Deerfield School Board

Deerfield Community School

Deerfield, New Hampshire

Wednesday, August 6th, 2008


PRESENT: John Harrington, Bonnie Beaubien, Kevin Webber, Kevin Barry, Peter Warburton, Gail Paludi, Paul Yergeau, Kandy Davitt

1. Call To Order-Mr. Harrington

The August 6th, 2008 Deerfield Community School Board meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Chairman John Harrington.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

Mr. Harrington led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Minutes of Previous Meetings

A motion was made by Kevin Barry to accept the minutes of June 12th & July 8th 2008, as written seconded by Bonnie Beaubien.

All In Favor

Motion Carried

4. Immediate Business

A. Agenda Review

No Changes were made.

B. Citizens’/ Staff Comments

Kyle Rothmitch asked for the board to take the time to discuss sending Deerfield students to Concord High School.

Superintendent Peter Warburton stated that 95% of the Deerfield high school population attend Concord High based on the contractual agreement between Concord and Deerfield. Supt. Warburton stated that 2 students would be attending Central and 2 students would be attending Coe Brown based on the current formula.

The Board discussed the November 15th date that was used to conduct the lottery that determines the number of slots available to attend elsewhere. It was noted that it was important that all pertinent information be made available at that time so that the members of the board could make an appropriate decision.

C. Power Monitors at DCS-Mr. Harrington, Mr. Barry

Mr. Barry inquired about the impact the power outages have on the computers. Board members suggested that power monitors be installed to take care of any concerns or problems. Mr. Barry will take care of getting them installed.

D. Oil Tank/Generator/water Tank Updates- Mr. Harrington, Mr. Warburton

Mr. Barry noted that the generator will be installed on 8/14/08 and the pad will be installed on Monday 8/11/08.

Mr. Aubrey informed the board about the work being done on the water tank. The board members discussed having Chris Kofen from Aqua Specialties to the water testing for the 08-09 school year

A motion was made by Bonnie Beaubien to hire Chris Kofen of Specialties LLC for an annual retainer fee of $250 with routine testing at $ 80 (4-6 times a year) to do the water testing, seconded by Kevin Webber.

All In Favor

Motion Carried

Mr. Aubrey also informed the board that the furnace has a hole. As a result the first two boilers are shut off. The recommendation is to put in a new boiler. Mr. Aubrey is getting quotes for this. The board members asked that information concerning the situation be forwarded to them

Mr. Aubrey noted that the surplus for 07-08 was $200,000.

E. Nominations- Mr. Warburton

Supt. Warburton brought forward the following names for the boards consideration.

Jasmine Yelle-PE

Kate Sears-1st grade

A motion was made by Kevin Webber to accept Jasmine Yelle to fill the PE position at DCS and Kate Sears to fill the 1st grade position, seconded by Bonnie Beaubien.

All In Favor

Motion Carried

5. Old/Unfinished Business

A. Maintenance Director Job Description- Mr. Harrington

The board reviewed the job posting for the Maintenance Director’s position.

A motion was made by Kevin Webber to accept the Maintenance Dir. Job description w/ changes

Seconded by Bonnie Beaubien.

All In Favor

Motion Carried

The members of the board discussed the salary range for the Maintenance Dir. Position and set it in the range of $45,000-$50,000 plus benefits. The board also asked Supt. Warburton to ask Jonathan Burnham from PA to assist the board in reviewing candidates.

B. Electronic Format for Board packets- Mr. Warburton

Supt. Warburton shared with the board information on electronic formatting of the Board’s packets. He hoped that by doing this it would save on the amount of time his staff puts in collating, mailing, board packets.

C. Middle Village Charter School Update-Mr. Harrington

Supt. Warburton will bring any information that is available to the Sept. 3rd. meeting.

6. Other Business

A. Informational Items-Administrators and Board Members

Kandy Davitt- asked that board if they would be interested in submitting an article to the Bridge either the 3rd or 4th Wednesday of the month on a regular basis. Members agreed that the 3rd Wednesday of the month would be the best time to have board information inserted into the Bridge. Mr. Webber will speak to Mrs. Clark about the arrangement.

Paul Yergeau- informed the board that the extended year program ended this week and that Mrs. Whittaker and staff presented a summer program that was beneficial to those who attended.

Part of the program included Northeast Passage which is an adventure program designed by UNH that is brought into schools.

Mr. Yergeau also stated that he is working diligently with a staff member from Concord High to gather data on Deerfield students attending Concord and will bring that information to the board soon.

Kevin Barry- informed the members that on the 25th of August he will be meeting with the Selectmen and that he will be bringing any school information forward at that time.

He also reminded that board that Kathy Matthews needed to be rescheduled for her exit interview with the board.

John Harrington- informed the members of the board that the NEA, elected Heather Swanson, Sarah Potter and Heidi Cook as part of the 08-09 negotiating team.

Mr. Harrington informed the board that Mr. McGary sent a bill to them concerning the cost of the work done for the Dept. Of Environmental Services reviewing the wetlands next to the school.

The total bill was $ 1,880.

A motion was made by Kevin Barry to pay Mr. McGary the $1,880 for the services rendered to the Deerfield Community School, seconded by Bonnie Beaubien

All In Favor

Motion Carrie

Supt. Warburton-thanked the members of the board for changing their meetings to the 1st Wednesday of every month.

B. Agenda Preparation




Exist Interview

Student Information

Bus Route approval

Policy ECF

C. Citizens’/Staff Comments

None were made.

8. Adjournment

At 8:45 P.M. a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Kevin Webber, seconded by Bonnie Beaubien.

All In Favor

Motion Carried

The next Deerfield School Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 6:30 P.M.