Human Services Quality Framework Standard 1 (Governance and Management)
This policy guides howthe organisationelects its board or management committee.
A written election of governing body policy will assist in meeting the requirements of Standard 1 (Governance and Management), Indicator 1.
Standard1 —Governance and Management
Sound governance and management systems that maximise outcomes for stakeholders
Indicator 1. The organisation has accountable and transparent governance arrangements that ensure compliance with relevant legislation, regulations and contractual arrangements.
Policy checklist
The following checklist will help youcheck thatan existing policycovers this area adequately.
The policy should:
saywho is eligible to standfor nominationtothe governing body
explain how people cannominate for election to thegoverning body
explain theprocedure for conductingelections for the governing body
show how these procedures reflectthe legal requirementsandthe organisation’s
contain clear procedures andactions
indicate the timing of any actions
show whenit was approved
show whenit was last reviewed.
Using thepolicy template
The template provides some example statements.You canadapt these statements and include them inyour policy or write your ownstatementsto better suitthe operations and services ofyour organisation.
The policytemplates include red text prompts to insert informationthat is specific to your organisation.
There are also instruction sections, in blue italics, such as:
Refer to the election of governing body policy template guide for questions and/or examples to consider when customising this section.
Whenyou have completed the policy template,delete all the coloured text.
For further information onusing the policy guides,refer to the informationin Using the policy templates andguides.
Guidelinesforeach sectionofyourpolicy
1. Purpose
When identifying the purpose of the policy, consider howit might apply to the way your organisation elects itsboardor managementcommittee and tohow itseeks new board or
management committee members. The organisation mayseek to recruit members for the
board or managementcommittee from particularcommunities, or with particular skills, expertise orattributes.Do youneed to makespecific statements toensure you are inclusive ofparticular groups,suchas Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples,AustralianSouth Sea Islanders,people from culturallyand linguisticallydiverse backgrounds and people with a disability?
2. Scope
In determinging thescope of this policy, consider whether there are any circumstances in which this policy wouldnot apply.
3. Policy statement
If you are adopting thepolicystatement inthetemplate, consider whether there are any additional commitments yourorganisation wants to make.
In identifying theactions yourorganisation willtake to implementthis policy,you should include thefollowing:
•seeking nominations from eligiblemembersto stand for election to the board or management committee
•conductingan election of board ormanagement committee membersin accordance with the requirements of incorporation and the organisation’sconstitution
•formally appointing new members ofthe board or management committee
•formally appointing new members of the board or management committee to casual vacancies as required by theorganisation’s constitution.
4. Procedures
The procedures describe how yourorganisationachieves the aimsand goals youhave outlined inyour purpose,scope and policystatement.
4.1 Seeking nominations
Describe who is eligibleto standfor election,andhow the organisation will call for nominations.This should include notifying allorganisationmemberswho are eligible to nominate and/orvoteof the process fornomination,thetimeframe for nomination and the contact person.
The organisation may also consider:
•providing a standardnomination form
•asking nominees to documenttheir relevant skills and experience
•providing prospective nominees withan informationkitaboutthe role and responsibilities ofbeing on the board or management committee.
Nominations should beformally submitted tothe organisation’s secretary or returning officer.
Human Services Quality Framework Standard 1 (Governance and Management)
4.2 Conducting elections
Election procedures must comply with theorganisation’s constitution,and should be briefly outlined inthis procedure.Theprocedure should cover:
•period of notice requiredfor the annual general meeting
•timing of sending information to the votingmembership aboutthe candidates
•whether voting will be postal or inperson,and, ifinperson, whether proxyvotes are allowed and limits onproxyvote numbers
•appointment of areturning officer
•procedure for disputedresults.
4.3 Appointing new board or management committee members
Following the election,all board or management committee members should be given a formal notice of appointment or renewal of appointment. If the organisation is a company limited by guarantee, directors are required tosign an‘agreement to act’ asa director.
4.4 Appointingmembers to casualvacancies
Describe howcasual vacancies are to be filled.This should reflectwhat is inthe organisation’s constitution.
5. Otherrelated policies and documents
Listthe other policies related to the electionofgoverning body policy.The policy should be linked to:
•induction of governingbody policy
•training anddevelopment for governing body policy
•management committee performance monitoring
6. Reviewprocesses
Consider howoften thepolicy should bereviewed andtheprocess fordoing this:
•frequencyof review:Most policies benefitfrom an annual review. The experience of implementing the policy is used todecide which changesare necessary.Consider reviewing your election of governing body policy as part ofan annual review of your organisation’sgovernance-relatedpolicies or,ifyour organisationis small,perhaps over a three-year period.Critical incidents mayprompt you toreview thepolicy ahead of schedule.
•responsibility for the review:In most organisations,the board ormanagement committee would be responsible for reviewing this policy inconsultationwith organisation members.
•process for the review:Decide which particular staff,volunteers,external people and organisationswill provide input tothe policyreview,andwhether clientswill be involved.
•decision-makingprocess:Who will reviewdraft changes to the policy and approve changes? What will be the timeframe for the reviewprocess?
•documentation andcommunication:What records ofthe policy review process are needed? Howwill changes tothe policy be communicated to staff implementing the policy? Ina small organisation,this may be as simple as notingthechanges at astaff meeting. In a larger organisation,an email memo may be needed.
•keyquestionsfor thereview:Isthepolicy being implemented? Are procedures being followed? Is thepolicy clear? What has changed thatmayprompt a change tothe
policy? Have particular stakeholders had difficulty with any aspect ofthe policy? Can their concerns be resolved? How does the policycomparewiththat of similar