Presiding: Cllr J. Reilly

Members present: Cllrs. P. Brennan, C. Ni Shluain, F Deane, S. Cassells, P. Fitzsimons, & J.Holloway

Apologieswere received from Cllr S. Jamal and Cllr A. McCabe for their inability to attend.

Officials present: Mr. Larry Whelan, A/Town Manager

Mr. Shane Donnelly, Town Clerk

Mr. John Gilsenan, A/Town Engineer

Mr. Seán Clarke, A/Senior Staff Officer

Votes of Sympathy:

A vote of sympathy was passed by the Members and Executive of Navan Town Council to the family of the lateBernadette Clerkin following their recent bereavement.

A vote of sympathy was passed by the Members and the Executive of Navan Town Council to the family of the late Josh Elliott.

1.0Confirmation of Minutes

(a)Confirmation of Minutes of the September Monthly Meeting of Navan Town Council held on 6th September, 2011 at 7pm in the Town Council Chamber, Townhall, Watergate St, Navan, Co Meath.

The Minutes of the September Monthly Meeting of Navan Town Council held on the 6th September 2011 at 7pmin the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, Co Meath were adopted on the proposal of Cllr F Deane, seconded by Cllr P Fitzsimons

2.0Correspondence and Reports

Department of Health

The Members received and noted correspondence from the Department of Health in response to the Council’s letter to the Minister concerning the proposed location of the NationalPaediatricHospital.

Meath Diocesan Congress Committee

The Members received and noted a request from the Meath Diocesan Congress Committee with regards to the planned congress for Navan from 14th to 16th October and in particular a request to make the Fairgreen, Brews Hill and Meath Co Council carparks available to the 3000 delegates expected.

Each of the Members agreed that this was a very worthy cause and should be supported in any way possible.

On the proposal of Cllr S Cassells, seconded by Cllr J Holloway it was resolved by the Members to make the requested car parks available on the dates in question.

Herbert Place Residents Association

The Members noted correspondence fromHerbert Place Residents Association and their request for financial assistance towards grass cutting.

On the proposal of Cllr. J. Reilly, seconded by Cllr. J. Holloway, it was resolved by the Members to make a contribution of €250 towards the costs.

Navan Male Voice Choir

The Members noted correspondence fromNavan Male Voice Choir who wished to convey their gratitude for the contribution of €300 made by Navan Town Council.

3.0 To receive an update on projects/initiatives being carried out in Navan.

The Members received and noted an update report in respect of the following projects/initiatives being carried out in Navan:

Housing Update

Townspark Remedial Works:

The Members received and noted a written status report in respect of the Townspark Remedial Work Scheme which was delivered to them by the Town Clerk.

Each of the Members welcomed the report and thanked the Town Manager and Housing Staff for all their efforts in relation to same.

The Town Manager confirmed that it was expected that the contractor will be on site on the 17th October.

Flowerhill Crescent Flatlets –

The Members welcomed the report on the Planned Housing Maintenance Scheme proposed for the Flatlets at Flowerhill Crescent and in particular the provision of various security initiatives to improve the quality of life of the elderly residents.

Market Square & Watergate St Regeneration/ Enhancement Project

Works Completed – April 2011.

Metges Lane

The Members received and noted a report on the Metges Lane Phase 1 works and requested that the Council ensure that they fully engage with and keep the various businesses informed of how the works are progressing.

The Members also received a progress report in respect of the following matters:

  • NavanTownPark
  • Educational & Special Needs Play Area – Andy Brennan Park
  • Points of Pride Walking Tour
  • Marketing Action Plan – Navan
  • Lighting of the Via-Duct
  • Festive Lighting Tender
  • Navan Paint Scheme

In respect of the Paint Scheme, the Town Clerk advised the Members that they had received a number of requests from businesses to extend the paint scheme to other area’s of the Town.

The Town Clerk further advised that provision had been made by the Members as part of the overall Retail Strategy Budget and there was a small amount of funding remaining.

On the proposal of Cllr J Reilly, seconded by Cllr F Deane it was resolved by the Members to extend the Scheme this year with the limited funding remaining and to make provision in the 2012 budget to continue the Scheme.

4.0To receive an update on issues raised by the Members at the previous Town Council Meeting

The Members received the following updates on issues raised at previous Town Council Meetings:

Swan Lane

A report is being completed in respect of same and shall be presented to the Members once all the necessary information has been collated.

Oakleigh Estate

Following an update given to the Members at the October Monthly Meeting, Initial inspections have taken place in respect of the following:

  • Roads and Footpaths
  • Road Gullies
  • Marker Plates
  • Fire Hydrants
  • Green Area’s
  • Signage

Further inspections in relation to the above aspects are scheduled to be carried out in the coming week.

These inspections will also include the examination of the following:

  • Sewerage Chambers
  • Storm Water Chambers

Contact has been made with the developer in respect of the submission of the Taking in Charge package ie (As-constructed drawings/CCTV surveys etc) which are essential to progressing the Taking in charge process.

In relation to the area highlighted by the Members at the October Monthly Meeting, a report is being finalised in respect of same.

Erection of Bollards along Leighsbrook Lane and Wall at St Benildus Villas

The Members received and noted the following report.

  • Bollards have been ordered and shall be erected on delivery.

Following a discussion on the overall report, each of the Members welcomed the report as presented.

5.0Notice of Question

5.1Notice of Question – Cllr Joe Reilly

Will the Manager provide a progress report on any proposed works to be carried out on senior citizens flatlets and or houses this year in NTC area?

  • The Members were referred to the report outlined under Item 3 above.

5.2Notice of Question – Cllr Francis Deane

What is the proposed completion date for repairs to be carried out at the junction of Londis / Centra at Abbeylands?

The Members received and noted the following response:

  • These works will be carried before the end of the year.

5.3Notice of Question – Cllr Padraig Fitzsimons

What is the position regarding the upkeep of Kennedy Place?

The Members received and noted the following response:

  • An inspection has been carried out on Kennedy Place recently, a number of works have been identified that require attention, in particular to the paving and the Council are arranging for the works.

5.4Notice of Question – Cllr Shane Cassells

Can the Manager inform the members what is the up to date position regarding

(a) the taking in charge of Blackcastle Lodge estate and

(b) the programme for the replacement of a series of bulbs in the public lights in the estate which have been out of order for over sixmonths now.

The Members received and noted the following response from the Town Manager:

(a)Taking in Charge of Blackcastle Lodge :

A visual inspection has been carried out of the following

  • Green Area’s
  • Signage
  • Roads and Footpaths
  • Road Gullies

Further inspections are ongoing at present and will also include an examination of the following:

  • Sewerage Chambers
  • Storm Water Chambers
  • Marker Plates
  • Fire Hydrants

A further update will be given to the Members at the November Meeting of Navan Town Council.

(b)Public lighting

The public lighting in Blackcastle Lodge has not been taken in charge by Navan Town Council. A site survey has been carried out of the public lighting and the Council are in the process of referring the outstanding works identified to the developer.

This being the case the developer is still responsible for the maintenance of the public lighting.

6.0Notice of Motion

6.1Notice of Motion – Cllr Phil Brennan

“I call on this Council to address, without delay, the condition of the Bus Shelter located off the Proudstown Rd”.

This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr P Brennan and seconded by Cllr F Deane.

The Members received and noted the following written response which was delivered to them by the Town Clerk.

  • This matter was raised previously by the Members and a site survey was carried out at the time and referred to the supplier to provide a costing and programme of works.
  • A reminder has been sent to the supplier in respect of the bus shelter in question and the Council are currently awaiting a costing and programme of works in relation to the repair/replacement of same

The Town Engineer informed the Members that a costing had been provided in respect of the works and he would arrange for same to be carried out as soon as possible.

6.2Notice of Motion – Cllr Francis Deane

The present Government has provided funding for unfinished estates. I call on Navan Town Council to write a letter to Mr. Willie Penrose, T.D. Minister of State, Department of Environment , Community and Local Government with responsibility for Housing and Planning, requesting funding to be allocated for the completion of Cois na Claisin, Johnstown. On this eight acre unfinished development, fifteen residences are occupied in a two acre area. The occupants of these fifteen houses are demanding that the unfinished area of their estate be fenced off for health and safety reasons.

This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr F Deane and seconded by Cllr C Ni Shluain

Following a discussion on the matter it was agreed by the Members that the Town Clerk would seek an update in respect of the development from the Planning Department

6.3Notice of Motion – Cllr Francis Deane

I call on NavanTown Council to write to the builders who developed the Spire View Lawn, Millbrook and Boyne View Estates, requesting that ramps be installed in the interest of health and safety of their residents, many of whom are young children.

This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr F Deane and seconded by Cllr P. Fitzsimons.

It was agreed that the Town Engineer would investigate the matter with the Planning Enforcement Department and revert to the Members with a response.

6.4Notice of Motion – Cllr Joe Reilly

While major improvements have taken place in replacing doors and windows in a number of council estates, there remains the need for extensive works to be carried out in both the Reask and Woodview Estates. Therefore Navan Town Council calls on Meath Co Council to make the case for such works to the Department of Environment and Local Government and to provide a progress report to NavanTown Council.

This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr J Reilly and seconded by Cllr F Deane.

The Members received and noted the following written response which was delivered to them by the Town Clerk.

The Housing Department in Meath County Council have recently carried out house condition surveys in a number of estates in Navan and other towns and villages throughout the County and with a particular focus on the condition of Windows and Doors. The information gathered from this survey is being used to prioritise a windows and doors replacement programme and involving the selection of one estate per Electoral Area in the County as it is considered that this approach represents better economy of scale and is more efficient in the long run. Notwithstanding this approach the Council will examine requests for replacement of windows or doors on an individual basis within other estates where clearly an urgent situation exists.

The Housing department are proposing a replacement programme for St Oliver’s Cottages Blackcastle as part of the first tranche of houses in the Navan Electoral Area and consideration will be given thereafter to replacement programmes in Reask , Woodview or other estates in Navan and subject of course to the availability of funding.

At present there is no Department funded scheme for replacement of windows and doors and such funding has to come from the Councils Internal Capital Receipts which are the proceeds of the sales of Local Authority Houses however as the Members may be aware this funding stream has reduced drastically in recent years due to difficulties in tenants obtaining mortgages to purchase their houses.

Meath County Council were allocated a sum of €470,000 for 2011 under the Departments Energy Efficiency Scheme, a scheme which seeks to secure significant improvements in the Building Energy Rating of houses in the Councils stock, and based on a hierarchy of achievements with most funding given for short term payback measures such as attic insulation, improved heating controls etc, and little if any, funding for long-term payback measures which includes replacement of windows and doors.

6.5Notice of Motion – Cllr Jim Holloway

Navan Town Council will, in the interest of sustainable transport, provide a Bus Set-Down at Beaufort House, Baile an Mota, Navan.

This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr J Holloway and seconded by Cllr S Cassells

The Members noted the following written response which was delivered to them by the Town Clerk.

  • This matter has been referred to the Sustainable Transportation Section for their attention.

The Town Clerk also agreed to examine the conditions of planning in respect of the development.

6.6Notice of Motion – Cllr Jim Holloway

Considering the serious situation pertaining at Blackcastle Lodge, which estate has not been taken in charge, but where there are so many public lights no longer working effectively causing large areas of this residential area to be in complete darkness, Navan Town Council will take measures tohave restored public lighting in this area.

This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr J Holloway and seconded by Cllr S Cassells.

Following a discussion on the matter, it was agreed to allow the Town Manager time to investigate the issues in order to seek a resolution for the residents

6.7Notice of Motion – Cllr Caoimhe Ni Shluain

Inthe interest of the safety of the children and the residents of the Tailteann estate, Navan Town Council gives an undertaking to construct speed ramps along Tailteann Drive from the Aura Leisure Link to the Dunloe estate.

This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr C Ni Shluain and seconded by Cllr

  • With the approval of the Members, this request will be included as part of the compilation of the Draft Roadworks Programme 2012.

6.8Notice of Motion – Cllr Shane Cassells

That Navan Town Council uncover the water fountain located at the bottom of the bridge on Academy Street which has been blocked up for many years now. As part of our ongoing impressive installation of public art throughout the town this is an important piece of Navan history that should be on display. I would request that the water quality be tested on same to see if it is fit for public consumption and if not that it be covered over with decorative glass and illuminated so that people can view this piece of Navan history rather than have it blocked up.

  • This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr S Cassells and seconded by Cllr P Fitzsimons.

Each of the Members supported the Notice of Motion and requested that the Council commence the process as soon as possible.

8.0Any Other Business

  • The recent issue that occurred in the vicinity of St. Stephen’s School needs to be discussed at the Navan Joint Policing Committee.
  • Clamping of vehicles of vehicles at various locations around the Town needs to be examined ( e.g. Aylesbury Lodge )
  • In the interests of safety, the issue of pony trapping at various locations around the Town needs to be examined.
  • The footpath on the new bridge coming from Supervalu needs to be examined in respect of providing a left turning lane.
  • The Council should commence the Schools Twinning Programme as a matter of urgency with our Twinned Towns of Broccostella and Bobbio.


Signed: ______


Signed: ______

Town Clerk

Date: ______

Minutes 041011Page 1 of 11

Navan Town Council, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, County Meath

Telephone: 046 9029078, Fax: 046 9028497, web: Email: