Substance / Color of Cabbage Juice / pH # / Acid, Base, Neutral? / Color of pH paper
Baking Soda
Milk of Magnesia
Lava Soap
Lemon Soap
Tonic Water
Liquid Plumber

Acids and Bases Online


Site1: The pH Factor

  1. Click on the purple EXPLORE button
  2. After the pH panel loads, click the button with the LEMON.
  3. Record the pH and other information on the screen into the chart.
  4. Click RESET and select the next substance.
  5. Repeat until you have finished all substances.

Site 2: Alien Juice Bar


Click on the Alien Juice Bar button located in the top row.

Challenge 1:

What is an indicator? ______

  1. Click on the cup with the purple juice and drag it towards one of the three drinks. The cabbage juice will pour into a flask and may or may not change color.
  2. Place the drinks that have been poured onto the correct shelf.

Drink / Color in Beaker / Acid, Base, or Neutral

Click on Test More to continue.

  1. Click the pitcher of cabbage juice and drag towards one of the nine drinks.
  2. You may have to pour the cabbage juice to indicate if it is an acid or a base drink.
  3. Continue until all nine drinks have been poured, or you can try to guess the pH of each bottle!
  4. Place the correct drinks on the shelf above the alien’s head. Record the results.

Acid / Neutral / Base
Drink / Color in Beaker / Acid, Base, or Neutral

Click on Continue, and then click on Main Menu.

Drink / Color in Beaker / Acid, Base, or Neutral

Challenge 2:

  1. Read the directions on the screen and then hit Start.
  2. Listen to your customers carefully! You need to give them the drink they are asking for. If you give them the wrong drink, they will get sick and you will lose valuable class time trying to make them better.
  3. Drag the bottle to the customer’s cup.
  4. Record your results in the data table.
  5. Click on Next Customer to continue

Customer / Customer Asked for / You Gave / Yummy or Sick / Second Choice to cure your sick customer
1 / Yummy / Sick
2 / Yummy / Sick
3 / Yummy / Sick
4 / Yummy / Sick
5 / Yummy / Sick
6 / Yummy / Sick

Click on Continueand then click on Main Menu.

Challenge 3:

  1. Click the Start button.
  2. Click on the green What is pH button. Read the text to help you complete the task.
  3. Drag the pitcher of cabbage juice until all the glasses on the tray change color and the pH is indicated.
  4. The server will tell you what types of drinks need to be on the tray.
  5. Your job is to add different amounts of liquids to each glass to change the pH to the pH that is being askedfor.Hint: different drinks will make the pH either change in either smaller increments or larger increments.
  6. Record your results. When you have reached the correct pH for all the glasses on the tray, click Continue.

Drink / Start / Finish
# / Color / pH / Acid, Base, or Neutral / Color / pH / Acid, Base, or Neutral

If time permits you may do the next two customers’ trays without recording.

Analysis Questions:

  1. What did the cabbage juice represent in this online activity? ______
  2. Draw the pH scale with the numbers 0-14 and use the colors shown in this program to indicate where acids, neutral, and bases are found on the scale. (hint: you saw this answer in challenge 3
  3. How do you neutralize an acid or a base?(give me two simple sentences)
  4. Did you notice any if the materials you found to be bases had a common use? Commonalities for acidic materials?