24 -28 mars Français 1 Période: ______Nom: ______

Mme. McNamara Semestre 2 Quarter 4 Semaine 1
This week’s Learning GOALS: In this lesson you will be able to:
q  Use vocabulary to offer, accept or refuse food in French.
q  Ask for and give opinions about food.
q  Give an opinion citing evidence from an article about the French language.
lundi, le 24 mars / mardi, le 25 mars / mercredi/jeudi, le 26/27 mars / vendredi, le 28 mars
Fourth Quarter Announcements
Ø  Keep your note book up to date. Spend at least 15 minutes a night reviewing your notes and vocabulary.
Ø  If you are not getting the e-alerts from Remind101, sign up again by texting the code @macperiod1 to 520-777-1698 (4th period too)
Ø  Fourth quarter is going to expand your knowledge by speaking and writing in French more while continuing to add to our grammar and vocabulary base. Stay on top of your work and you will be able to end the quarter strong.
Ø  We will be doing a cumulating project which will last the entire quarter. Please do not procrastinate. Look at the due dates and ask questions.
Ø  Please never hesitate to ask me a question, email me at / Cloche: Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1.  Why did you choose to study French?
2.  What are the official languages in Canada?
3.  Why is learning a second language important?
4.  What is language diversity?
5.  How are language and culture intertwined?
1.  Review cloche
2.  Cultural Article
3.  Think pair share
4.  Text dependent questions
Devoirs: Reread the second article and prepare questions for the Socratic seminar. Write questions on the back of this paper. / Block day
Cloche: Answer in French:
1.  Quelles sont les langues officielles du Canada?
2.  Est-ce que tu aimes parler français?
3.  Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui?
4.  Comment dit-on «hello» au Canada?
5.  Quelle est ta classe préférée?
Please be prepared to participate in the conversation today!
1.  Réviser la cloche et les devoirs
2.  Review article questions
3.  Socratic Seminar
4.  Written response
5.  Vocabulaire 6.1
Ø  Complete your paragraph response for Friday! / Cloche: Answer in French:
1.  Qu’est-ce que tu manges pour le petit-déjeuner?
2.  Est-ce que tu aimes manger des œufs?
3.  Est-ce que tu aimes boire du café?
4.  Qu’est-ce que tu aimes boire?
5.  À quelle heure est-ce que tu prends le petit-déjeuner?
1.  Review cloche
2.  Collect homework
3.  American vs. French breakfast
4.  Notes on the partitive
5.  Youtube project introduction!
Review your notes. Study for vocabulary quiz! Vocabulary activity due Monday!

This is what your French Calendar will look like each week. It will be given out every Monday. The Cloche is the Warm-up. Leçon is the class activities (daily lesson) and the

Devoirs are your homework. The Cloche (warm-up) will be done on the back of your calendar. Your composition book (cahier) is for notes, vocabulary and class assignments.

Text the code @macperiod1 to (520) 777-1698 for Class E-Alerts.

Write 5 questions for the Socratic seminar. Use the article as a reference. **********Homework for 3/26***********
1) ______
2) ______
3) ______
4) ______
5) ______
Based on today’s learning goal, Rate yourself on the learning scale: 0 1 2 3 4 / mardi, le 25 mars, 2014 Tuesday’s warm-up here ****************
1) ______
2) ______
3) ______
4) ______
5) ______
Based on today’s learning goal, Rate yourself on the learning scale: 0 1 2 3 4
mercredi/jeudi, le 26/27mars, 2014
1) ______
2) ______
3) ______
4) ______
5) ______
Based on today’s learning goal, Rate yourself on the learning scale: 0 1 2 3 4 / vendredi, le 28 mars, 2014
1) ______
2) ______
3) ______
4) ______
5) ______
Based on today’s learning goal, Rate yourself on the learning scale: 0 1 2 3 4

Checklist: Did I write my name? Did I complete all warm-ups? Did I rate myself on the learning scale? Je m’appelle: ______