Your pathway to Southwest Forestry University 2009/2010

Kunming City

P.R. China


01 Contents

02 Message from the president

03 Kunming , Yunnan, China

The best place for you to study

04 Southwest Forestry University (SWFU)

05 Why choose SWFU

06 Supporting you while you study

07 Learning Chinese language and culture

08 Bachelor’s degree programs

09 Master’s degree programs

10 Your pathway to SWFU______在西林的发展

11 How to apply and registration———申请和注册

12 Degree certificates and diplomas

13 Your investment——费用投资

14 Your accommodation_____饮食住宿

15 Application form

Message from the President

Southwest Forestry University (SWFU) offers you an excellent foundation to go out and take business by storm, not only in China but on a truly global scale. The pursuing purpose of SWFU is China rooted and Global Impact.

The Chooses of learning experience at SWFU is very pleasant and the return on investment is extremely high. Knowing Chinese culture, broaden your industry perspective, heighten your understanding on life, promote your self-growth, and acquire a new way of thinking in the future.

Rapidly developing economy is witnessing an increasing shift of weight towards Asia-pacific Region. China welcome you, SWFU welcome you!

Our dedication to excellence will never waiver. Our goal is to offer you of the best education experiences in SWFU of China. We invite you to join the SWFU family and participate in our extraordinary learning environment. Welcome you to visit SWFU campus or contact one of the faculty advisors listed on the website.

Looking forward to meeting you at SWFU!








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03. Kunming ,Yunnan, China

The best place for you to study

Viewing the world map, you will find that China is a vast country situated at the eastern part of Eurasian and the western coast of the Pacific Ocean.

China’s civilization is over 5,000 years old and was considered one of four ancient civilizations of the world.

Nowadays, China has become stronger and stronger in economy, science and technology. Currently, China’s economy has been growing rapidly, with the GDP dramatically increasing year by year and most Chinese people are now living a well-to-do life and enjoy their happiness in this stable and harmonious society.

The friendliness and open-mindedness of the people, as well as the safe and stable political environment, realize China’s claim to be the destination of choice for a growing number of students from around the world.

Yunnan province, on the southern border of southwest China, covers a total area of 394,000 square kilometers, accounting for 4.1% of China’s total land territory and ranking the 8th in China respectively bordering. Myanmar in the west and Laos and Viet Nam in the south, Yunnan shares a boundary line of 4060 km with them.

Yunnan, endowed with abundant natural resources, diverse climates and sound ecological environment, is renowned as the kingdom of plants and animals and an ultimate tourist destination. It is one of the world’s charming and beautiful places.

Kunming, with a population of about 6.19million(2008), the capital of Yunnan province, located in the center of the province, with an average temperature of 16.5 degrees centigrade, Kunming is entitled as the City of Eternal Spring.

As a international student, you will enjoy the beautiful places that comes with living in a safe, nature and open-minded city. It is the ideal environment to challenge yourself academically and personally. It represents the beginning of an exciting pathway to your university life.

Kunming city,the best place for you to study.

04. SWFU

Southwest Forestry University (SWFU) is located in the northeastern part of Kunming City. SWFU is the only independent and multidisciplinary university in the Western Regions of China. It holds unique features and excellence in forest resources protection and sustainable use, silviculture, landscape design and construction, and forestry engineering. Other major fields of study include biotechnology, ecotourism, agronomy, business administration, computer sciences and technology, and English literature and education. In the recent years, SWFU had paid attention to develop Chinese language courses for international students and had received a great achievement.

SWFU was initially established as the Department of Forestry in Yunnan University in 1939. In 1978, the State Education Commission approved the establishment of SWFU.

SWFU covers 8 schools and 5 departments, offering 44 undergraduated majors and 25 graduate majors. At present, there are over 12000.00 full time undergraduate students and over 900 graduate candidates, 100 international students, etc.

05 Why choose SWFU?

Study a university-designed Chinese language program that suits your needs, on a university campus, with qualified lecturers, in small classes with long teaching sessions and SWFU guarantees you entry into our second year university or help you apply other universities you wish to in China.

·Welcome every international person who is interested in Chinese language and culture to our

university — study, communication.

·Providing a bridge between your high school and our university. Ensuring that you are able to

reach your goals: pass HSK exam, admit to the major program is the university.

· Helping you overcome the language obstacles and prepare you for university studies.

·Accessing to university facilities and services: libraries, computer laboratories, sports, indoor

Swimming pool, on-campus accommodation, health services and so on.

·Providing study support in the form of free, tutorial classes and optional meetings with your


·Helping you build Chinese language skill and solve the culture confusions.

·Affordable tuition fees and cost of living.

06 Supporting you while you study

Study and learning support

Our Student Advisor, in conjunction with various teaching staff, runs a number of support tutorials and workshops throughout the semester for students who want to develop their study skills in areas such as essay writing and examination techniques. International students who need extra help with their spoken and written Chinese skills will also find the free Chinese support tutorials offered each semester very helpful. We encourage you to participate fully in these programs a personal support.

An Advisor is available to meet with you to discuss a range of problems or concerns that you may have while you are at SWFU. If anything is preventing you from enjoying your academic, social or personal life during study in SWFU, the Advisor is often a very good start in resolving these issues for you.


Attendance at orientation is compulsory for all new students. Orientation provides you with valuable information and assistance to help you make a smooth transition to study at SWFU.

·Select and enroll in courses

·Obtain program information

·Obtain student ID card

·Be introduced to SWFU services and facilities

·Tour the campus and library

·Register for SWFU on-campus accommodation

* Airport reception & Train Station reception.

Airport reception &Train Station must be booked a minimum of one week in advance of arrival.

Campus Security

24-hour security is provided on all SWFU campus to answer enquiries and provide assistance and support to students.

Student activities

SWFU encourages you to interact and enjoy your experience in China by taking a break from your studies and having some fun.

There are a variety of student clubs and associations where students make friends, develop hobbies, and seek special interests. These include: Cyclist Association, Literature club, Charity Literature Society, Talks and Debate Association, Environmental protection Society, Directional Sports club, Opera club, Guitar Music Union, Bird-watch Association, Photographers’ club, Fire fighting Association, etc.

07 Learning Chinese Language and Culture

SWFU offers a range of Chinese courses from Elementary to Advanced levels. Student's skills of Chinese language in reading, writing, speaking and listening are developed through a comprehensive program.

No prerequisites are required to enroll in such language programs, regardless of the origin of country, age and education. Collective and individual applications are both welcome. Duration of study ranges from four (4) weeks to two(2) years and is flexible for the choices of the applicants. Duration of study and course selection for students registered for advanced training depends on the requirements of the students.

07-1 Basic Chinese Duration: 4-48weeks

Entry requirement: Minimum Age of 15 years old or over.

07-2 Chinese for HSK(III,IV) examination preparation

Duration: 4-48 weeks

Entry requirement: Minimum Age of 15 years old or over.

Chinese for High School preparation (For students who want to enter high school in China)

Duration: 4-48 weeks

Entry requirement: Minimum Age of 13 years old or over.

Chinese examination for enter SWFU

Duration: 24-48 weeks

Entry requirement: Minimum Age of 17 years old or over.

Certificate in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of other Languages

Duration: 4-8 weeks

Entry requirement: Minimum Age of 18 years old or over and Chinese ability equivalent to HSK-III.

07-3 Discovery of Chinese culture: Special courses

Include Chinese tea, tutoring in horticulture, bonsai cultivation, ikebana skills, ecotourism, Chinese paintbrush calligraphy, Chinese Qigong (breathing exercise) and Shadow boxing, Chinese massage and spa, etc.

08 Bachelor's degree programs

Majors and Disciplines

Dept. of Humanities and Social Science


Chinese literature and language

Public enterprise administration

Dept. of Foreign Languages

English language and literature

French; German

School of Landscape Architecture

(Urban environmental) art design

Urban planning


Landscape gardening

School of Wood Science and Interior Design

Art design (interior design)

Wood science and technology

Chemical processing of forest products

Packaging engineering

Dept. of Fundamental Courses

Information and computing sciences

Applied Chemistry

Physical Education (P.E.)

School of Natural Resources


Agronomy (Medicinal plants)


Geography Information System (GIS)

Food sciences and engineering

Dept. of Environmental Science and Engineering

Environmental sciences

Environmental engineering

Water conservancy and desertification control

Agricultural resources and environment

School of Transportation, Machinery and Civil Engineering

Machinery design, manufacturing and automation

Industrial design

Vehicle engineering

Civil engineering


Forest engineering

Dept. of Computer and Information Sciences

Electronic information engineering

Computer sciences and technology

School of Conservation Biology

Fire prevention and control

Plant conservation

Forest resources protection and recreation (Forest protection)

Wildlife and nature reserve management

Animal science

School of Ecotourism

Forest resources protection and recreation (ecotourism)

Tourism management

Information management and information systems

School of Economic Management

Business administration


Agricultural and forest

Economic management

Rural regional development


School of Continuing Education

Offers Bachelor's degrees in all the above fields and majors.

Master's Degree programs

09 Master’s Degree programs

School of Natural Resources


Tree Genetics and Propagation


Forest management


Cartography and Geographic Information System(GIS)

School of Conservation Biology

Forest protection

Wildlife protection and use


Dept. of Environmental Science and Engineering


School of Landscape

Architecture and Gardening

Urban planning and design (including planning and design of science and gardening areas)

Gardening plants and horticulture



MPS (Master of Professional Studies in Landscape gardening.)

School of Communication

Machinery & Civil Engineering

Application and engineering of transport tools

Forest engineering

School of Wood Science and Interior Design

Wood science and technology

Chemical processing of forest products

School of Economic Management

Forestry Economics and Management

Agronomic management

Enterprise management

School of Continuing Education

Offers Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in all the above fields and majors.

Note : If you want to access more detail information , please visit our Website:www.

10 Your Pathways to Southwest Forestry University



Entry into the university stage is depended on your successful completion of language programs and certified HSK-3 (GradeⅢ) or HSK-4 (GradeⅣ)

Specialist Technical Courses(Flexible schedule and individual course certificate. )

11 How to apply and registration

► Applications should be addressed to the Office for International Programs. Once approved and admitted, a Letter of Admission will be sent to the applicant, together with an invitation from SWFU. At this time, the Office for International Programs will complete the Visa Application Form (JW-202) and forward these documents to the student for the student to complete visa formalities at the nearest Chinese Consulate or Embassy in the students' country.

► Students who wish to study less than a half year may apply to participate in classes at various levels at any time. Students who want to study in China for more than a half year must contact the office for International Programs and apply for the Bachelor's or Master's degree should apply before August, and join classes at the end of August if they pass required tests.

After new students arrive in China, they should report the Office for International Programs at SWFU. New students are required to register within two days after arrival. Students bring the following to registration: JW-202 Form, passport, eight passport-size photos, and tuition. The university assigns a staff member to assist the student with the application process for the required residence permit and complete other procedures.

► Students who need airport pick-up must inform the Office for International Programs with the information about the arrival, fight, or train number. The student will be met at the station or airport by one of our staff members.

To submit your application:

·Complete and sign SWFU Application Form

·Attach latest academic transcripts, copy of your passport evidence of your Chinese language proficiency result(if available)

Please send documents to: International Exchange & Training Center, Southwest Forestry University.

Add: 3rd Floor, International Exchange Building, 300 Bailongsi Kunming, Yunnan, 650224, P.R. China

Tel: 86-871-3864382、3864383 Fax: 86-871-3864381

E-mail: Web site:

12 Degree Certificates and diplomas

Candidates for the Bachelor's or Master's degree who have fulfilled all the requirements, including completion of required courses, the passing of specific exams, submittal and approval of research papers, will be conferred the degree and graduation diploma.

The completion of the Chinese Language Training enables the short term or long term student to receive a certificate stating proof of qualifications.

Students who remain at the University during the spring semester have the option to take the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) administered by the State Commission of the Chinese Proficiency Test of China National Ministry of Education, and will be issued a proficiency certificate.

13-1 Your investment

Fees and charges for 2009/2010 academic year

(In Chinese Yuan)

Chinese Language program / Normal duration / Program fees
Basic Chinese / 4 weeks / 3200.00/4weeks
Chinese for HSK(III,IV) examination preparation / 4 weeks / 3200.00/4weeks
Chinese for High School preparation (For students who want to enter high school in China) / 4 weeks / 3200.00/4weeks
Chinese examination for enter SWFU / 4 weeks / 3200.00/4weeks
Certificate in teaching Chinese to speakers of other language / 4 weeks / 3200.00/4weeks

13-2 (In Chinese Yuan)