
Great Falls Rotary Board Meeting – May 5, 2009

Wells Fargo Bank

Attendees: Mike Weir, Shannon Hoiland, Rick Evans, Bob Jorgenson, Marianne Granlie, Ken Munski, Bob Holter, Gordon Rubard.

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 AM. Minutes were reviewed with changes made to “board” typo and proper date on April 7th Minutes.

The financial report was reviewed, with investments showing positive again. Rotary has spent $57,000 in camp improvements over the last year. Rick asked about the budget item of $2500 that needs to be in the district conference expense, and he encouraged the board to see that people attended the conferences and PETs. RYLA money could be shifted to allow for that, as there is a credit for 4 RYLA members. Marianne distributed a financial history and donation history. There are also Rotary Foundation matching grants available and we should ensure we take advantage of those. Since 1994 Rotary assets have increased by $100,000. Recently, the club has concentrated on Camp Rotary. Rick mentioned that more time should be spent on the budget planning, and even that the June meeting should concentrate on that. Financials were approved as printed.

Marianne will look into purchasing a laser printer to save on cartridge costs.

Membership: Fred Hashley will take a leave of absence and Mike Talia will fill in on programs. We should query the members again on speakers. Rick Evans felt that the Club Runner is very good for billing and hopes that all members will be sustaining. We need to find a president elect. Rick felt that the assembly should be in April, not November. The Planning Guide is due from Bob and the board.

Harvest Howl: Sponsors will be set at $2500 and $1000, with tables costing $400, including food. Rough Cut Grass will be the backup with Asleep at the Wheel the headliner playing from 9-10:30. We have to be out by midnight. There is a website and tickets should be available there. More help is needed.

Camp Rotary: Ken reported that the bath house will be usable next spring. There will be work parties the next two Saturdays. The Associated Contractors bill was settled. The Murdock visitation will be May 28and the decision should be by August 3.

Rick moved to proceed with $15000 matching grant application and that as he felt that the District may pay for it if Rotary Foundation does not. Seconded by Bob Jorgenson and the motion passed.

Bob Holter moved to change the bylaws to require that any contribution over $1000 must be approved by the membership. Seconded by Ken Munski and failed by lack of a majority vote. The proposal is included in the minutes.


Pennies for Polio and recycling have raised $3980. We need to replace the Rotary sign and the old Bar S and Denise Gray will help with the artwork.

An Annual retreat was proposed for March.

An Eric Burger farewell will be in Mid June.

Adjourned at 8:40 am.