Closing the Gap – Impact of Strategies – Praising Stars 3 February 2016
Key Aim:
- To raise overall attainment and narrow the achievement gap between disadvantaged students and the rest of the cohort.
Success Criteria:
Progress - To ensure that disadvantaged students make accelerated progress throughout their time at Scalby.
Praising Stars 1 Data indicated the gap is closing in terms of LOP in English, Maths & Science across the Year Groups – This is a significant improvement on 2014/2015 Summer results. There is a disappointing drop in the number of disadvantaged students obtaining 5 A*-C GCSE including English and Maths. A variety of Wave 1, 2 & 3 interventions are being put in place in Spring 2 in order to move this figure more in line with the national average of 43% for Disadvantaged students.
Disadvantaged Progress 8 / Progress 8 Gap / 5A*-C Disadvantaged / 5A*-C GapYear 9 / 0.21 / 0.03 / 74% / -14%
Year 10 / -0.35 / 0.23 / 67% / -24%
Year 11 / -0.17 / -0.64 / 34% / -29%
Year 11 – Key Data
Key Stage 3 data again shows the gap is closing further down the school in most areas. However an area of concern is the gap in Year 7 & Year 8 English achievement.
Behaviour - To continue to reduce exclusions with a particular emphasis on disadvantaged learners.
Percentage of Pupil Premium students represented in Consequences has reduced from 57.8% to 46.57%.The number of students in Consequences, has reduced by 49% compared to the same period last year.
Praising Stars 3 2015/2016 compared to Praising Stars 3 2014/2015.
Fixed Term external exclusions have reduced significantly. The number of instances of disadvantaged students gaining FTE has reduced by 69%. The number of days lost to learning has reduced by 58%. The number of disadvantaged students receiving a FTE has reduced from 24 students to 14 students. A reduction of 48%.
Quality First Teaching - To ensure that disadvantaged students receive the highest standard of teaching in all subject areas and that this is narrowing the gap.
- SLT monitoring evidence would suggest that the vast majority of staff are using the FIT first approach in lessons. Increasing the focus on the disadvantaged students. Science for example have colour coded dots on books to make disadvantaged students books more easily recognisable. 85% of staff at the drop in day were making extra provision for pupil premium students in lesson.
- All staff were provided with Inspire and Connect booklets for Year 11 students and a number of staff have commented this has allowed them to better connect with students.
- Staff have begun their second cycle of CPD lesson study focusing on disadvantaged students that they teach.
- Regular SLT book monitoring and moderation would indicate that the quality of written feedback provided to students by staff is improving and is significantly more consistent across departments.
Enrichment and Extra-curricular Activities - To ensure that disadvantaged students take full advantage of the enrichment and extra-curricular activities on offer at Scalby.
- Fifteen Year 11 boys attended an English Inspire event at Peat Rigg on 2nd and 3rd October 2015. The aim of this was to provide inspiration for creative writing by providing memorable experiences. Comments made by the students included “At Peat Rigg I had some memories I will never forget”. “It has been one of the best if not the best school trips I have been on”. “I have enjoyed the new experiences”. I have improved my confidence and improved my ability to work in a team.” “It has been probably one of the best trips I have been on with school.”
- Six Year 11 Maths students attended a Maths Inspire event using Go-Karting as an inspiration. This has improved students attitudes and confidence in lessons.
- Six Year 11 Students who are studying catering cooked for SLT as part of an Inspire and Engage event.
- 14 students so far have had trips part-funded in the Autumn Term 2015, enabling them to attend trips that they would not have otherwise been able to afford.
- 21 Year 8 students took part in an inspire and engage visit to a Maths skills workshop at the new Middle Deepdale housing estate. This involved students using Maths in a real world context.
- Year 8 Science students are attending a space club run by the lead practitioner for Science. Maths are running a Formula One club at KS3
- Around 40 Year 8, 9 and 10 students who have been identified to take part in aa period 6 reading catch-up programme in January this is being run by the English department. Feedback from the sessions has been positive so far.
Attendance - To improve student attendance with a particular emphasis on disadvantaged learners.
Spring Week 5 2015/16 Attendance gap
All data is in %
Attendance has improved significantly in all Year groups compared to the same period last year. The gaps in attendance have narrowed in all Year Groups apart from Year 7 where the Gap has increased slightly.
Cumulative Attendance / Cumulative / PP / Non PP / Gap 2015 / PP 2014 / Non PP 2014 / Gap 2014 / DifferenceYear 7 / 97.64
(96.59) / 95.71 / 98.12 / -2.41 / 94.91 / 96.90 / -1.99 / Increased by 0.42
Year 8 / 96.22
(95.39) / 95.39 / 96.42 / -1.03 / 93.46 / 96.25 / -2.79 / Decreased by 1.76
Year 9 / 95.94
(93.54) / 93.82 / 96.58 / -2.76 / 89.03 / 95.30 / -6.27 / Decreased by 3.51
Year 10 / 94.79
(92.92) / 90.25 / 96.26 / -6.01 / 87.51 / 93.91 / -6.40 / Decreased by 0.39
Year 11 / 94.5 (91.75) / 90.22 / 96.33 / -6.11 / 83.95 / 95.11 / -11.16 / Decreased by 5.05
Whole school / 95.81
(94.08) / 93.05 / 96.73 / -3.68 / 90.19 / 95.50 / -5.31 / Decreased by1.63