CEGR 4145/5145 Groundwater Resources Engineering

No. of Credits:3

Schedule:Fall Semester, 2010

Monday & Wednesday, 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM

Cameron 125

Instructor:Dr. John Daniels, P.E.

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Cameron 268B,

Tel. (704) 687-3248


Office Hours:Tuesday:9:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Thursday: 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM

And by appointment

Prerequisites:CEGR 3278, Geotechnical Engineering I

CEGR 3141, Environmental Engineering I

Text: Applied Hydrogeology, 4th Edition, C.W. Fetter, Prentice Hall, 2001.

[Additional materials/notes will be supplied in class as appropriate]

Summary:This course examines physical and chemical aspects of flow through saturated and unsaturated porous media. Fundamentals of groundwater and well hydraulics are reviewed. Principles of chemical movement in the subsurface are discussed.Solutions to steady state and transient problems are presented. Computer software is introduced for the purpose of modeling and emphasis is given to applied aspects, although the underlying basis is provided to avoid treating such tools as “black boxes.”

Objectives:The primary learning objective of this course is to gain an understanding of groundwater flow that enables the student to determine aquifer properties, characterize groundwater flow regimes and assess contaminant transport at a given site. Such information is useful for development of groundwater supplies as well as environmental protection. Another objective is to learn how to apply modeling techniques to groundwater problems, including model conceptualization, calibration and verification.

Tentative Exam 1: 20%

Grading:Exam 2: 20%

Final Exam:20%



RelevantThe UNC Charlotte Policy Statement #105, “The Code of Student Academic Policy: Integrity” will beenforced. Class attendance and on-time arrival is preferred.

*Tentative Schedule:

Week / Topic
8/23-8/25 / Soils, Saturated Flow, Flow Equations
8/30-9/1 / Unsaturated Flow
9/6-9/8 / Well Hydraulics, Confined Aquifers,
9/13-9/15 / Well Hydraulics, Leaky Aquifers, Unconfined Aquifers, Project Assignment
9/20-9/22 / AQTESOLVE, Introduction to Groundwater Modeling, Excel-based finite difference modeling,
9/27-9/29 / Visual MODFLOW
10/4-10/6 / Exam 1 – 10/6, Visual MODFLOW
10/11-10/13 / Fall Break (No Class 10/11)
10/18-10/20 / Mass Transport of Solutes, Liquid Phase Diffusion, Fick’s Laws
10/25-10/27 / Mass Transport with Retardation
11/1-11/3 / Leaking USTs, Vapor Diffusion
11/8-11/10 / Exam 2 – 11/10, Remediation Topics
11/15-11/17 / MODFLOW/MT3DMS
11/22-11/24 / Work on Project presentations/Guest Lecture/Site Visit*
11/29-12/1 / Work on Project presentations/Guest Lecture/Site Visit*
12/6-12/8 / Presentations and Review
12/13 / Final Exam 11:00 AM -1:30 PM

*Guest lectures and site visits are planned, however the actual timing will be subject to the availability of those leading these activities. As such, the actual dates for various topics may change.