Professional Development Calendar April 2018

April 2018
1 and ongoing / Teachers, school staff / Asthma Foundation: Asthma First Aid for Schools
This free online training course will address asthma and its management within the school environment. This one-hour training course will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need
to address an asthma emergency. Participants will receive a certificate on completion valid for three years. For more information contact Elizabeth Early, Asthma Foundation on 3252 7677 or visit
the Asthma Online website and select the link Asthma for School Staff. / Online course
1 / Business Managers, Aspiring Business Managers / Leadership and Capability: Business Manager Study Grants program
Business Manager Study Grants program provides funding for Business Managers and aspiring Business Managers to complete a Diploma of Leadership and Management (BSB51915) or a Diploma of Business (BSB50215) through TAFE Queensland. Applications for this professional development opportunity will open from Monday 26 March and close on Friday 27 April 2018. For more information including how to apply, please contact theLeadership and Capability team or visit the Professional Development website. / Brisbane
4 / Literacy Educators / Australian Literacy Educators’ Association (ALEA) Meanjin:
Leaping into Literacy & Differentiated Pedagogies and Assessment
This event will involve a discussion about setting up your literacy classroom with Rebecca Trimbole-Roles. For more information contact ALEAon 1800 248 379 or visit their website. / Griffith University, Logan Campus
(9am – 3:30pm)
4 / AO8-Senior Officers / Department of Education: Senior Officer Leadership Development Initiative (Behavioural economics: psychological insights into human behaviour)
The Senior Officer Leadership Development Initiative offers a range of part-funded leadership development opportunities for AO8 and Senior Officers, and invites recipients to partner with Leadership and Capability to provide feedback and advice on future leadership capability development strategies. To register, visit the website. For further information, please contact Leadership and Capabilityor phone on (07) 3513 6528. / QUT, Brisbane
4 April
or 22 May
or 21 June / AO8-Senior Officers / Department of Education: Senior Officer Leadership Development Initiative
(Buildingteam performance)
The Senior Officer Leadership Development Initiative offers a range of part-funded leadership development opportunities for AO8 and Senior Officers, and invites recipients to partner with Leadership and Capability to provide feedback and advice on future leadership capability development strategies. To register, visit the website. For further information, please contact Leadership and Capabilityor phone on (07) 3513 6528. / AIM Campus,
P1: 5-6 & 27 April
P2: 19-20 April & 11 May
P3: 3-4 & 25 May
P4: 6-7 & 29 June / Current and aspiring team leaders / Department of Education: People Matters program
The People Matters Program provides current and aspiring team leaders with the practical
skills and confidence to effectively manage people, performance and change in the workplace.
The program is offered to school support, regional and corporate employees in administrative officer roles (typically AO6-AO8) and will be delivered by the Australian Institute of Management (AIM). It aims to help you increase innovation, productivity and the performance of your team, while improving workplace engagement and diversity. To register, visit the web page. For further information, please contact Leadership and Capability or phone on (07) 3055 2854. / AIM Education & Training
Level 16, 40 Creek Street, Brisbane
9-12 / Teachers / National Outdoor Education Conference (NOEC) 2018: Wisdom of the Past –
Exploring the Future
Conference delegates will be invited to examine and engage with historical foundations
of long-held traditions of outdoor education, such as nature, risk, adventure, skill development
and social and interpersonal development. More contemporary constructs of outdoor education
will also be presented and interrogated, including local place-based education, environmental education, sustainability education and social justice. For more information contact the conference managers on (03) 6231 2999 or visit the conference website. / Hotel Grand Chancellor, Hobart
10-12 April
or 15-17 May
or 19-21 June / AO8-Senior Officers / Department of Education: Senior Officer Leadership Development Initiative (Manage
people effectively)
The Senior Officer Leadership Development Initiative offers a range of part-funded leadership development opportunities for AO8 and Senior Officers, and invites recipients to partner with Leadership and Capability to provide feedback and advice on future leadership capability development strategies. To register, visit the website. For further information, please contact Leadership and Capabilityor phone on (07) 3513 6528. / AIM Campus,
11 / Principals / Principals Australia Institute: Principal Wellbeing QLD
This workshop will address current health and wellbeing issues for principals and allow principals
to take time to reflect. The workshop provides a quality, evidence-based approach to achieving a resilient mindset and developing problem-solving strategies particularly targeted at principal health and wellbeing. For more information, contact the Principals Australia Institute on (08) 8294 2100
or visit their website. / Brisbane
(9am – 4pm)
11-13 / Teachers, Educators / Flying Arts Alliance: Residency: Artiz for Educators – Innovation at The Edge
Join us at The Edge, State Library of Queensland for this unique residential professional development opportunity! Explore areas of cutting-edge artistic practice blending art, science
and technology. Learn about innovative materials, and experiment with ground-breaking approaches to art making. Participants will take a guided tour of The Edge, State Library of Queensland before delving into an exciting program of workshops and activities exploring digital design and making, interactive installation, 3D printing, laser cutting and more. For more information contact Flying Arts Alliance on (07) 3216 1322 or visit their website. / The Edge, State Library
of Queensland, Brisbane
12 / Principals, school leaders / Principals Australia Institute: Leadership Coaching QLD
This professional learning opportunity to develop coaching skills will be delivered by certified professional coaches with extensive executive and corporate experience. This workshop is content rich in critical coaching skills, and is founded on International Coach Federation core competencies.
For more information, contact the Principals Australia Institute on (08) 8294 2100 or visit
their website. / Brisbane
(9am – 4pm)
14 / Teachers, Educators / Oral History Queensland Inc. Oral History Basics Workshop
Oral History Queensland is running a workshop which covers the basics in recording oral histories including interviewing techniques, ethics, transcribing. The workshop will be run by Lesley Jenkins, a very experienced oral historian, Churchill Fellow and Life Member of Oral History Queensland. This is a “hands-on” workshop which will provide practical experience.
For more information, contact Suzanne Mulliganon (07) 3376 1865. / Wynnum Library,
16 / Teachers / Queensland Association of State School Principals (QASSP): Developing an Effective Writing Program by Sheena Cameron and Louise Dempsey
In this practical workshop, Sheena and Louise review the components of a balanced and engaging writing program at emergent, early and fluent levels. A suggested lesson sequence is suggested, to motivate and scaffold writers through the writing process, and allow time for self and partner reflection. For more information, contact the QASSP on (07) 3852 3411 or visit their website. / Mantra Twin Towns – Coolangatta, Tweed Heads
16 / Teachers / High Resolve: The Future of Global Citizenship Education: New Approaches & Resources
This professional development workshop for teachers will share key insights on the future of global citizenship education, including example strategies for achieving critical learning outcomes in the areas of: collective identity; independent thinking; social justice; digital citizenship. To register,
visit the website. For further information, please contact High Resolves on 02 9322 3093. / Brisbane CBD
(9 - 3:00pm)
17 / SAP users / SAP Training: SAP Getting Started
The purpose of this training is to provide SAP users with the knowledge and skills to effectively navigate the DET SAP Portal and SAP. Instructor-led training is provided for this course. This course is a pre-requisite for all other courses. For more information contact Financial Business Systems on (07) 3034 6166 or visit OnePortal. / (8:45am, Half Day)
17 / SAP users / SAP Training: BI Basics
The purpose of this training is to provide SAP users with the knowledge and skills to utilise
BI for enhanced reporting. Instructor-led training is provided for this course. The course will cover running and manipulating a BI report, exceptions and conditions and sending, printing and exporting a BI report. For more information contact Financial Business Systems
on (07) 3034 6166 or visit OnePortal. / (1pm, Half Day)
17 / Teachers, Teacher Aides, Therapists / OneChannel: Clicker 7 P1 – Intro & Doc support
The latest version of Clicker provides many tools to support literacy and the curriculum. This four part series will explore Clicker 7 and the Clicker series of iPad apps, identifying how the software can enhance curriculum support for students. For more information, contact OneChannel
on (07) 3034 5130 or visit their website. / Web Conference
(8 – 8:30am)
17 / All Teaching staff / Australian Teacher Aide: ADHD/ASD – The Game Plan
ATA guest presenter, Sue Suchocki, uses a unique approach to help educators and families
support children, teens and adults with ADHD and ASD.
During this webinar, using the analogy of a soccer game, you will meet the players from
the ADHD and ASD (Asperger’s) team in the world soccer league, identified by their individual profiles.Learn what differs and what each team has in common; understand how the players read the game plan; and determine strategies that help the players to reach their goals in the classroom.For more information contact Australian Teacher Aideor to register, visit their website. / Webinar
(4:15pm QLD time)
18 / SAP users / SAP Training: SAP Reporting & Enquiries
The purpose of this training is to provide SAP users with the knowledge and skills to make enquiries and run reports in SAP. Instructor-led training is provided for this course. The course will cover document display, general reporting hints and features, financial delegation reporting and cost controlling, internal order, accounts payable and receivable, general ledger, procurement, asset and project reports. For more information contact Financial Business Systems
on (07) 3034 6166 or visit OnePortal. / (8:45am, Half Day)
18 / Teachers / High Resolve: The Future of Leadership Education: Personal & Social Capabilities
This workshop will share key insights on the future of global leadership education, including example strategies for achieving personal and social capabilities in the areas of: personal impact; collective action; effective collaboration; conflict resolution. To register, visit the website. For further information, please contact High Resolves on 02 9322 3093. / Brisbane CBD
(9 - 3:00pm)
18-19 / AO8-Senior Officers / Department of Education: Senior Officer Leadership Development Initiative (Designing strategy for results)
The Senior Officer Leadership Development Initiative offers a range of part-funded leadership development opportunities for AO8 and Senior Officers, and invites recipients to partner with Leadership and Capability to provide feedback and advice on future leadership capability development strategies. To register, visit the website. For further information, please contact Leadership and Capability or phone on (07) 3513 6528. / UQ Business School,
Brisbane CBD
19 / Teachers, Teacher Aides, Therapists / OneChannel: Inclusive Tools in Windows 10 Part 1
Microsoft Windows 10 is the latest operating system for Windows based Managed Operating Environment (MOE) computers, bringing with it a suite of inclusive tools, applications and settings. This is the first of two sessions that will explore a number of these options and identify how they can be used to support inclusive learning and allow students to engage more effectively with their curriculum. For more information, contact OneChannelon (07) 3034 5130 or visit their website. / Web Conference
(8 – 8:30am)
19 / Teachers / Epilepsy Queensland: Understanding Epilepsy and the Midazolam Administration Workshop
The topics that will be covered in the workshop will be; introduction to epilepsy, recognising
the types of seizures, seizure management, minimising triggers, first aid and emergency situations, intranasal and buccal midazolam administration. For more information, contact Epilepsy Queensland on (07) 3435 5000 or visit their website. / Epilepsy Queensland, Woolloongabba
19 / AO8-Senior Officers / Department of Education: Senior Officer Leadership Development Initiative (Leadership, coaching and culture)
The Senior Officer Leadership Development Initiative offers a range of part-funded leadership development opportunities for AO8 and Senior Officers, and invites recipients to partner with Leadership and Capability to provide feedback and advice on future leadership capability development strategies. To register, visit the website. For further information, please contact Leadership and Capabilityor phone on (07) 3513 6528. / QUT, Brisbane
19-20 / SAP users / SAP Training: SAP Procurement
For more information contact Financial Business Systems on (07) 3034 6166 or visit OnePortal. / (8:45am, 1.5 Day)
19-20 / Teachers / MultiLit – MacqLitPD
MacqLit is an explicit, systematic reading intervention program for struggling readers
in Year 3 and above. The two-day professional development workshop takes a contemporary balanced approach towards reading instruction. This includes an overview of the research base that underpins MacqLit, linking the program to the five key elements of teaching reading. As a result, the workshop covers how to teach phonics explicitly and systematically, building vocabulary and developing comprehension strategies. For more information contact MultiLit
on (02) 9888 3818 or visit their website. / Brisbane
20 / SAP users / SAP Training: SAP Assets
The purpose of this training is to provide SAP users with the knowledge and skills to manage assets in SAP. Instructor-led training is provided for this course. The course will cover asset acquisition via procurement and transfer and asset disposal and reporting. For more information contact Financial Business Systems on (07) 3034 6166 or visit OnePortal. / (1pm, Half Day)
20 / All officers who work with Parliamentary Committees / Queensland Parliament: Committees@Work
This half-day seminar will provide the most up to date and practical information on the reform
and modernisation of Queensland’s parliamentary committee system and its impacts on public sector officers. The structure and purpose of the new portfolio-based committees will be outlined, together with an overview of the role of parliamentary committees. For more information, contact Queensland Parliament on (07) 3553 6415 or visit their website. / Undumbi Room, Parliament Annexe, Brisbane
(9:45am – 1:30pm)
20 / Teachers / High Resolve: Project Based Learning: Developing Leadership Skills through
Social Action Projects
This workshop will provide you with the knowledge, skills and practical resources to facilitate student-led social action projects. We have facilitated hundreds of student-led projects and will share our model to help develop students into the leaders of tomorrow. To register, visit
the website. For further information, please contact High Resolves on 02 9322 3093. / Brisbane CBD
(9 - 3:00pm)
23 April
and 9 May / Teachers / High Resolve: Videos for Change: Creating Compelling Videos for Positive Social Change
This workshop will provide you with the knowledge, skills and practical resources to help students create compelling videos that can raise awareness of a social issue that matters to them. Please note this is not a technical film-making workshop and is designed to assist you to enable your students to create a powerful video narrative without recourse to expensive film-making equipment.To register, visit the website. For further information, please contact High Resolves
on 02 9322 3093. / Brisbane CBD
23 April
and 14 May / All education staff / Queensland Education Leadership Institute (QELi): Introduction to Leadership Coaching
This is a very practical program, designed to introduce participants to leadership coaching.
It explores Growth Coaching International's proven GROWTH model for having coaching conversations with individuals and teams. Delivered over three months, participants are also required to attend a workshop day on 14 May 2018. For more information contact QELi
on 3007 5200 or visit website. / Brisbane
23 / All Teachers P-12 / Powerful Partnerships: Coaching and Mentoring
Whether you are in acoaching or mentoringrole within your school, or would just like
to improve your abilities in enhancing the performance of others, this workshop offers you so much. Current research shows us that supporting the professional growth of our teachers by facilitating pedagogical dialogue and providing effective feedback will have significant benefits for our students. Discover how to maximise the experience of both being coached and being a coach.
For further information and to register visit the website or contact Jodie
or 0438118756. / Townsville
New! / Principals / Queensland Education Leadership Institute (QELi): Leadership for Principals
The Leadership for Principals Program is designed to challenge participants in both the operational and strategic aspects of their role. As Principal, your success depends on your ability to grow from an effective manager to a highly skilled and agile leader.For more information contact QELi
on 3007 5200 or visit website. / Brisbane
23-24 / Principals / Queensland Education Leadership Institute (QELi): National School Improvement
Tool (NSIT) Training
This training session is run in partnership with the DET School Improvement Unit (SIU)
and is a great way for school leaders to learn more about how the NSIT can be used to improve outcomes for students.Principals who complete the training can nominate to become a peer reviewer which means they have the opportunity to join a review team, take part in a full school review and see how other schools operate and what learnings could be applied to their school community. For more information, contact QELion (07) 3007 5222 or visit their website
or contact SIUon (07) 3035 2217. / Brisbane
24 / Teachers, Teacher Aides, Therapists / OneChannel: Clicker 7 P2 – Clicker 7 grids
The latest version of Clicker provides many tools to support literacy and the curriculum. This four part series will explore Clicker 7 and the Clicker series of iPad apps, identifying how the software can enhance curriculum support for students. For more information, contact OneChannel
on (07) 3034 5130 or visit their website. / Web Conference
(8 – 8:30am)
24 / All Teachers P-12 / Powerful Partnerships: Effective Pedagogy – High Impact Strategies