Elective Data / SLO Template for Principals/School Leaders*
Administrator’s Name _Mrs. Jefferson_ School/Position: Humblestown HS / Principal
Date ___8/03/2015____
Components / Administrator ResponsesStudent Learning Objective (SLO) / 1. State your measurable student academic SLO.
a. The students in Smithville HS scoring proficient or advanced on the Algebra I Keystone exams will increase by 10%. Historical data review of previous Keystone results indicates achievement growth increase ranges from 6 – 13%.
b. This objective aligns with school improvement plans to improve academic outcomes for students at Humblestown High as a result of SWPBIS implementation efforts.SWIS data results indicate a 15% reduction in out of school suspensions and a 8% increase in student attendance over a two semester period in the 2014-15 school year.
Data and Evidence / 2. Describe the data and evidence used to create and measure your SLO.
a. Attendance, In-School/Out-of-school suspensions, and discipline referrals will be reviewed monthly as part of SWPBIS team procedures during the 2015-16 school year.
b. Data from Study Island, CDTs, and district assessments in literacy and math will be collected and analyzed for indication of growth over the course of the 2015-16 school year for the entire Humblestown student population.
c. The baseline data used will include all students enrolled at Humblestown High and will include initial literacy and math assessment benchmarks administered in the first month of school.
Student Population / 3. Identify the student population(s) selected for this SLO.
A. Humblestown High has a total student population of 1400 students.
B. Algebra I Keystone eligible student population includes 350 students. Subgroups to be included are students with multiple discipline referrals, poor attendance, and in/out of school suspensions.
C. This SLO includes a representative sample of Humblestown student population.
Action Plan and Timeframe / 4. Describe the action plan and timeframe in reference to implementation, analysis of data, and reporting for this SLO.
Step 1: Meet with teachers on SWPBIS core team to discuss behavior goals for 2015-16 implementation. Attendance, discipline referrals, and suspension data collected during the 2015-16 school year will be an on-going topic review at monthly meetings. Meetings will include action steps to be taken as a result of the discussion and for review at the next meeting.
Step 2: Meet with Mathematics teachers in Keystone courses to discuss initial CDT, Study Island, and district assessment results and to identify goals for instruction to be discussed at monthly data team meetings.
Step 3: Measures of progress in changes to instructional practices in mathematics will be concluded through monthly walk through observation checklists.
Step 3: The results of the SLO will be measured Algebra 1 Keystone results in late summer 2016.
The timeframe for this SLO will be from August 2015 to August 2016.
Performance Indicators / 5. Describe the expected results for students included in this SLO.
The expected results for the students in this SLO is for the number of students performing at Proficient levels and/or Advanced on the Algebra I Keystone assessments to increase by 10% from the previous year.
Performance Level Measures / 6. Describe the performance measures to be used to determine student progress.
The performance measures for this SLO will include results from the 2016 Algebra I Keystone exams as well as 2015-16 CDT, Study Island, and local district assessment results in mathematics.
Principal Expectations / 7. Describe what criteria will be used to determine the levels of Distinguished, Proficient, Needs Improvement, and Failing.
Distinguished: 90% - 100% of the Literature and Algebra I 2016 Keystone exam results indicate a 10% increase in student achievement from 2015 scores.
Proficient: 80-89% of the Literature and Algebra I 2016 Keystone exam results indicate a 10% increase in student achievement from 2015 scores.
Needs Improvement: 70-79% of the Literature and Algebra I 2016 Keystone exam results indicate a 10% increase in student achievement from 2015 scores.
Failing: 60-69% of the Literature and Algebra I 2016 Keystone exam results indicate a 10% increase in student achievement from 2015 scores.
Framework for Leadership / 8. Describe your leadership role in facilitating the attainment of this SLO by referencing appropriate components within the four Domains of the Framework for Leadership.
1b: Uses Data for Informed Decision Making
1d: Leads Change Efforts for Continuous Improvement
2d: Establishes and Implements Expectations for Students and Staff
2g: Ensures School Safety
3a: Leads School Improvement Initiatives
Administrator Reflection
To be completed by the administrator being evaluated.
Activity / Supervising Administrator’s Comments / Signature / Principal/School Leader’s Comments / Signature
Initial Conference / Comments:
Signature: ______
Date: ______ / Comments:
Signature: ______
Date: ______
SLO Approved / Signature: ______
Date: ______ / Signature: ______
Date: ______
Mid-Year Review / Comments:
Signature: ______
Date: ______ / Comments:
Signature: ______
Date: ______
End of Year Review / Comments:
Signature: ______
Date: ______ / Comments:
Signature: ______
Date: ______
Final Rating & Score (0 – 3)
/ 3 – Distinguished
2 – Proficient
1 – Needs Improvement
0 – Failing
Criteria for each level will be agreed upon by both the supervising administrator and the principal/school leader during the initial conference.
Elective Data / SLO Template for Principals/School Leaders (07/28/14): © Pennsylvania Department of Education, 2014 1
* Adapted by Pennsylvania with Permission from the Maryland State Department of Education