Glenrothes Area Committee

10th October 2012

Agenda Item No.7

Support for Voluntary Organisations – Stenton Jubilee Centre
Report by:Joe Fitzpatrick, Head of Education (Communities)
Wards Affected: 14


This report presents to the Glenrothes Area Committee a request for Recurring Grant funding received from the Stenton Jubilee Centre.


It is recommended that the Committee approve the level of funding to Stenton Jubilee Centre as detailed in the attached schedule.

Resource Implications

If an award is agreed by the Glenrothes Area Committee this can be accommodated within the Education & Learning Recurring Grants budget.

Legal & Risk Implications

The Organisation will receive recurring grant funding for one year only. The funding is recommended subject to compliance with Fife Council’s Monitoring and Evaluation Framework. For awards of under £10k the Voluntary Organisation is required to submit a self monitoring report on their work, and in addition a copy of their Annual Audited/Independently Examined Accounts are scrutinised by a Council accountant.

Impact Assessment

An Integrated Impact Assessment has been undertaken either on individual organisations or based on the overall Service budget saving requirement and no negative impact has been identified.


Members in Ward 14 have been consulted on this application for recurring grant assistance.


1.1During the 2011/12 Fife Council provided in the order of £15.2 million in grant support to voluntary organisations across all areas of Council activity. The majority of this support is provided in grants directly to the organisations and through the Community Grants Schemes. The budget for the recurring and non recurring grant schemes was reduced by 6.5% for the 2012/13 year. This was reflected in the decision taken at Housing & Communities Committee to reduce all awards by 6.5%.

1.2In January/February of each financial year applications for recurring grants are submitted to Committee for the forthcoming year for approval. Awards for the 2012/13 year were presented to the Housing & Communities Committee on 21st February 2012. A number of voluntary organisations did not submit grant applications by the date required and therefore were not considered for an award at the Committee held on 28th February.

1.3With a change in Committee structure and this being the sole application received at this time, it has been agreed that this grant application be presented to the Glenrothes Committee.

2.0Stenton Jubilee Centre

2.1The Stenton Jubilee Centre is the local Centre/Hall for community activity in the Stenton precinct of Glenrothes. It is governed by a locally elected voluntary Management Committee and has been in receipt of recurring grant funding from Fife Council for many years.

2.2The Centre provides a wide ranging programme of activities which includes Karate, Snooker, Yoga, Zumba classes and is used as a base for the local uniformed organisations Cubs, Scouts and Brownies.

2.3Only recently did it come to the attention of the Management Committee that they had not received an award of grant for the 2012/13 year. Upon further enquires it came to light that the application had not been received by the Council. The application has now been received and is being presented for a decision.

2.4Details of the application from Stenton Jubilee Centre is contained in Appendix 1 to this report.


3.1The Stenton Jubilee Centre Management Committee have made application for a recurring grant from Fife Council. The organisation has been in receipt of recurring grant funding in the past. The application form, monitoring report and financial information have all been scrutinised and comply with the Council’s Monitoring & Evaluation Framework.

List of Appendices

1.Background information on recommended award to Stenton Jubilee Centre

Background Papers

The following papers were relied on in the preparation of this report in terms of the Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1973:

  • Policy Paper: Review of Support for the Voluntary Sector – Policy and Resources Committee of Fife Council 16.02.06
  • Code of Guidance on Funding External bodies and Following the Public Pound – COSLA/Accounts Commission 1996
  • Voluntary Sector Monitoring & Evaluation Framework
Report Contact

Jim Douglas

Voluntary Services Officer

Education and Learning Directorate

Rothesay House

Telephone: 08451 55 55 55 471789

Email –

Appendix 1

Awards to Voluntary Organisations

Recommended Awards – Glenrothes Area Committee

Education & Learning Directorate

Organisation / Project Description / Grant
11/12 / Requested
Grant (Over
3 years) / 2012/13 / 2013/14 / 2014/15 / Total / Additional Comments
Stenton Jubilee Centre / Local Community Centre providing a range of facilities and programmes / £6,963 / £30,000 / £6,510 / £0 / £0 / £6,510 / Reduction in award taking into account 6.5% budget saving for 2012/13
Education & Learning Directorate Total / £6,510 / £0 / £0 / £6,510

Education & Learning Directorate, Jim Douglas Ext: 47 17 89