(Seen Passage) (1X10)

1. Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

It was the summer of 1880. A healthy baby girl was born in a small town in Alabama. Her parents loved her dearly and named her Helen Keller. But one day, the baby became ill and day after day, her fever stayed high. Everyone in the family tried to help her to get better, but all they could say was, "There is nothing more we can do. The baby may not live."

Helen lived. But she was not the same after her illness. "Something is very wrong," her mother said. At last they found out what was wrong. The child could not see or hear.

i) Where was a healthy baby born?

ii) Who named her Helen Keller?

iii) When was Helen Keller born?

iv) What was happen with the baby?

v) Who said, "Something is very wrong."?

vi ) What was wrong with Helen Keller after her illness?

vii) Find out a noun from the passage:-


viii) Write past tense of :

a) try - ______b) stay - ______

ix) Find two pronouns from the passage:

a) ______b) ______

x) Fill in the blanks:-

At last they found out what was ______. The child could not ______or hear.

2. Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

On a rainy day, Shetty, the magician found shelter under the fir tree. After the rain was over, Shetty was happy because the tree had saved him from getting wet. Therefore, Shetty granted the tree four wishes. the little fir tree first wished its leaves to turn into green leaves. Next day the wish comes true. A goat came and ate all the leaves then fir tree wishes its leaves to become gold leaves. But a man stole all the gold leaves. Now the little fir tree wished its leaves to become of glass. But due to heavy wind all the glass leaves were broken. This made the little fir tree sad.

(a) Name the magician?

(b) Where did Shetty find shelter?

(c) Who granted four wishes to the fir tree?

(d) What was the first wish?

(e) Who ate all the green leaves?

(f) Write past tense of :

i) find - ______ii) steal - ______

(g) Write plural of :

i) leaf - ______ii) wish - ______

(h) Write opposite of :

i) day - ______ii) sad - ______

(i) Fill in the blanks :

But due to heavy ______in the night all the glass ______were broken.

(j) Make a sentence using word ;

'shelter' :-


3. Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

One day, Nasruddin was chatting with his friends. He began to boast ,"No one can match my skill in archery. I string the , take aim, and shoot the The arrow is sure to hit right on target."

Hearing this, one of his friends immediately brought a bow and some arrows. Giving them to Nasruddin, he said, "Here, Nasruddin ! Take this bow and arrows."

Then pointing towards a target, he said, "Aim at that target and shoot an arrow."

i) Who was chatting one day?

ii) What did he boast?

iii) With whom Nasruddin was chatting?

iv) What did his friend bring?

v) Write past tense of:

bring - ______

vi) Write plurals of :-

a) arrow - ______b) friend - ______

vii) Add 'ing'

a) point - ______b) hear - ______

viii) Match the words with their correct meanings.

a) Chatting i) Shooting with a bow and arrow

b) Archery ii) target

c) Target iii) talking informally

d) Aimed at iv) the goal intended to be hit

ix) Write opposite of -

a) wrong - ______b) give - ______

x) Fill in the blanks:

No one can ______my skill in ______.

4. Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

Even this wish of Neha’s comes true. The next morning there is not only no alarm clock, there are no birds either. But there is someone else who does not want her to miss the school bus. Can you guess, who it is ? The big bright sun! He fills Neha’s room with warm smile.

i) What is the name of the girl?

ii) Was there any alarm clock next morning?

iii)Who does not want her to miss the school bus?

iv) Who fills Neha’s room with warm smile?

v) Write past tense of:

want - ______

vi) Write plurals of :-

a) girl - ______b) room - ______

vii) Add 'ing'

a) smile - ______b) warm - ______

viii) Find out two action words from the paragraph:

i.  ______

ii.  ______

ix) Write opposite of -

a) morning - ______b) true- ______

x) Fill in the blanks:

But there is ______else who does not want her to miss the ______bus.

5. Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

One day Alice was lying under a tree, listening to her sister reading a story. Suddenly, she saw a white rabbit scamper by. He had pink eyes, and was wearing a blue coat. He took out a big watch from his waist coat pocket and as he hurried away, he said, “Oh dear, I will be too late!”

i) What is the name of the girl?

ii) What did she see ?

iii)Where was she lying?

iv) What was she doing ?

v) What was the color of rabbit ?

vi) What was the color of rabbit’s eyes ?

vii) Write rhyming word from the passage :

free - ______

viii) Write the masculine gender of:

a) girl - ______b) sister - ______

ix) Write opposite of -

a) day - ______b) big- ______

x) Add ‘ing ’ at the end of the words -

a) wear - ______b) listen- ______


1. Read the passage carefully answer the questions.

The horse is a very useful animal. It is found in almost every country. It feeds on grass or gram. It is therefore, used for riding over long distances. It is used in the cities for carrying luggage by cart. An Arabian horse is world famous. It is used by the military to carry soldiers. It is also used in sports. Horse racing and polo are very popular sports in which horse plays a part.

1. What does the horse feed on ?

2. How is the horse used in cities ?

3. Which horse is used in military?

4. Write your own sentence with

Popular - ______

5. Name two games where horses play a part ?

a. ______b. ______

6. Pick out the opposites from the passage.

a. weak ______b. short ______

7. Rearrange the words to make a correct sentence

has strong it a body


8. Write the past tense of the following by picking up from the passage.

a. Use - ______b. find - ______

9. Complete the sentence

The horse is very ______animal.

10. Add ' ing'

A. carry- ______b. Race- ______

2. Read the passage carefully answer the questions below

An old man planted some turnip seeds. The turnip seeds grew and grew. “I want to pull up the enormous turnip,” said the old man. The old man pulled and pulled. But he could not pull up the enormous turnip. An old woman came. “I will help you,” said the old woman. The old man and the old woman pulled and pulled. But they could not pull up the enormous turnip. Then a boy and a girl came. They all pulled and pulled. UP came the enormous turnip. They all ate the enormous turnip.

i.  What did the old man plant?

ii.  Why was it difficult for the old man to pull up the turnip?

iii.  Who helped the old man first of all?

iv.  Which thing grew and grew?

v.  Who helped him to pull up the enormous turnip?

vi.  Who ate the enormous turnip?

vii.  Change the gender of the following.

i.  Man: ______

ii.  boy: ______

viii.  Write the past form of the following.

i.  Help: ______

ii.  pull: ______

ix.  What is the meaning of -big : ______

x.  Underline the describing word (Adjective)in the following sentence.

The old man planted some turnip seeds.

3. Read the unseen passage and answers:-

Once, there was a king Vikram singh. He was king of state Ramgarh. The King was very rich and Powerful. But he was unhappy. All the doctors could not help him. Two famous doctors came from Hyderabad. One Doctor said that he is healthy. King ordered to cut his head. Second doctor said that king will be happy if he wears the shoes of a beggar.

Q.1 What is the name of the king?

Q.2 He was king of which state?

Q.3 Who was rich and Powerful?

Q.4 Who came from Hyderabad ?

Q.5 What did second doctor say?

Q.6 Change gender of :-

Queen - ______

Q.7 Write opposite of -

a) unhappy - ______b) poor - ______

c) weak- ______

Q. 8 fill in the blanks-

a) Once, there was a king ______. He was king of state ______.

b) One Doctor said that he is ______. King ordered to ______his head.

Q.9 Find out from passage :-

(a)  one noun =______

(b)  One pronoun =______

(c)  One verb =______

(d)  Name of city =______

4.Read the following passages and answer the questions given below.

Once a crow and a deer were close friends. The crow had his nest on the branch of a tree. The deer’s home was near a meadow. One day a fox saw the deer, standing alone near the tree. His mouth watered. He said to himself, “How delightful it would be if I could get this deer for my meal!’. He thought of a tricky plan. He went to the deer and said, “Brother deer ; I am living alone in the jungle. Let me be your friend . All my people are dead and I am left alone in this world”. The deer felt sorry for the fox. He was foolish enough to believe this and said “ I am sorry to hear this. From today we are friends”.

1.  Who were close friends?

2. Where did the crow have his nest?

3. Where was the deer’s home ?

4. Who was standing alone near the tree?

5. Why did the deer feel sorry for the fox?

6. Give the opposites :

a. enemy ´ ______b. wise ´ ______

7. The body part with which we speak and eat


8. Pick out the word which means ‘forest’ from the passage ______

9. Give the past tense of

a. think - ______b. feel - ______

10. Make sentence :

Delightful :- ______

5..Read the following passages and answer the questions given below.

Chicago is the third largest city in the United States. Over three million people live in the two hundred twenty five mile area of Chicago. The world's first skyscraper was constructed in Chicago in 1885. Today, some of the world's tallest and most famous skyscrapers are found in the city. Located in the heart of the city is the one hundred ten story Sears Tower, which is among the most famous skyscrapers ever built. Chicago is often called "The Windy City". It is assumed that this is due to the City's weather. But, in the 1990s 11 major U.S. cities outranked Chicago for average annual wind speed.

1. How many cities in the United States are larger than Chicago?

2. Which of the following is true?

a. Chicago is the largest city in the world.

b. Chicago is home to some of the world's tallest skyscrapers .

c. Chicago is the windiest city in the United States .

d. None of the above.

3. How many people (in millions) live in Chicago?

4. What is one of Chicago's most famous skyscrapers?

5. What is the other name of Chicago?

6. Pick out the opposites from the passage.

(a) shortest X ______(b) smallest X ______

7. Pick out the rhyming words from the passage.

(a) bound - ______(b) feather - ______

8. In which year was the world’s first skyscraper constructed?

9. State ‘true’ or ‘false’

(a). Chicago is called "The Windy City" because of the City's weather. ______

10. Give a suitable title for the above passage.


VSA (1X5)


1. Where was Helen Keller born?

a)  Delhi b) Alabama c) Paris d) Frankfurt.

2. What was the name of Helen’s teacher?

a) Victoria b) Julie c) Sullivan d) Rosie.

3. What was wrong with Helen?

a) She was deaf. b) She was blind. c) She was dumb. d )She was deaf and blind.

4. Which language Sullivan used?

a) Hand signs b) Braille c) English d) Spanish.

5. When Helenwas born ?

a ) 1980 b) 1880 c) 1780 d) 2012

6. First word Ms. Sullivan taught Helen was

a) Ear b) baby c) doll d) dress.

7. How was Ms. Sullivan?

a) Cruel b) Shy c) kind d) naughty.

8. Helen learnt the word WATER by :

a) drinking b) bathing c) touching d) washing.

9. Helen became deaf and blind :

a) by birth b) by accident c) by illness d) by shock

10. What was the most important thing Helen learnt:

a) doll b) water c) food d) words.

Answer Key : 1)……b 2)……c 3)…d 4)……a 5)……b.6)……c 7)………c 8)…………c 9)……c 10)……d.


1.  Where was Alice lying?

a)  Under a bed b) under a carpet c) under a tree d) under the table.

2.  The color of the eyes of the rabbit was:

a)  Blue b) red c) green d) pink.

3.  Who was burning with curiosity ?

a)  Alice b) rabbit c) sister d) Children.

4.  What was the colour of rabbit’s coat?

a)  White b) violet c) blue d) black.

5.  Where did Alice jump?

a)  From a tree b) Into the rabbit hole c) On the rabbit d) on the golden key.