee RecognitionWendy Clothier
- Name the clubs who worked on the committee: Creve Coueur, Capital T,
and Mallinckrodt Speaks, Save-A-Lot, Wells Fargo Advisors, Columbia
Toastmasters, Ozark Orators Club
- Come see me at the gift table for your present and personal appreciation
AnnouncementsCurtis Scroggins
- For those of you who want to do an electronic evaluation, it’s in your inbox
- Paper copies are in the lobby. Please leave at table in lobby.
- 1st one to complete, will win a $20 movie gift certificate in mail (Becka)
- 1st one to complete paper survey, will win a $20 movie gift certificate
- Upcoming TLI June 29, WFA, check site and register
- Bookstore open until 10:30 and Hospitality open until 12am
Movie posters silent auctionDavid Kincaid
Take cash and run credit cards
9:30Winners AnnouncedCurtis Scroggins
Toastmasters District 8 “Classic Hollywood” Spring Conference May 17 & 18, 2013 Page 1 of 5