August 6, 2008
Chair: Dr. A. Tomlinson
Administration: N.Tan
Present: B. Englert, I. Clarke, M. Zankich, T. Grinberg, C. Youins
Faculty: L. McKenzie, S. Fasteau
Classified Staff: Tim Mariner
Guests: Nabeel Barakat, Ellen Joiner, June Smith, Ruben Nadler
The meeting began at 11:00 a.m. in the Facilities Conference Room.
Dr. Tomlinson stated that the purpose of this meeting is to find ways to cut the budget within the Administrative Services unit. Harbor’s deficit is $3.3M. The Chancellor has mandated that the deficit not be more than $1M at the end of the fiscal year. In the past, the focus of our unit plans has always been on personnel, either hoping to add staff or fill vacant positions. The focus has shifted to the budget crisis. The plan is to review each areas operating budget and expenditures on a monthly basis. Each manager was given a blank budget worksheet to complete and return to Dr. Tomlinson.
Administrative Services has not filled vacant positions in the Sheriff’s Office, Bookstore, Mailroom, Business Office or Facilities, saving about $400,000.
Facilities spends the largest amount of money, but since their budget barely covers utilities, supplies, vehicle and equipment maintenance, building and grounds maintenance, etc. it is difficult to find places to cut. In addition, Facilities covers many expenses for other areas. Bill plans to cut back on office supplies, sub and relief and overtime. Some work requests may be rejected unless they are a safety issue. Everyone was reminded to schedule college events during the 40 hour work week to avoid Facilities having to pay overtime. Bill thinks he can save about $19,000.
Nabeel Barakat suggested the use of student workers to help ease the load of Facilities, but issues of outsourcing union jobs, safety and liability is a concern.
Lauren McKenzie inquired about lights being on during the day and Bill explained there are several reasons that lights could be on and it is not always an easy fix. The improved lighting in the parking lots and walkways was discussed.
The Bookstore has a $500,000 a year operating budget. Book sales have decreased dramatically due to online book ordering. Even with the increase in vending, the bookstores profit for last year was only $20,000. The bookstore could save a lot of money if instructors would place their book orders early. The return policy has been shortened to 10 days but everyone agreed 5 days would be better. Mark is looking to set up online book ordering for the students; the books will be shipped either to the bookstore or to their home. To reduce expenditures Mark has cut back on student workers and will use sub & relief during rush. If it is slow, he will cut rush from 3 weeks to 2 weeks.
The Bookstore pays for one student worker for the Business Office and two for reprographics. Community Services pays for one B shift employee for the Business Office.
The Business Office has two vacant positions. They do work for ASO as well as counting the money from the swap meet. To cut back, Tatyana will use a temp during rush because it is less expensive.
IT has an operating budget of $529,000 with $400.000 going to salary and benefits. Jerry Chau has transferred back to IT; his salary is not listed in the current budget. Another $65,000 pays for licenses and maintenance contracts. Novel will be eliminated soon which will save $10,000.
The Payroll and Personnel Office have very few expenses. Their major expense is paper needed to print forms since the District no longer supplies them.
Lauren McKenzie noted that the bulk of expenditures is personnel. 110% of the budget goes to salaries and benefits.
Ellen Joiner reminded Dr. Tomlinson that more people need to be involved in the Administrative Services Cluster. She noted that the spreadsheet on budget and expenditures the managers are doing should satisfy the accreditation teams request that we be data driven.
June Smith is concerned that requests for major projects are not being requested through the proper channels. She suggested the college put together an oversight committee to review the governance of the college.
The meeting ended at 12:40 with a suggestion to meet again in the near future to further discuss cutting the budget.