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Our ref: FOI-16-107

Mr Andy Jennings


Proactive Technical Recruitment


19 June 2015

Dear Mr Jennings

Information Request: FOI-16-107

I refer to your information request received in our office on 18 June 2015.

I have reviewed your request and investigated whether there is any information disclosable to you. Please find below the information the council holds, and which I am pleased to provide to you.

…… I wondered whether you can help me please, would you be able to provide the Name , Phone Number , Email address for the Fleet Engineer at your Council AND / OR the Workshop Manager , these will be the people responsible for the maintenance of Council Vehicles such as Minibuses,Vans,Trucks etc. .

Eastbourne Borough Council does not have a Fleet Engineer, nor do we have a Workshop Manager. We do not have a fleet of vehicles as such; we lease a few small vans and a Mayoral car (no minibuses or trucks).

I understand that some work is subcontracted out in which case please you can supply the name of the Company you subcontract the work to and a contact name.

As mentioned above we do not have a fleet of vehicles; the companies we lease from are responsible for their maintenance.

One final question, do you have a department that is responsible for Passenger Transport in the Community and if so can you also supply the name of this gentleman or lady and a contact number or email address.

No. We are not the responsible authority for transport in the community; however, East Sussex County Council may hold some information regarding this. Their Freedom of Information Officer can be contacted at the address below:

Freedom of Information Officer

East Sussex County Council

Room C6F, County Hall

St Anne’s Crescent



Tel: 01273 482913


I trust that this deals with your enquiry to your satisfaction, but if you feel that Eastbourne Borough Council has misunderstood or not responded appropriately to your request, you have two courses of action:

·  You can clarify the terms of your original request to allow this to be looked at again (if you expand your request this will be dealt with as a new request)

·  All applicants have a 'right of appeal'. An appeal should be focused on the original request and should identify how the council’s response failed to answer your information request. Appeals must be made in writing (or e-mail) within 40 working days of receipt of this response and addressed to Complaints at the address below:


Eastbourne Borough Council

1 Grove Road


BN21 4TW


After the council’s internal appeals procedure has been exhausted, a further appeal about the same information request can be directed to the Information Commissioner for adjudication. Full details will be provided should an appeal proceed to this stage.

Please note:

If you are considering re-using the information disclosed to you through this request, for any purpose outside of what could be considered for personal use, you are required under the Public Sector Re-use of Information Regulations 2005 to make an Application for Re-use to the organisation you have requested the information from. Applications for Re-Use should be directed to the address detailed in the footer below.

Please contact me again, quoting your reference number, if you require any further assistance with your current request and I will do my best to provide the relevant help and advice.

Yours sincerely

Denise White

Information Governance Officer