SBI3U Diversity of Living Things - Fungi


The Kingdom Fungi Microviewer Slides – V2


1. Describe three important ways that fungi differ from plants.

2. How are fungal cells different than other eukaryotic cells?

Slide # 1 – Achyla: What is the magnification? ______

1.  Describe three effects of these parasitic fungi.

2. How many spores can you count in the sac? ______

Slide # 2 – Rhizopus: What is the magnification? ______

1.  What are two advantages of sexual reproduction?

2.  a) Name the process shown in the slide.
b) Describe the process.

3.  Which class of fungi does Rhizopus belong to: zygospores, basidiospore, ascophores or imperfect fungi, and how do you know?

Slide #3 – Saccharomyces: What is the magnification? ______

1.  Is this fungus bigger or smaller than the fungus on slide 2? Explain.

2.  Describe asci.

3.  Name five foods that rely on Ascomycota.

4.  Which class of fungi does Saccharomyces belong to: zygospores, basidiospore, ascophores or imperfect fungi, and how do you know?

5.  How do yeast usually reproduce asexually? Include a sketch of the 2 cells at label A.

Slide #4 – Peziza: What is the magnification? ______

1.  Which class of fungi does Peziza belong to: zygospores, basidiospore, ascophores or imperfect fungi, and how do you know?

2.  How are the Peziza spores scattered? ______

Slide #5 – Mushroom: What is the magnification? ______

1. What is characteristic of the basidiomycetes?

2. Name the parts of a mushroom that we eat.

Slide #6 – Mushroom

1. Which class of fungi does common mushroom belong to: zygospores, basidiospore, ascophores or imperfect fungi, and how do you know?

Slide # 7- Deuteromycota: What is the magnification? ______

1. Why is this Epidermophyton classified as an imperfect fungi?

2. Sketch and label just one hyphae. Be sure to label the spores.

3. Name the type of nonsexual spores shown in the slide.

4. List some helpful and harmful Epidermophyta and their effect on a human body.


1. Which was the largest and which the smallest organism observed on the slides?

Bonus: What does x.s. or l.s. refer to on the slide descriptions for slides 4,5, and 6?