This National Geographic Special tells the story of human evolution. It presents some of the explosion of evidence gathered by anthropologists (thestudyofhumanbeings) over the last 30-40 years as well as giving a broad impression of the several (but not all) types of fossil hominids (modernmanor extinct ancestorsofman).

It's now time to turn our attention to the fossil evidence for hominid evolution.

Although this video is now some 20 years out of date, it contains a lot of information which you'll find useful in attempting to construct an overall picture of when, how, and why hominids evolved over time into modern humans. Remember this is how some scientists believe that man has changed over time. This does not mean you have to believe the same way. You may use this information of evolution of man to make your own choice.

Before Watching the Video:

READ ALL OF THE QUESTIONS. Make sure you understand what each question is asking.


Watch the video and take notes. As you watch the video, look for the following:

  • Raymond Dart's Australopithecus africanus, found in southern Africa in 1924;
  • Louis Leakey excavating at Olduvai Gorge in east Africa in 1959;
  • Potassium-Argon dating technique;
  • Evidence from molecular biology provided by Vincent Sarich;
  • Jane Goodall's study of wild chimpanzee behavior;
  • Donald Johanson's discovery of Australopithecus afarensis ("Lucy");
  • Richard Leakey's Homo erectus;
  • French and Israeli excavations of Homo neanderthalensis;
  • Rebecca Cann's DNA research and the mitochondrial "Eve."

Directions: Answer the following Questions in complete sentences using the notes you took during the video. What you do not finish in class is for homework.

  1. What roles have Richard and Mary Leakey played in the study of hominid evolution?
  1. What can hominid tooth-wear analysis tell us about the diet and food preparation (if any)?
  1. What can tools and use-wear analysis tell us about early hominid behavior (such as butchering techniques)?
  1. More generally, what is the relationship between environment, behavior, and basic physical changes among our hominid ancestors?
  1. How has genetics helped us in the study of our evolution?
  1. Briefly summarize what DNA research tells us about the geographical origins of modern Homo sapiens.
  1. According to the video, what is the oldest, most complete hominid yet found? Describe it.
  1. According to the video, what is especially significant about Homo erectus in the evolution of humankind?
  1. Neanderthals ("cave people") were pre-modern peoples of Europe and parts of southwestern Asia. According to the video, what is significant about them in the evolution of humankind?