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Minutes of meeting

TitleGreen Spider Network, core group meeting

Date7 February 2006

PlaceDG Environment, Brussels

Meeting presided byBRAKMANE, Ilze, Latvia

Other participantsBAROUH, Mariana, Bulgaria
BRIGUGLIO, Marie, Malta
DAYET, Laurence, France
LINDHE, Eva, Sweden
LINN Roel, Netherlands
VOPEL, Carina (EC, DG ENV)
RICHELSEN, Anders (COWI, Denmark)
MOLIIN, Lisbeth (COWI, Denmark)

ExcusedBRUUN, Malene (EEA)

Prepared byLMO, 10 Feb. 2006

DistributionAll members of Green Spider Network through CIRCA

EECN Secretariat

c/o COWI A/S

Parallelvej 2

DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby


Tel+45 45 97 22 11

Fax +45 45 97 22 12


1Follow-up on GSN annual meeting 2005

Web site

•Efforts are ongoing to improve and update the GSN and EECN web sites. Input from the members would be really helpful (e.g. for the Events and Best Practice Repository pages of the EECN site).

•On the one hand, the GSN web site is very network-centred focussing on network members and events, and not so much on what is to come out of it. On the other hand, the main purpose of the web site is to serve as a tool for network members to find contact information, minutes and material about network activities, etc. i.e. the main target group of the web site is the members of the network

Action:The secretariat will continue the efforts to update and improve the web sites and will also keep encouraging the members to contribute.

Evaluation of network activities

Roel Linn referred to his problem to justify his membership of the network. This might be because the role and objectives of the network are not sufficiently clear. With a view to sharpening the profile of the network it was agreed to make a quick questionnaire survey among the GSN members with questions such as: Why are you a member? What do you get out of it? What would you like to get out of it? Marie Briguglio supplied an example for inspiration.

The outcome of the survey will feed into a discussion at the annual meeting in Riga.

ActionThe secretariat will draft a questionnaire and forward it to the core group members to get their comments. The core group will decide when to launch the survey.

Relations between the network and the Commission

•The Commission was encouraged to consult the GSN network more systematically and to use it as a sounding board, for instance to make sure that translated EC publications are adapted to national needs.

•It was pointed out that the GSN is an informal network and, as such, not a formal consultative body. However, the Commission is willing to hear and to take into account the views of the network whenever appropriate.

•The GSN will be actively used in connection with the Climate Change Campaign. If this proves successful, this approach could be duplicated in the future.


Carina Vopel will bring up the point with her colleagues in the DG Environment (DG ENV) Communication unit and encourage the idea of using the GSN as a sounding board for information efforts in the member states.

2The European Commission Climate Change Campaign: How will the Green Spider Network be involved?

Renita Bhaskar presented the Climate Change Campaign stressing that she is very interested in sharing material and get comments:

•The campaign will be launched on Environment Day (5 June 2006) and will be carried out in two waves. The launch will be marked in European capitals, among others, by wrapping buildings in posters and putting a campaign T-shirt on important statues (such as Manneken Pis).

•The campaign will focus on public spaces in cities where the potential of reaching the public is considered to be greatest. This is the first time that DG Environment uses mass media. The campaign will also go through secondary schools and a school diary to reach pupils.

•Based on the results of the Eurobarometer survey “Attitudes of Europeans towards the environment”, focus will be on new and southern member states.

•All the campaign visuals will be made available for download on the campaign web site (climatechange.eu).

•The local agencies of the consultancy company in charge of running the campaign will be involved at a later stage. The campaign team will not contact NGOs in member states, but GSN members are welcome to do so.

The campaign has been built on a survey that mapped previous climate change related campaigns, lessons-learned etc.

Action:Renita Bhaskar will

•Contact all GSN members directly to discuss the media plan for each country (mid February).

•Keep the GSN informed when the Commission sends letters to the national authorities about the campaign

•Send regular updates about campaign activities to GSN

•Share fact sheets about material and activities with GSN members.

•Accommodate, as far as possible, comments from GSN members on the campaign, for instance, in between the two waves of the campaign.

The GSN were invited to comment and send their input () in relation to:

•What buildings could be wrapped in posters for Environment Day?

•Tips on what else could be done in relation to the School diary programme on climate change, Europa Diary. (Available in 23 languages)

The core group will study the evaluation of the campaign, e.g. with a view to identifying best examples of things done for presentation of the annual meeting.

3Preparations for a Green Spider Network presence at Green Week 2006

Last year the GSN was very active at Green Week, the Communication unit of DG ENV had given the network fairly free hands to organise a session. This year, the policy units in charge of nature and biodiversity(the 2006 theme) have taken a much stronger role, and intend to coordinate the communication session themselves (

The person in charge is Marita Arvela ()).

Lena Reuterberg from the Green Week organising team in the Communication unit presented the status and plans:

•The web site has been launched:

•The organisers are now looking into the stands (max. 70). They have many applications, but would still like suggestions, especially about something livelier than posters, brochures, etc. Deadline for applications: 17 March 2006. The Commission offers the stand for free, including table, chair, PC and board for posters. Travel and accommodation costs are also covered for one person manning the stand.

Comments during the discussion:

•Marie Briguglio mentioned some distinctive media that can be used for raising awareness on biodiversity: stamps, coins, money, and children songs.

•Difficult to make concrete material to explain why biodiversity is important for everyone. Therefore, examples of successful campaigns are very interesting. This might be an idea for a session.

•The Cousteau Foundation was mentioned as an example of successful communication about animals that are important for biodiversity. They succeed in bringing these animals close to children even though they might never see them.

•Even if the GSN should decide not to be actively part of Green Week 2006, we might consider placing a table with material (brochure, best practice sheets, etc.)

•The details of the programme are still being discussed by the coordination group; ideas (e.g. speakers, interesting stories) should be forwarded to DG ENV as soon as possible.


•Carina Vopel will get in contact with Marita Arvela and inform the core team members about the state of preparation of the communication session[2] . Mrs Arvela has received documentation from Eva Lindhé concerning the Swedish Species Information Centre and will look into the possibility of presenting it during the session.

•The organisers will follow up on the suggestion to check the posters produced by ENFO (Ireland) with flowers from all members states

•Laurence Dayet will follow up on the Cousteau Foundation idea, among others, to see whether they might have potential speakers

4Discussion on possible coordinated activities around Mobility Week 2006

Erika Jangen () who is responsible for Mobility Week 2006 in the Communication unit of DG ENV, presented the plans for this year:

•The theme is climate change and the campaign starts on 5 June. Over 100 cities participate worldwide

•A handbook will present ideas for local authorities: What can they do to combat climate change.

•A web site will be launched at the end of March

•There will be a national coordinators' meeting in Lisbon on 13-14 March

•There are 62 entries for this year's Mobility Week Award. The award ceremony will be on 1 June. The jury has received 139 entries from 23 countries participate. There will be 12 nominations in total which will be announced at a press conference in Vienna on 22 February.

•European Business Award for the Environment: The participants are companies in EU member countries who have received a national award for an environmental-friendly product or production process. Takes place every 2 years. Deadline for entries: 31 December. Ceremony on 1 June. Winners do not receive money, but everything possible is done to promote: give them visibility and logos that they can use.

•The organisers write to the authorities in member countries every year reminding about the activity and about who their coordinators are.

•The organisers use so-called promoters to make sure the information reaches the right places. Otherwise, it is up to national coordinators to promote


•Carina Vopel will e-mail GSN members to inform about Mobility Week and the Business Awards. She will include a list of the national coordinators so that GSN members know whom to contact in each country

•The organisers would welcome the help of the GSN members to spread the word about Mobility Week.

5Annual GSN Meeting 2006 in Latvia:

The annual meeting will take place on 13-16 September in Riga under the auspices of the Latvian network presidency (Ilze Brakmane).

•The agenda has not been drafted yet. It may be organised with one internal day and one external day, as usual, or with less time for internal and more for external issues.

•The programme might be based on a theme such as biodiversity, climate change, sustainable development, green public procurement, or…. The core group should look into what is going on right now, and opt for one or two of the main topics.

•Commission presentations of individual communication initiatives such as those presented during this meeting, might be interesting. However, the ambition should not be to cover all topics.

•Ilze Brakmane will be on maternity leave for 1½ years from early May, Ms Barshevska will be her replacement for organisation matters. Ilze will attend the annual meeting, but somebody will be needed to stand in for her and chair some sessions (the name of Brendan Linehan was mentioned).

•As usual, the Commission intends to cover the travel and accommodation expenses of the participating network members. The host is to recommend accommodation knowing the area, venue etc.

•Ilze Brakmane presented the draft regulations for the best practice competition. Both this draft and alternative ideas were briefly discussed. It was agreed that the secretariat should make a new draft based on comments and ideas from the core group members.


•The core group members should consider what might be a possible theme for the annual meeting and send suggestions to the secretariat

•Ilze Brakmane will proceed with the annual meeting preparations and recommend suitable accommodation to Carina Vopel.

•All core group members should forward their comments and ideas as to the best practice competition - or another initiative to replace the tour de table. These comments should be sent to the secretariat () by 17 February.

6Information from the secretariat

EECN brochure

This year's EECN brochure will focus GSN. Ideas as to content:

•Report from the 2005 annual meeting;

•Interview of Ilze Brakmane, including maybe some views on how EU membership has changed the way the environment is being perceived and communicated in Latvia;

•The interview of someone who has been active in environmental communication during the Austrian EU presidency ("behind the scenes");

•A few "good practice" testimonials from GSN members;

•Presentation of some new communication materials from the member states, for instance some innovative websites; an article about communicating biodiversity as this is the green week topic;

•Advertising for our newsflashes and our websites;

•At the end, a "what is EECN" box with the indication that interested groups can apply for support

•Any other ideas/suggestions should be sent to the secretariat

Name/logo of the network

The agenda suggested that the core group should discuss making a new logo for the GSN, but the very brief discussion revealed that several members felt that the name “Green Spiders” should be changed to better reflect the activities of the network. It was suggested that the change of name should be discussed at the annual meeting


•The secretariat will add questions about the logo and network name to the survey questionnaire. If there is a majority in favour of changing the name, a formal decision should be taken at the annual meeting.

•If the name “Green Spider” is maintained, the logo could be updated to better reflect it. In that case, the secretariat will then prepare one or a couple of suggestions.

7Next meeting of the Core Group

Next meeting will be organised in Brussels in connection with Green Week.

8Any other business

No other business.


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[1] It is possible to subscribe to news updates about the Green Week from the site

[2]There will be 4 speakers: three ideas/themes have been retained (no confirmed speakers), additional ideas are still welcome.