Arborg Early Middle School
Parent Advisory Council Meeting
June 12, 2017
7p.m. at AEMS
Present:Marlene Kroeker-Bodnarus, Brad Harding, Tara Buehlmann,Tiffany Olson, Jenna Pearce, Penny Helgason, Mr Ewert, Sherri Orbanski
- Marlenecalled the meeting to order at 7:01pm
- Adopt Previous Meeting Minutes –Jennamotioned to accept the minutes and Taraseconded.
- Principal’s Report
- Facilities
a.Playground- The EYs structure is getting low on pea gravel. Something we will need to consider with our fundraising after the natural habitat is complete.
b.Getting a lot of work done in the gym this summer. Floors and lines being refinished. Taking down the acoustic spray and installing acoustic tiles. Installation of motorized basketball hoop by stage.
- Practical arts for grades 5-8 was very successful this year. Will continue next year. Grade 7/8 students will have shops for the entire first term.
- Band- The band teacher has made the request that she would like all the grade 7 & 8 students for band for a portion of the year. I am now looking at how we can schedule this. This will most likely mean that 7/8 Band students will need to choose 2 of the three options.
- Brendan Kristjanson has been hired to continue in grade 7/8 next year.
- Thank you for another excellent year. Your efforts help make the school a better place for all of the students and staff.
- Old Business
- Hamburger/hotdog day/hot lunch/bulletin board. The last Subway day for the year will be on June 14.
- Cross country ski equipment – grants for equipment. Jenna had offered to apply for a Noventis grant and Sherri mentioned about a healthy living grant that is offered by IERHA. It was also mentioned that maybe the ski club would make a donation of their time for waxing the skis and possible program help.
- Natural Habitat. Tara mentioned that Raymond Weik will come and do the work but he wants to come by when no students will be around.
- School brochure – the school brochure has been completed and ready for distribution. Tiffany offered to take around to different places – ie Town Office, RM office, Immigration settlement office, etc. Brochures are to be out by the end of June.
- Welcome Back BBQ September 20, 2017 – Marlene will book the bouncers and it was decided to go with the large obstacle course ($450) and 15’x20’ bouncy castle ($250) plus the delivery and set up fee of $70. They will set up at 4:30 and stay set up until 7:30. Parent volunteers are needed to supervise, 2 parents per 30 minute block. Donation letters to go out the middle of August. Carissa will be in charge of face painting, like finding volunteers/making a schedule and buying any extra face paints needed. Ernest has offered the ice cream again and we will provide the Styrofoam cups and spoons. He also needs a parent volunteer to help. Tara and Tiffany will take on the bbq schedule and will make sure the chips will be purchased.
- I Love to Read celebrity guest reader – Cameron was going to contact a few places like the Jets/Moose/Bombers but another idea was possibly some Ice Dawgs players or maybe go together with other schools in the division to try get bigger names like Casey Adams or David Bouchard.
- PAC Executive 2017/2018
- Chair – Jenna Pearch
- Vice Chair – Carissa Rempel
- Secretary/Treasurer – Tiffany Olson
- Board Member 1 – Tara Buehlmann
- Board Member 2 – Kendra Jacobson
- Board Member 3 – Cameron Platford
- Board Member 4 -
- Board Member 5 -
- New Business
- Money for flowers for school planters – The total for the flowers was $374.32 and Marlene made a motion to pay the money from our raffle account. Jenna seconded and all were in favour.
- PAC AGM is scheduled for Monday October 16, 2017
- Other Business
Nothing brought to our attention
- Correspondence
- Next Meeting – Monday,September 11, 2017,at 7:00 pm in the staff room at AEMS. All parents/caregivers are welcome to attend. Please join us!
Meeting adjourned at 8:31 pm.