Membership Application

Applicants must read the club rules, field rules, by-laws, safety rules and contest rules at before submitting this application for membership.

In addition to SKSS membership you must be a current AMA OPEN or YOUTH member fly at this field AMA Park Pilot program membership is not acceptable.


AMA No. ______

ADDRESS ______

CITY/STATE ______ZIP______

PHONE: ______




Flying Interests (check as appropriate)
__Soaring __Electric__Helicopter__3D__Indoor__Aero-Tow

Information provided for the SKSS membership roster is for the exclusive use of the executive committee, managed by the treasurer, and is available on a need to know basis to members that will not use it for profit or share with anyone, without the treasurer’s authorization.

DUES Senior $85 or Junior $5 (19 or under as of July 1, 2010)

Dues for SKSS membership renewal for 2010 will be $85 when received on or before January 1, 2010. Dues postmarked after January 1, 2010 will be $95. Junior dues remains at $5.

The increase from 2008 is due to the increase in grass cutting costs for the field. For many years we have benefited from having the cutting costs subsidized. A notice will be emailed to you when your new membership card will be in the Birdhouse for pickup.

Every member must have a Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) ANNUAL PASS (park sticker) in order to fly at the SKSS field. You may obtain this ANNUAL PASS at any State Park Office or online at

We are no longer doing a bulk purchase of ANNUAL PASSES for our members.

All club communication and notices are exclusively handled through our “skss_rc” group on Make sure that you join this group.

Here is how to Join:

1 - Go to

2 - Search for skss_rc

3 - Click on the words “Join This Group!” under the skss_rc logo in the search results window.

4 – Fill out the form and click the “Join” button on the lower right corner of the page.

Make checks for SKSS dues ONLY payable to SKSS. Mail along with this sheet to:

Robert C. McCoy
1103 Barley Mill Road
Wilmington, DE 19807

I have read the SKSS bylaws, Club Rules, Field Rules, Contest Rules, Safety Rules and the AMA safety code, and agree to abide by all. I verify that I have a current membership in the Academy of Model Aeronautics.

Applicants for Junior Membership must have co-signature of parent or guardian. Signed:

Applicant(s) ______

Date ______

Revised November 25, 2009