
(Rising Seniors)

Core courses for Seniors:

  • American History II (unless you are in AP US History in 11th grade)
  • Math
  • 4 year college bound – After completing Math I, II and III, students can satisfy their 4th math by completing one of the following: Essentials in College Math (does not count for NCAA eligibility), AFM, Pre-Cal HN, AP Calculus (depending on what you have already taken).
  • All other students, please speak to your counselor.
  • English IV
  • If you are taking AP,you will also need to be scheduled to take Special Topics.
  • Foreign Language: To meet UNC Public University requirements to attend a 4 year state university students must take two semesters (part I and II of same language). (There are additional requirements for NC Public Universities, including minimum GPA and Test Scores). Private Colleges and universities set their own standards, so check on cfnc.org or the college’s website for their requirements. Community Colleges do not require Foreign Language courses.
  • Students must take the following courses if they have not been completed by the end of their junior year: Social Studies (World History, Civics, American History I), Science (Earth & Environmental, Biology, and Physical Science or Chemistry), English (English I, II, III), Math (Common Core Math I, II, III), Required Health/PE.
  • Failed courses: Please be aware that credit recovery is available for some failed courses. However, if you are an athlete, NCAA rules require you to retake the course.

Elective Courses: You must choose at least 10 electives.

  • Students will be scheduled for some elective courses. Please choose 10 electives by listing them in order of preference, #1 as your first choice, and #10 as your last choice on registration sheet. In Powerschool, you will list 1-5 in “Electives”, then 5-10 in the “Alternates” section. If your first choice is not available, we will try to place you in another course you have chosen.
  • Some elective courses have prerequisites, courses that you must take first. For instance, if you take Early Childhood Education I, you must take Parenting and Child Development first.
  • Detailed course descriptions are available in the Course Selection Guide posted on the NRMS website under Parent Resource and click on Forms and Guides.
  • Online courses will be through Edmentum.
  • Nash Community College Courses (application and approval from administration required):
  • College Transfer Courses – Students must have a 3.0 GPA and meet Test Score criteria (see page 2 of CCP application form).
  • NCC CTE Course- Students must have a 3.0 GPA and/or recommendation from their high school.

Unique courses and programs:

The following courses require an application to be completedfor assigned staff member:

  • Yearbook – See Ms. Harper (English Hall)
  • Early Childhood – Ms. Whitaker (Room 1130) or Ms. Jones (Room 1132)
  • Nursing Fundamentals- Health Sciences 2 teacher for details (Room 1124)
  • Weightlifting – Student Athletes are given priority for Weightlifting and Seniors normally do not take Weightlifting in the Spring of the Senior year. See your coach if you think you are an exception.

Schedule Changes Next Year: Please be sure you choose alternate courses in the event you cannot have your first choice. Except for Nash Community College Courses and some online courses, you will not be able to have a schedule change unless:

1) you failed a course and have to retake it

2) you are in a course you already received credit for

3) you need the course for graduation.