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Voyce Pullin

Auctioneers, Valuers
& Rural Surveyors


TUESDAY, 20th MARCH 2007


10.30 am – Auctioneer: Jon Pullin

A reasonable entry of calves met a flying trade with plenty of buyers looking to secure from a short entry.

Friesian – Four sold to a top of £50 for R T & E B Townsend all sold £20 upwards.

Native Breeds – Angus bulls topped at £96 for B Gough & Sons. A run of Angus cross Bulls from M/s S Aldridge sold well at £50-£82. Hereford heifers topped at £80 for R J Prout, Angus heifers to £45 again for S Aldridge.

Continentals - A superb trade for best bulls today, Charolais’s topped at £260 for R A Williams & Son, Simmentals made £250 for R L Hares & Son and £228 for R B Bateman Smith Ltd. Limousin topped at £220 for Anton Smith who sold a run of Limousin bulls £175 - £220. J W Cook sold Limousin at £202. Blues topped at £238 for R T & E B Townsend, £221 and £167 for Tony Little.

A tremendous heifer trade saw Simmentals top at £188 for R L Hares & Sons, Alveston, £134 also from R L Hares & Sons, £143 for R B Bateman Smith Ltd, Limousin heifers sold twice at £148 for Anton Smith, Blue heifers topped at £166 for Tony Little. £140 for L J Scott & Son. Shorthorn heifers from Mr S Aldridge made £73 - £88.

36 Weaned Calves – Super entry, excellent trade. A run of good quality British Friesians (August 06) from E G & M Price made £140-£164. Their Limousin steers of a similar age topped at £292 with smaller sorts well sold at £265. The heifers at £228.

Belgian Blue steers sold at £290, a run of late Autumn heifers at £200.

Messrs A D & C D Stevens from Tytherton Lucas consigned a strong group of Angus cross Red calves (hfrs) selling at £178 per head.


Vendors please remember that next weeks sale is the last opportunity to sell weaned calves (42 days plus) prior to the new movement testing regulations which is enforced with effect from 1st March 2007.

With effect from 1st April 2007 no calves can be sold on a temporary passport. Entries of weaned calves needed and in strong demand.


11.30 am - Auctioneer: Arthur White & Chris Voyce

20 Cows & Calves/Bull – Another good trade. Hereford Cows and Calves from Charles Blaken sold to £620 (Hereford Cow 01) and steer calf (Jan 07). Charolais £600 (twice) and with Hereford heifer calves (Feb 02) to £570.

7 Young Feeding Cows sold to £468 (94p). A Hereford pure bred bull £455 (April 05).

602 Store Cattle – an entry of generally lesser quality cattle sold well. No dearer on the week, but still keenly bid for. Several good consignments forward. 60 Charolais from David Whitcombe & Family sold to £438 (130p) for steers and £380 (112p) for heifers.

26 Charolais from Alfie Brind & Sons sold to £685 (102p), £612 (110p), £612 (109p), £622 (116p), £602 (114p). The 26 averaged £602.

19 from Shirley Noble sold to £445 (92p) for Friesian steers £462 (108p) for Angus heifers £570 (126p) for Belgian Blue heifers and £530 (113p) for Blonde heifers.

David Taylor again consigned cattle from Reading selling to £522 (119p) for Charolais heifers, £590 (125p) for Angus steers from David Lewis sold 24 strong steers and heifers selling to £690 (115p) for Limousin steers £655 (113p) for Belgian Blue steers and £658 (110p) for Charolais heifers.

Peter Greenhill sold 25 Angus steers and heifers with steers to £595 (121p) and heifers £465 (107p).

David Collingbourne also had 25 cattle forward with his Simmental steers to £545 (108p) and Simmental heifers £485 (106p).

Miss Betty Chiswell again saw her cattle attract very keen bidding for Belgian Blue steers topping at £765 (112p) with others £728 (114p).

All heifers averaged £446 and steers £487. The overall average was £468 – remarkable having regard to the larger number of second quality cattle forward. On the day younger cattle in spite of the colder weather were dearer following the high prices of young calves.

Outliers at a premium but in short supply.

Friesian Steer – Most definitely wanted at all ages. Top £535 for R A Williams with others £445. S A Noble £438 J Branston and £360 A F & A G Slatter.

Hereford Steers – If with named sires extremely strong demand. Top £658 for D & E Clark, £645 for David Meredith £598 for John Taylor, £580 for N J & S Doel £560 for A Acreman £515 for L B Cook.

Charolais Steers – Again Charolais steers at a premium. Top £642 for David Lewis, £620 for Tom Sheppard £545 for Messrs Righton.

Simmental Steers – Marsden Farms topped the sale at £670 with Mr Yeatmans four steers at £650. Andrew Lloyd’s steers made £648 (125p).

Limousin Steers – £690 was top price from David Lewis with D & E Clark’s mostly £660. E G Gilder £622 (133p). John Spencer younger steers (11 months) made £490 (145p).

Blonde Steers – Again keenly contested top £600 from Tom Sheppard. Kevin Hall’s young bulls made £295 (148p).

Belgian Blue steers – A good show sold to £765 from Betty Chiswell, £660 (129p) from Greg Dancer, £480 (125p) for J Wrench.

Shorthorn Steers £425 (160p) from Chris Hill and £382 (97p) for J P & M J Ravenhill.

Angus Steers – A great demand top £728 from Mrs D Bailey £680 for Marsden Farms £618 (130p) from L B Cook and £600 (120p) from A D McIntosh £595 (114p), E J Greenhill £590 (123p), D Taylor.

Heifers – Super Trade Throughout.

Hereford Top - £488 for N J Doel, £460 for R G Aldridge, £445 for Mrs S Noble, £395 for B Hillier.

Charolais – Top £665 for Bumble Brind with a wonderful demand for his heifers for third week running, £642 Tom Sheppard £600 D Lewis and £530 (105p) William Restorick.

Belgian Blue – A pair of lovely heifers from Mrs S Noble made £570 (128p) and four for Gibson Bros made £508 (113p).

Angus heifers - £585 was top from A G Brind with Simon Madge having two bunches at £560 (109p) and £520 (116p).

Younger Angus heifers £410 from D Taylor. Gelbvieh heifers £315 (110p) for H Pollett, Devon £305 (110p) for H Pollett.

Entries for coming week to Chris Voyce 01291 680068, Jon Pullin 01454 269486, Ben Baggott 07894 214150 or Arthur White 01453 832080.



10.00 am – Auctioneer: Chris Voyce

Overall Average – 115.9p/kg

A reasonable entry sold to a firmer trade with the handy weights 120 – 130p/kg topping 132.8p/kg £50.50 for 38kg from Mr C Benson.

Medium weight hoggs traded around £4 - £5 over their weights with the heavy hoggs the hardest trade selling between £54 - £56 topping at £57.20 for 48kg from Mr T Ogden.

Kgs / Vendor / £ / p/kg
38 / C Benson / 50.50 / 132.8
39 / S Hazell / 50.00 / 128.2
40.5 / R Poyner / 51.00 / 125.9
41.5 / D E Clark & Sons / 51.00 / 122.8
44.5 / B J Ford & Sons / 51.80 / 116.4
46.5 / B & L Simpson / 54.00 / 116.1
48 / T Ogden / 57.20 / 119.1


10.00 am – Auctioneer: Chris Voyce

Overall Average - £41.39

Mostly strong ewes on offer sold to a very good trade with the best Suffolk & Continental x ewes £50 - £58 topping at £59. Half meated ewes well sold between £35 - £40 with the plainer and small ewes £22 - £25



Auctioneer: Chris Voyce

Store hoggetts sold to a good trade following on from the buoyant fat trade. The stronger sorts sold between £44 - £50 with the medium stores £35 - £40. Overall average £40.74.

9 ewes with 15 young lambs sold to £71 from Mr D Holpin.


10.45 am – Auctioneer: Chris Voyce

Average: Steers 107.2 pkg, Heifers 101.8 pkg

A shorter entry sold to a firmer trade ahead of many other local centres. The best Continental cattle traded over 120p/kg topping at 135p/kg for Limousin bulls from Mr M Potter.

The commercial cattle traded between 108 – 115p/kg with the Native breeds to 117.5p/kg for an Aberdeen Angus steer from M/s G J Hook & Son.

The lesser cattle were less in number selling between 85 – 95p/kg

Steers / Bulls / Heifers
Limousin / 135.0 / M Potter / 124.0 / B J Ford & Son
Charolais / 115.5 / M Hughes / 115.0 / H Whitcombe
Simmental / 120.5 / L & M Smith
Angus / 117.5 / G Hook & Son / 93.5 / G Hook & Son
Belgian Blue / 113.5 / A Basson
Hereford / 114.0 / B J Ford / 88.5 / B J Ford & Son
Friesian / 105.0 / A Basson


Due to a change in DEFRA policy we are unable to sell TB restricted cattle on the same day as our exempt cattle.

We are working to overcome this and hope to be operating again soon to help farmers affected with TB.


11.30 am - Auctioneer: Jon Pullin

Cow numbers remain short with trade fairly strong. The best Friesian cows traded over 65p/kg topping at 83p/kg from Mr D Gantlett.

The half-meated and feeding cows traded between 50 – 60p/kg with the plainer cows 35 – 40p/kg. Overall average 59.5p/kg


To obtain maximise prices on your cattle, please supply details of Pedigree Sires in full, for Hereford and Angus cattle, just ear tag numbers or “named sire” is insufficient and will not be announced as having a sire name.

Voyce Pullin Markets Ltd

Cirencester Market (Weekly – Tuesday & Thursday) – Tel: 01285 869911 Fax: 01285 869333
Lydney Office: 01291 680068 Falfield Office: 01454 269486