Line Drills

·  Make 1 line 16 yards long

·  How to execute the drill: using the sprint/sprint sequence as a example

o  Sprint down to the opposite end touch the line and quickly turn and sprint back to the beginning line

o  Every time you touch a line make sure you count it so in total you will do what is given in the program for repetitions.

·  Within the program the following sequences will be given:

o  Sprint/sprint: sprint to the opposite side and sprint back

o  Sprint/Back pedal: sprint to the opposite side and back pedal back

o  Back pedal/Back pedal: Back pedal to the opposite side and back pedal back

o  Shuffle/Sprint: Shuffle to the opposite side (staying low bending at your hips & knees) and sprint back

o  Back pedal/Shuffle: Back pedal to the opposite side and shuffle back

·  Allow 45seconds between each set and 2 minutes between each sequence

Interval run

·  1 minute jog, 30 second sprint, 30 second walk

Stride Progressions

·  Place a cone at 5, 10, 20, 40, yards

·  From cone 1-2 you should have short choppy steps moving your arms as fast as your feet. As you pass each cone your stride will get longer and longer until you get to the last cone by then you should be in a full gazelle run.

·  Jog back to the beginning to complete the set. Allow 1 minute rest between sets.


·  Make 4 lines at least 10 yards from each other (10,20,30,40 yard)

·  Sprint to each line and sprint back making sure to touch the line every time

·  Record the time it takes to complete each set

·  Allow 45 seconds of rest between each set

Agility Ladder

·  If you do not have access to a agility ladder: Make 10 boxes with tape or use something to mark each line 1 foot apart.

·  Follow each picture and the description next to it (you are going down and back up the ladder to make 1).

·  Focus on the technique rather than speed.

·  Keep your shoulders over your feet while you go through each hole to keep yourself balanced.

·  Allow a 1 minute break between each set with no rest between each repetition.


·  To set up: use 7 markers 3 yards apart and 1 extra marker will be needed to switch out.

·  How to execute the drill: (Using the sprint/sprint sequence as the example)

o  Starting at the 1st marker

o  Sprint to the 2nd marker and switch them and sprint back to the beginning

o  Sprint then to the 3rd marker and switch them and sprint back to the beginning

o  Continue until you have switched every marker up the line that is called “building it up”

o  To “build it back down” you must then go back down the line starting at the furthest marker and switch until you have gotten back to the first marker.

·  Within the program the following sequences will be given:

o  Sprint/sprint: sprint to the opposite side and sprint back

o  Sprint/Back pedal: sprint to the opposite side and back pedal back

o  Shuffle/Sprint: Shuffle to the opposite side (staying low bending at your hips & knees) and sprint back

o  Back pedal/Shuffle: Back pedal to the opposite side and shuffle back

·  Allow 30 seconds between each set and 1 minutes between each sequence.


·  To set up: See the diagram as a reference

o  Using the 5x10 yard sequence as a example:

o  Mark off a 10 yard line

o  At the end of the first line mark off 5 yards to the left and right

o  Follow the same format for the 10x20 yd, and 20x40 yd sequeneces

·  How to execute the drill:

o  Sprint from 1 to 2, shuffle from 2-3, shuffle 3-4, sprint 4-2, back pedal 2-1

·  Allow 15 seconds between each set and 1 minutes between each sequence.

·  Record the time it takes to complete each repetition within each set for all sequences.

Fast feet

·  All that is needed for this drill is a straight line as a reference point.

·  Make sure to stay on your toes and not to slide your feet.

·  Within the program the following sequences will be given:

Running in place- with your feet staggered over the line quickly run in place

o  2 feet forward- keep both your feet together and quickly hop back and forth over the

2 feet together (lateral)- standing to the side of the line with your feet together quickly hop back and forth over line

o  1 foot- balancing on 1 foot quickly hop back and forth over the line

o  Crisscross-standing with the line between your feet cross your feet in front of you then back to the starting position then cross them behind you and repeat

·  Allow 15 second rest between each repetition and 30 second rest between each sequence.

Shuttle Runs

·  To set up: see the diagram as a reference

o  Mark off a 20 yard line

o  The starting point will be at the 10 yard mark

·  How to execute the drill: using the shuffle/shuffle/sprint sequence

o  Shuffle left from 1 to 2, shuffle right 2-3, sprint 3 to 1

o  Make sure to read each sequence to know where your starting position will be either:

§  Standing

§  On your stomach

§  On your back

·  There is no rest between each repetition, allow 1 minute rest between each sequence

10 minute run

·  Mark off a straight line 35 yards long

·  If you are unable to complete all of the distance 6 times within the given time then you have not completed this drill successfully. This does not mean you do not complete all of the repetitions within the given distances.

·  How to execute the drill:

o  Each of the follow distance will be done 6 times for a specific time:

§  You have 40 seconds to do down, back, down back and you do this for 4 minutes

§  You have 30 sec. to go down, back, down and you do this for 3 mins

§  You have 20 sec. to go down and back and you do this for 2 mins

§  And finally you have 10 sec to go down and you do this for 1 min

Distance runs

·  To set up: mark off 25, 50, 75, and 100 yards

·  How to execute the drill:

o  Sprint to the yard marker specified in the distance drill and sprint back

o  A quick turn and push off is important to complete this drill correctly and within the given time

o  200 yd

§  Sprint, 25, 50

§  Rest 30 sec

o  300 yd

§  Sprint 75, 50, 25

§  Rest 1 min

o  400 yd

§  Sprint 100, 75, 25

§  Rest 2 min

o  600 yd

§  Sprint 100, 75, 50, 25, 50

§  Rest 2:30 min

o  800 yd

§  Sprint 100, 75, 25, 100, 75, 25

§  Rest 3 min

o  1000 yd

§  100, 75, 50, 25, 25, 50, 75, 100

§  Rest 3:30 min

o  1200 yd

§  Sprint 100, 75, 50, 25, 25, 50, 75, 100, 50

§  Rest 4 min

Figure 8’s

·  Using the entire court/field you will follow the descriptions given on the program.

·  The correct pattern is: go to half/mid field, across to opposite side line, up to the end line, across to opposite sideline, back to half/mid field, across to opposite side line, back to end line, and finally across to starting spot.

·  Make sure to always be facing forward through the drill.

·  Allow 1 minute rest between sets

Cone drills

·  Space cones out 10 yards apart forming them into a perfect square shape, placing 1 cone directly in the middle of the box

·  Follow the descriptions given within the program to complete the drill

·  Allow for 1 minute rest between sets of exericses