Study Questions for Keneally's Schindler's List
Author's Note & Prologue (Due: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 DAY 2)
- Describe our initial encounter with the key setting and figures of the text. What impression do they create?
Chapters 1-3 (Due: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 Day 2)
- What appears to be Schindler's attitude toward his nationality, toward his ethnicity?
How does he seem to view the rise of Nationalism Socialism? - Early on, what does Itzhak Stern think of the Jews' situation (see 45)? How does he view Schindler at first?
- On page 46, Keneally says that Stern has an "ancestral gift." What does that mean and what are its implications?
- What does Keneally say about Schindler on the top of page 52? Purpose?
- Why does Keneally speculate about Pfefferberg's potential killing of Schindler on page 53?
Chapters 4-7 (Due: Tuesday, October 3, 2006 Day 7)
- How does Keneally explain Schindler's rationale for warning Stern about the upcoming Aktion?
- What was Hans Frank's view of the "Jewish problem"? What various policies were considered?
- What do the Einsatzgruppen do at Stara Boznica?
- Describe the "plausible reconstruction" of the party in Chapter 5. What views and attitudes are presented, and by whom?
- What does Keneally say about Schindler's business dealings in Chapter 6?
- What was Schindler's view of Frank's 1940 "evacuation" of Cracow?
- Why does Keneally include the anecdote about David and Leon C.?
- How is the Judenrat characterized at the end of Chapter 7?
Chapters 8-12 (Due: Tuesday, October 11, 2006 Day 3)
- What do we learn about the history of the Jews in Cracow and Poland in Chapter 8?
- What is Edith Liebgold's reaction to her encounter with Schindler? How is this dramatized by Keneally?
- What does the story of Schindler's trip back to Zwittau (and his interactions with his wife and father) add to our impression of him?
- What rationale does Keneally offer for Pfefferberg's decision to join the OD?
- What does Keneally emphasize about the OD and Spira's Political Section?
- What key event and change occurs at the end of Chapter 10?
- Why is Schindler arrested (the first time)? Do we sense that he is ever in any real peril?
- Why is Schindler arrested a second time? Describe his conversation with the SS officer in prison. How does Schindler secure his release?
Chapters 13-14 (Due: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 Day 2)
- What appears to be happening in the ghetto by 1942?
- What decision do the Rosners make?
- Who is Herr Szepessi and what happens to him?
- How is Bankier's rescue from the cattle cars dramatized?
- At this point, do Bankier and the other Jews seem aware of the fate from which they have spared? Does Schindler?
Chapter 15-16 (Due: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 Day 7)
- What has become clear with the onset of the June 1942 Aktion?
- How is the OD's brutality explained?
- How does Keneally choose to represent Schindler's experience of the Aktion?
- What conclusions does Schindler draw on page 130?
- Describe the "red Genia" scene, and Schindler's perceptions of it. What resolution does he appear to reach at the end? Is this credible?
- What revelation is made at the beginning of Chapter 16? What does Keneally say about its impact? What conclusion does Schindler draw from what he has seen in Krakusa Street?
- Discuss the comparison of Schindler and Wachtmeister Bosko (also see 218).
- What "style of resistance" do most, such as Artur Rosenzweig, employ?
Chapters 17-20 (Due: Wednesday, November 1, 2006 Day 6)
- Who are Sedlacek and Springmann? How and why have they sought out Schindler? How does Schindler react?
- Of what are we reminded toward the end of Chapter 17?
- Of what does Schindler inform Kastner and Springmann on his trip to Budapest, and what impact does this have on them?
- Describe Amon Goeth. Does Keneally make an attempt to provide any explanation for Goeth's temperament and behavior? For the fact that nothing "could embarrass the SS" (167)?
- Why does Goeth conclude, according to Keneally, that Schindler will resist his efforts?
- What happens to Diana Reiter? What do we learn about Goeth's apparent beliefs here?
- Keneally suggests that the majority of Goeth's being "lay beyond the normal rational processes of humans" (171). Do you find this characterization acceptable?
- What is Schindler's view of Goeth?
- How does Stern comfort Schindler?
- Discuss the clearing of the ghetto in March 1943.
Chapters 21-23 (Due: Wednesday, November 8, 2006 Day 4)
- How does Pfefferberg escape from the ghetto?
- Describe some of the features of life, and death, in Plaszow.
- What project does Schindler undertake?
- What term do we come across for the first time in the story in Chapter 22?
- Describe conditions at Emalia (DEF).
- Why is Rabbi Levartov brought to Emalia, and what does Schindler's treatment of him suggest about Schindler's view of Jews?
Chapters 24-26 (Due: Tuesday, November 16, 2006 Day 9)
- By the summer of 1943, what has begun to arise among the population at Emalia?
- What lesson do we draw from the differing fates of Lamus, the Danziger brothers, and Krautwirt?
- What comment does Keneally make about the gallows?
- Comment on the comparison of Schindler and Wachtmeister Bosko.
- How does Schindler attempt to restrain Goeth and what impact does it have?
- What is the "divine irony" referred to on page 224?
- What does Keneally emphasize about Schindler's financial practices in Chapter 25?
- Who was Raimond Titsch, and what did he leave behind?
- Discuss Keneally's consideration of Schindler as a mythic figure on page 232.
- What happens to Plaszow in January 1944, and what are the implications?
Chapters 27-29 (Due: Tuesday, November 23, 2006 Day 7)
- What do we begin to see by the spring of 1944, and in what ways does this directly affect Plaszow?
- What do we learn about the former ghetto leaders?
- What is the Gesundheitaktion in Chapter 28?
- How does Schindler react to the attempted assassination of Hitler?
- How does Keneally comment on Schindler's attitude and behavior in the cattle-car scene?
- Whom does Goeth purge from the camps and how?
Chapters 30-32 (Due: Friday, December 1, 2006 Day 6)
- What is the Nazi's plan for Schindler's factory and the Jews of Plaszow?
How does he react? The Jews? - What parallel does Keneally refer to regarding Schindler's wager for Helen Hirsch?
- How does Keneally assess Schindler's motives for establishing a new factory?
- What are some of the obstacles he faces in setting a new factory in Brinnlitz, and how are these overcome?
- How was the list prepared? Who controlled it? How did one get on it?
Chapters 33-35 (Due: Friday, December 8 Day 4)
- How does Keneally assess the complaints of those who were left off the list?
- Describe the experiences of the women at Auschwitz?
- Why is Schindler arrested for a third time, and how does he obtain his release?
- How does Schindler arrange for the release of the women from Auschwitz?
- What happens to many of the children at Brinnlitz, and their parents?
- What does Schindler's wife do upon the arrival of the women from Auschwitz?
- How is life at Brinnlitz characterized (see, e.g., pages 337 and 340)?
- What "dangerous policy" are Schindler and the Jews undertaking at Brinnlitz?
How do they get away with it? - What is the irony about the way in which Schindler develops an arsenal from weapons obtained largely through Otto Rasch?
Chapters 36-38 (Due: Friday, December 15 Day 2)
- From what do Schindler and Sussmuth suffer?
- With whom is Schindler compared on page 350? Why does Keneally refer to him as a "minor god"?
- Why does Schindler decide that Liepold must be replaced, and how does accomplish this?
- Whom does Schindler now fear and why?
- Describe Schindler's May 8 speech.
- What happens to the camp, and the prisoners, at the end of the war?
- How does Keneally assess the execution of the kapo?
- What does the Russian liberator of the camp advise them on page 383?
- Describe Schindler's journey upon leaving Brinnlitz. How is he eventually captured?
Epilogue (Due: Monday, December 18, 2006 Day 3)
- What are the main features of Schindler's post-WWII life?
General Questions (Due: Monday, December 18, 2006 Day 3)
- How does Keneally present and characterize Oskar Schindler?
Where and how does he explain and assess his behavior and motives? - What "novelistic" devices and techniques does Keneally use (see Author's Note comments)?
Consider plot, point of view, setting, characterization, dialogue, and so on. - How does Keneally treat the progression of the Jews' experience in Poland?
- How is Plaszow represented in the novel? What are daily conditions like and how are they represented?
- How are the victims of the Nazis presented? What kinds of people do we encounter? How are they characterized?
- How are non-Jews presented (and consider the differences, if any, between German and non-German, between Nazi and non-Nazi)?
- How does Keneally treat history (the history of the Jews, and European Jews in particular, of Germany, of the 20th century, etc.)?
- How does Keneally represent the varying degrees of violence against the Jews, ranging from anti-Semitic abuse, to the clearing of the ghetto, to individual executions, to the processes of extermination?
- To what extent in the novel do we get an overall picture of the Shoah?
- To what extent does Keneally analyze the behavior of those working for the Nazis (including complicitous Jews, non-Jewish Poles, Nazi soldiers and guards, SS officers, and various key figures of the Nazi leadership)?
- Keneally's text was initially titled Schindler's Ark. What do we make of the change of the title?
- In the end, what do we take away from Keneally's text?