14th July 2015 - CROSS ASH VILLAGE HALL - 7.30pm

PUBLIC SPEAKING TIME. – No members of the public were present.

PRESENT; Cllr T Watkins Cllr R Barnfield

Cllr C Ellaway Cllr A Watkins

Cllr Janet O’Connor Cllr C Lewis

In Attendance: Mrs K Jordan – (Clerk), C Cllr Ruth Edwards

1.To accept apologies for absence. – Apologies were received from Cllr E Phillips.

2. To disclose personal and pecuniary interests in items listed below. – None notedsave for Cllr Ellaway and Cllr O’Connor regarding planning.

3. To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the previous meeting held19th May 2015

Resolved: that the minutes of the meeting held on 19th May 2015were approved and signed.

4. Matters arising from the Minutes–.

Clerk had looked into the item deposited at Nat West Bank for which we were being charged £25 p.a. for safe keeping. It was RESOLVED: the Clerk should ask how the envelope held for safekeeping could be released into our possession for the future

Letter from Abergavenny Town Council requesting funding help for Abergavenny TIC was discussed and it was RESOLVED: following a vote on the matter that a donation of £200 should be made, this being approved by a small majority.

5. David James, Rural Housing Enabler

Provided update on recent developments following contact from the Land Agent for the Church in Wales. It seems the Church would be prepared for land behind the vicarage to be developed and 4 or 5 affordable homes built. MCC planners have confirmed the site would be acceptable. It was agreed that there is still need for affordable homes and this site is the best possible in our area. It is an exception site and consultation is needed with local community. Mr James will go back to the Church in Wales and MCC to move things forward and will keep us up to date with developments.

6. Reports

Rural forum: There is a meeting at Usk this Thursday that Cllr O’Connor is unable to attend. This will be discussing the use of defibrillators.

Police: Not present.

Cross Ash School: Cllr Tony Watkins reportedthat various school events had been held including an Open day that he had not been able to attend personally.

Churchyard. – Cllr Ellawayreported the first grass cut had taken place, but had nothing further to report.

7. Correspondence

OVW – letter re statutory guidance on access to information and code of conduct re registration of interests was received. It was agreed that the clerk should send a copy of this to all councillors individually for completion.

MCC – letter advising review of communities and electoral arrangements postponed until after 2017 elections

ABHB – review of In-patient falls in hospitals received.

Ombudsman’s Report received

Llantilio W.I. had sent an invitation to all councillors for the Centenary Celebration to be held at Llanvapley Hall on 12th August from 4pm. Cllr O’Connor hoped that some members would be able to attend as the event was open to everyone.

8. Planning matters

Applications Refused/Approved by MCC since last meeting -

DC/2013/00404 – Pont Gilbert, Llanvetherine – discharge of conditions 2,4 & 5 . Acceptable

DC/2015/00638 – Pentwyn Cottage, Penrhos – sundry alterations. Acceptable

DC/2015/00380 – Grange farm Upper House lane – new gravel access drive. Approved

DC/2015/00451 – Talycoed Court Lodge – discharge of conditions 5,8,9,&10 of permission DC/2012/00873. Approved

DC/2014/01112 – Old School Farmhouse, Llanvihangel – new 2 storey extension and garden room. Approved

DC/2015/00666 – Pont Gilbert Cottage, Llanvetherine – small amendments to DC/2013/00404 to increase length of outbuilding and slight site adjustment. Approved.

DC/2015/00180 – Park Farm – replace existing asbestos roof to lean-to etc with slate and replace conservatory. Approved.

Applications considered by the Council:

DC/2015/00656 – kitchen extension at Jubilee Cottage, Penrhos had been considered by Cllr Biggs and Clerk had reported there were no objections.

DC/2015/00631 – Yew Tree Cottage Wernrheolydd – planning permission application to demolish asbestos cement building and replace with oak framed car port and store of approx. same dimensions. Papers had been sent to Cllr Colin Phillips to consider.Clerk to contact Cllr Phillips following the meeting to receive any comments on the application.

DC/2015/00719 – 1 Tal y Coed Court – listed building consent for re-slating roof – Cllr ellaway had considered the plans and confirmed he had no comments or objections to raise.

DC/2015/00769 - Land at Great Llyvos Farm Cross Ash – construction of steel framed open fronted building to provide storage for machinery, fodder and wood. Papers were considered briefly at the meeting, but Cllr T Watkins took them to consider in more detail and consult with local residents before any response is given.

Clerk reported she had received notice today that 2 applications for Pentwyn Farm, Llanarth Road would be sent out shortly. Papers are to be forwarded to Cllr C Lewis and a site meeting arranged if deemed necessary as this was a substantial application and we may need to request that it is considered by the full Planning Committee.

Cllr Ellaway advised that the application for the proposed agricultural shed at the Onen would be going to full committee probably in August. Cllr Chris Lewis had agreed to speak at the meeting.


Cllr Ellaway had received a phone call from Andrew Welsh of MCC and a meeting would be taking place this Friday to look at the highways problems in the area.

Clerk to report the following:


18.3 Treadam Lane to Whitecastle – complaints received from walkers about the state of this road.

Verge cutting in our area has not been carried out in some places. Whitecastle road especially needs attention.

10. Financial matters


Mrs K Jordan - net salary to 12thJune(paid) £159.68

Mrs K Jordan –net salary & expenses to 12thJuly £ 212.47

HMRC – PAYE 1st Qtr payment (paid) £ 119.60

Resolved: the above payments were authorised.

Clerk had insured again with Aon at a cost of £268.53 as they had produced a cheaper quote than Zurich after Clerk advised we would be taking away our business.

Clerk requested that an invoice for £35 she had paid for repairs to her very old computer to speed it up could be reimbursed by the Council as the machine was only used for council business, PAYE returns. This was agreed and the cheque signed.

Clerk also raised the possibility of a new computer being purchased by the council to be used and owned exclusively by the council for council business only. It was agreed this would be sensible and it was suggested the clerk should contact MCC and perhaps also OVW to see whether they may be able to provide any help with this.

11. Any Other Business- None

Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 15th September 2015. Meeting closed 9.06 pm