General Information
· Use master coordinator list in Kairos computer. DO NOT USE PREVIOUS TEAM LIST!
· Use master schedule, volunteer list, overheads and inventory list, truck list, gate entry list master kitchen list found at
· Make sure serving utensils go in on Thursday truck and that they are on the truck list.
· Do not leave any drink supplies in the institution
· Do not use double sided tape. USE MASKING TAPE ONLY!
· Kairos Tax ID 59-1970458.
· To order Kairos supplies, all ordering should be done by the Advisory Council Inventory Coordinator.
· Truck driver must enter the prison observing the same rules as the remainder of the team. This would include proper dress and only bring in car key and ID.
· If there is a meds list, have the Assistant Leader pull team members aside to make sure that “what’s on the list” is what the team members have. MEDS ARE AN ISSUE – MUST BE MONITERED EVERY DAY!
· Make sure the Coordinator is stationed inside the community room to be able to learn the job of Observing leader. The Assistant Coordinator should make himself available to the cookie room to help with movement of inventory.
Team Selection
1) PRAY – prayer is the key from the minute you decide to start on the Kairos leadership path until your time as an Advising Leader is over. Throughout you entire time as Weekend Leader you will find there are many times you will ask GOD for guidance:
a) Who to call
b) Who to assign talks
c) What jobs everyone will have
d) Where/when to hold team meetings
e) Handling difficult situations or the unexpected
f) Whenever you have doubts or concerns
Remember HE is always with you – PRAY.
2) Weekend Leaders should utilize the combined LeCI/WCI volunteer listing (Excel spreadsheet) found on the WCI Kairos computer. The Advisory Councils have/will worked together to provide the most current list of past volunteers and this is a key place to start your recruiting. A second resource is the “BLITZ” database. This database captures both past volunteers and leads to Christian brothers and sisters interested in serving on a Kairos team. The database is continuously being populated; see the WCI Data Coordinator or an Advisory Council member for additional information. Remember- it is the responsibility of the leader to update the list with the new names and also forward those names to the Advisory Council Legislative Liaison and the Advisory Council Chairman.
3) Team recruiting should start as the weekend prior to yours is ending. At that time volunteers are on a “spiritual high” and this opportunity may yield some very positive results. When speaking to a prospective volunteer be sure to include exactly what you are asking him/her to volunteer for:
a) Team meetings
b) The weekend
c) Possible talk/reading
d) Prayer & Share and Reunions for 12 months
e) Cookies
f) Green agape
g) Prayers
h) Letters
There are several techniques you can utilize to contact volunteers:
i) Email/mail blitz – sending an email/mail to everyone on the LeCI/WCI and BLITZ lists.
j) Calling – many people prefer the personal invite. This will take some time so start early and don’t be discourage if you find yourself getting more negative responses than positive. Even if you leave voice massage requesting a call back, it is still your responsibility to try calling again and again. Perseverance is the key when making calls.
k) Word of Mouth – when someone does agree to serve ask if they would ask someone they know if he/she would also be willing to serve.
l) Outreach – speaking to Christian groups
m) Check “Bad Boys” List – past weekend leaders have found that certain volunteers repeatedly present challenges and disrupt the team. They are often someone who calls you asking to be the team; check with the Advisory Council for this list.
Finally, be sure to get 15-20 volunteers than you feel you will need as several will not be part of your team when the weekend starts.
4) One position that is often over looked (or combined with the Kitchen Leader) is the Outside Coordinator. This volunteer is the liaison to the inside team and responsible for:
a) Correcting name tags, table boards, “Closing” programs, etc (Wendy)
b) Ensuring the truck is at the gate on Sunday
c) Overseeing the runners (may be one of the runners)
5) Advising Leader is responsible fo prepare job descriptions from their weekends to present to the next Weekend leader.
Team Meeting Best Practices
· Team leader establishes the meeting dates, times, and the agenda for each team meeting.
· Name tags should be available for team members at the first team meeting. This facilitates getting to know team members early in the formation process.
· Use Ezra team meeting formats. Use these formats as a guideline; not verbatim, I.e., customize / select from the format what you will use for the meeting and what you will not use.
· Copy to pdf file team meeting reading material(s), e.g., riverbanks, and email to team members prior to each meeting. Ask team members to read before coming to the meeting, I.e., it is not necessary to read each bullet point verbatim when team members can read material(s) on their own. This allows more time at the meeting for spiritual activities, family activities, etc.
· Assign a head chaplain from the clergy members on the team. The head chaplain then becomes responsible for arranging spiritual readings, ceremonies, events, etc. during team meetings. This frees up time for the team leader.
· Don’t wait to the last minute to assign the spiritual reading and/or spiritual activity part of a team meeting to clergy. Give clergy ample time to prepare properly; making the spiritual part of the team meeting more meaningful.
· Assign a specific week for each talk preview, e.g., team meeting number 3 we will preview talks 1 & 2 so come prepared. Do not leave it up to chance that those assigned with talks will finish their talk before the weekend. Talk previews need to be completed at least 2 weeks before the weekend to allow sufficient time for talks to be revised if necessary per the preview.
· Ensure table families, cookie team, agape team, etc. have sufficient time at team meetings to get together on their own to plan, go over instruction in the red manual, discuss job duties, etc. These sub teams should get together at least 3 times before the weekend.
· Non Kairos affiliated groups should not be invited to team meetings to present their ministry to team members. Team meetings should not be used as fund raising opportunities for other ministries and this takes time away from team formation.
· Ensure when doing skits that we demonstrate what “to do” not just what “not to do.”
· Ensure meetings start promptly and end promptly. Establish a meeting start time and a meeting end time for all meetings and stick to it. Many team members travel distances that require over an hours’ drive home. Meetings that go well beyond their intended end time create a hardship for these team members.
· Short break times, e.g., 5-7 minutes and resume team meetings promptly.
· Assign a “seasoned team member” as a mentor to a new (never served on team before) team member. Each new team member is to have an assigned mentor to educate / instruct / answer questions, etc. about “the Kairos way” / program.
· Individual team member schedules cannot be accommodated, I.e., a team member must agree to attend all days of the weekend and be present each day for the entire day(s) from beginning to end. If a team member cannot commit to this, then he must serve on a future team where he can commit fully to the weekend.
Because of prison entry requirements, the entire team must enter the prison together, and, the entire team must exit the prison together. If a team member is late to the prison and does not enter with the team, this late arriving team member must not request entry from the correction officers, i.e., escorted as a single team member.
Weekend leaders need to insure schedules are accurate and must share any changes with the team.
Inside Supplies – Nametags, name tents, notebooks, closing programs
· Composition Books from Office Depot (8 ½” x 6 7/8”, Wide Ruled, 40 pages)
· Permanent-Adhesive Shipping Labels (8 ½” x 11”) laser printer compatible white, pack of 100
· Card Stock 110 lb Weight (8 ½” x 11”) white pack of 250 sheets
· Laminating Sheets & Laminator
· Name Tag Clips
· Paper Cutter
· Name Tag Punch
· Scissors
· Paper Scorer
Notebooks can be ordered by calling Wendy Sullivan at 513-695-1554. Notebooks can be prepared at any time before the weekend, and must be delivered to the Coordinator in time for the inventory to be packed. It takes about 2 days to do all the notebooks. The Coordinator will need to tell Wendy what dates or other information you want on the cover. Blank notebooks and other supplies are purchased for Wendy by the Coordinator.
Process for preparing notebooks follow:
· Prepared in WORD
· Set document to Landscape
· Margins are TOP: 1” BOTTOM: 0.63” LEFT: 1” RIGHT: 5.88”
· Space down 25 times in TIMES NEW ROMAN at 12 Font
· on 25th line type KAIROS #10 (this will be in LUCINDA CALLIGRAPHY font 30)
· The next line will be Warren Correctional (this will be in LUCINDA CALLIGRAPHY font 22)
· The next line will be Institution (this will be in LUCINDA CALLIGRAPHY font 22)
· The next line will be November 1 – 4, 2013 (this will be in LUCINDA CALLIGRAPHY font 22)
· Insert the clip art onto document, right click on picture and click FORMAT PICTURE
· Click the SIZE TAB and make the picture 3.6” H x 3.46” W
· Click the LAYOUT TAB and click the picture that says IN FRONT OF TEXT then click OK
· Position the clipart to the center of the page.
· Print onto the 8 ½” x 11” Adhesive Shipping Labels on a Color printer.
· Measure each book from black bind to edge of book and cut the printed label to fit (they are not usually the same each time), making sure to cut the top of the cut label 1/8” inch to make it fit as well
· Open the book with the spine up and edge facing you, peel backing off label and starting at edge closest to you apply label to the notebook
· Make sure that the label is not hanging over the edges, if it does just cut off with a pair of scissors
NAME TAGS (Team Member and Kitchen Team)
Name Tags for Team members are prepared by calling Wendy Sullivan at 513-695-1554. Nametags can be prepared at any time before the weekend, and can be provided for Team Meetings. The Coordinator must contact Wendy and email the names of persons for whom name tags will be prepared and any other pertinent information. A decision will need to be made if you want name tags for all Team (including Kitchen) or just Inside Team.
Nametag blanks and other necessary supplies are purchased for Wendy by the Weekend Coordinator.
The process for making name tags follows:
· Prepared in POWER POINT
· Insert a Rectangle in upper left hand corner SIZE: 2.92” H x 4.01 W POSITION: .58” x .5” (from top left corner) and 2pt line width FILL COLOR is YELLOW
· Insert the clipart of Jesus behind bars in upper left hand corner of box. SIZE: .99”H x .9”W POSITION: .76” x .61” (from top left corner)
· Insert the clipart of KAIROS with square in top center of box. SIZE: 1.08”H x 1.92”W POSITION: 1.58” x .58” (from top left corner)
· Insert a TEXT BOX with WCI #10 in CAMBRIA at 28 Font in upper right corner of box. SIZE: 1.04”H x 1.72”W POSITION: 3.12” x .58” (from top left corner)
· Insert a line under all clipart from one edge of box to the other. SIZE: 3.98”W POSITION: .59” x 1.67” (from top left corner) .75pt line width
· Insert a TEXT BOX beneath the line under the clipart. SIZE: 1.31”H x 4”W POSITION: .59” x 1.59” (from top left corner) The first and second lines will be the FIRST and LAST NAME of the Team Member, in ARIAL 36 Font
· Insert another TEXT BOX under the last name of the Team Member. SIZE: .57”H x 4”W POSITION: .6” x 2.84” (from top left corner) This is to say VOLUNTEER in WHITE ARIAL 28 Font and PURPLE Fill
· Highlight everything and right click on it, then click group
· Copy and paste until you have 4 on the same page
· Insert several new slides until you have enough to accommodate your participants
· Double check spelling and numbers are correct
· Print out on Card Stock to give more stability.
· Cut out using a paper trimmer staying to the outside of the black line (if you line them up correctly on the screen it will be easy to cut on the trimmer)
· Place cut tags into lamination sheets and run though laminator
· Cut laminated name tags apart, making sure you round the edges, so they cannot be used as a “potential weapon”
· Punch holes in the center of the name tags and attach a holder to each, and place them into envelope
· Make sure you keep the Team and Kitchen Team separate for the convenience of the Team.
PRAYER & SHARE CARDS (English & Spanish)
Can either be reproduced by Wendy at 513-695-1554 or ordered by calling Jim Mathers – Ohio Kairos – 740-983-2120
Table Plate Name Cards can be prepared at any time before the weekend, and can be provided for Team Meetings. The Coordinator must contact Wendy at 513-695-1554 and email the names of persons for whom name cards will be prepared and any other pertinent information. A decision will need to be made if you want name cards for all Team (including Kitchen) or just Inside Team.