Scholarship Science 9 Earth Science PowerPoint Presentation Rubric 2011-2012

Name ______Name ______Score _____ /60

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
(X4) / All Main Ideas have accurate information provided in sufficient detail. / Some Main Ideas have accurate information in sufficient detail. / Few Main Ideas have accurate information in sufficient detail. / All Main Ideas have information that may be incomplete, inaccurate or oversimplified. / /16
History (X2.5) / Historical background includes:
1) The contribution of noted scientists or organizations to knowledge important to the topic.
2) Method(s) used to expand knowledge.
3) Evidence discovered that supports current theory. / Historical background includes two of three requirements. / Historical background includes one of three requirements. / /10
Slide Content (X2) / 1) Images used add to the quality of the presentation.
2) Slides contain talking points following the
6-6 rule.
3) Main Ideas supported with minimum one non-clipart image.
4) There are no misspelled words or major grammatical errors. / 1) Images used add to the quality of the presentation.
2) Slides contain talking points following the
6-6 rule.
3) Main Ideas supported with minimum one non-clipart image.
4) There may be a few misspelled words or major grammatical errors. / 1) Images used may not add to the quality of the presentation.
2) Slides contain talking points but may not follow the 6-6 rule.
3) All Main Ideas not supported with minimum of one non-clipart image.
4) There may be some misspelled words or major grammatical errors. / 1) Images are not used or images are unrelated to the topic.
2) Slides may contain the presentation word for word.
3) Most Main Ideas not supported with minimum of one non-clipart image.
3) There may be many misspelled words or major grammatical errors. / /8
Slide Design (X1) / 1) Slide background and font color make text easy to read.
2) Arial, Tahoma, or Verdana font is used.
3) Animations & transitions do not interrupt presentation.
4) Looks Professional / Only three of the four requirements are met. / Only two of the four requirements are met. / /4
Presentation (X2) / 1) Main Ideas are explained in a concise and clear manner in the students’ own words.
2) Main Ideas are presented in logical order.
3) Speakers add many details not on slides. Talking Points on the slides only used to guide the audience. / 1) Main Ideas are explained in a concise and clear manner in the students’ own words.
2) Main Ideas are presented in logical order.
3) Speakers add some details not on slides. Talking Points on the slides mainly used to guide the audience. / 1) Main Ideas may not be explained clearly.
2) Main Ideas are presented in logical order.
3) Speakers add few details not on the slides. Most information shown on slides. / 1) Main Ideas may not be explained clearly.
2) Main Ideas are NOT presented in logical order.
3) Speakers are not adding additional details. All information is shown on slides. / /8
Delivery (X1.5) / 1) Speakers make eye contact with the audience most of the time.
2) All terms used are pronounced correctly.
3) Presentation is evenly paced. Speakers are not rushing through presentation. / 1) Speakers make eye contact with the audience most of the time.
2) One term used may be pronounced incorrectly.
3) Presentation is evenly paced. Speakers are not rushing through presentation. / 1) Speakers attempt some eye contact with audience.
2) More than one term may be pronounced incorrectly.
3) Delivery of presentation may seem rushed. / 1) Speaker merely reads to the audience with little or no eye contact.
2) More than one term may be pronounced incorrectly.
3) Delivery of presentation may seem rushed. / /6
Time (X2) / Presentation lasts a minimum of 6 minutes and maximum 8 minutes. / Presentation lasts at least 5 minutes but less than 6 minutes / Presentation lasts at least 4 minutes but less than 5 minutes / Presentation lasts less than 4 minutes.

<3 minutes=0/10 / /8