Calgary Logistics Council

Meeting Minutes

March 13, 2014

7:30 am – 9:00 am

Location: Calgary Economic Development


Jim Bergeron, Calgary Food Bank / Bryndis Whitson, Van Horne Institute
Linda Luca, ELLE and Associates / Reg Johnston, Calgary Regional Partnership
Jim Brown, SRSB Logistics / Tristan Choi, City of Airdrie
Brendan Bakay, Alberta Human Services / Alex Broda, APB Consulting
Kathryn Semcow, Van Horne Institute / Tom Dixon, Calgary Economic Development
Jean Marc Lacasse, Van Horne Institute / Corrie Banks, EDGE

1.  Welcome and Introductions

2.  Review of the Agenda – Change to Agenda

3.  Business Arising from the Minutes

3.1.  Outstanding issue regarding CRA return- Ben to confirm with Alex the contact information that is required.

4.  New Business

4.1.  Transportation Hub Conference- 4th offering of this Conference, planning has commenced with target date November 2014 to coincide with Women in Supply Chain dinner. ACTION- if CLC members know of industry willing to contribute to planning please but names forward.

4.2.  Women in Supply Chain- Distinguished Women Speaker Series, delivered by Van Horne Institute, first speaker on May 15, 2014. Theme of series is “Finding the Courage”. Event is for both men and women, encouraging talent in the Supply Chain Sector.

4.3.  Free trade zone- Calgary Regional Partnership working on strategy to promote Calgary as a free trade zone. Calgary Economic Development has logo on website and highlighting request for participation to guide strategy. Rockyview is a partner in this initiative.

4.4.  Junior Achievement- CSSC sent out note that there is an opportunity to present for Career Days- Cochrane Mar 20, Okotoks Mar 25, Lethbridge Mar 27.

4.5.  Golf tournament June 16, 2014- email invite to be sent out.

4.6.  Working with CBE regarding scholarships- Currently SAIT, MRU. U of C only accepts scholarships in excess of $2,000.

5.  Member Updates

5.1.  Home Depot is opening SE location, construction to start June 1, 2014 and co-located with CP.

5.2.  BVC Stocking Up on Skills pilot project is working with Tim Horton’s

5.3.  Van Horne Institute Conference May 29, 2014 Restructured Electricity Markets

5.4.  Preparing Alberta for Asian Century conference on March 26, 2014

5.5.  Tristan attending Modex 2014 in Atlanta, will circulate any materials as requested by CLC members. ACTION- He requires materials by March 14, 2014

5.6.  Linking Up Project working on final report and willing to present to group, potentially in May 2014.

5.7.  Corrie is a panelist for SAIT industry participation night from 6-8PM on March 19, 2014.

6.  CLC Strategic Plan

6.1.  Leads for each of the 4 Strategic Plan Areas will capture information from the Strategic Planning Workshop and report back to CLC at next meeting. Transportation and Planning (Reg), Improve Sector Productivity & Sustainability (Jim/Corrie), Workforce Development (Linda/Working Group), Strengthen Community & Other Sector Connections (Ben/Bryndis).

7.  Adjournment

April 10, 2014
7:30 – 9:00am / Brian F Fleming, MBA, HBA, CPIM
Associate Professor, Bissett School of Business
Mount Royal University
Brian's talk is "Supply Chain Management in the Calgary Nonprofit Sector" / Mount Royal University

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