Diversity Training

Move around the room with a pen/pencil to each of the papers that have been posted around. Under the heading write down one racial slur or assumption about that group. How many can we think of?

After the activity debrief:

-Ask the group if they have ever been called one of these names. Which ones?

-What assumptions are made about you because of the way you look or because of where you came from?

-How did it make them feel?

-Did they say or do anything afterwards? What?

-What does God have to say about this?

Genesis 1:27

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Galatians 3:28

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

I noticed when you were all walking around writing on the papers that you seemed uncomfortable…there was a lot of nervous laughter and whispering.

Were you sort of embarrassed to write down what you were thinking?

I think we all should be embarrassed at what we were thinking…I wonder where we learn this stuff? We aren’t born with these prejudices – we learn them, don’t we. Prejudice should make us uncomfortable because it’s not right.

The reason I wanted to go through this with you tonight is because we had some guests come here on Tuesday to talk with you and you made them feel uncomfortable. Do you know what I’m talking about?

Two things come up for me:

  1. This is a place that we want to be safe, comfortable and open – not just for you but for everyone who comes here…our families, our friends and our guests. This is a place where we respect each other and the people who visit. The students from UCI who came here were our guests and you treated them poorly and without respect.
  1. I would think that because of your experience, your background, your culture, your race – you would have sensitivity to others. However, on Tuesday, that was not the case. You did not show dignity or honor or respect to our guests because they were different than you.

Let me ask you something. What did they talk about with you that night? What did you learn from them? Anything? Did you not listen because you were so caught up in how they looked or how they talked? Do people not pay attention to you because of how you look or talk?

We can’t let this happen again. In my heart, I see you as a group of people who can make other people listen about this topic of racism and prejudice. I would think you hate it and you don’t want people to be thinking like this. I see you as the next generation of leaders who want to put a stop to any talk of racism or prejudice. I see you as a group of people who can set an example to those around you and when things start going in a bad direction, you can call people out and tell them that it isn’t right.

We are all created equal – none of us are better than another. Yes, we have differences but we are equal – God sees us all the same – He loves us all the same.

Now that we’ve talked about this a bit, I’m wondering if any of you feel bad about what happened here on Tuesday. What do you think we can do about it? Here is one suggestion I have – I think we need to ask God to forgive us. I think we need to ask Him to change our hearts so that we can see things the way He does. I’m going to pray for us all right now but I would also challenge you when you are alone tonight before you go to sleep, to talk to God about this and really be honest with Him. If you’re sorry, let Him know. If you’re not, ask Him to help you see things the way that He does so he can change your heart…