Seasons for Growth (England & Wales) Ltd.

Trainers’ Forum for Northern England and North Wales

Campanile Hotel, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7

Thursday 6 December 2012

Minutes of Inaugural Meeting

1.  Present Fiona Holden (chair), Barry Lyonette, Leanne Jones, Liz Hall,
Wendy Hart, Joy Holmes and Ged Flynn (minutes)

2.  APOLOGIES Katherine Selkirk (Leeds)

3.  Welcome

a.  Fiona welcomed all to meeting. She had been asked to convene the meeting by Jackie Hawkins (SfG Chair) following the idea of having a northern forum being mooted previously at the last Seasons Day held in Runcorn to which all UK trainers, coordinators and trustees had been invited.

b.  It was agreed that minutes (notes at least!) from this meeting would be shared with the trustees and could be disseminated through the national office to other trainers in other areas of the country for information. We updated each other in so far as current information allowed as to where other trainers in the UK were up to. We were all very aware that the current economic climate had meant that Seasons work had had to come to an end for some where others had been able to manage some activity in spite of restructuring or ending of contracts, etc.

4.  DRAFT Terms of Reference (TORs) for this Group
Fiona asked us to pool ideas as to what we needed from this forum, noting the terms of reference for the previous national Trainers’ Forum for reference. So, “What do we want?”
The group named the following needs/outcomes/processes for this group:

-  Connectedness

-  Protected time for Seasons (outside our office environs!)

-  Peer group / learning and support

-  Safe place to look at development ideas

-  A place to raise topics and 'bugbears' which are common to us as trainers

-  A potential reconnector for us as trainers in the region

-  A need for structure and agenda lest it degenerate into something less helpful

-  A think tank

-  The forum ought to be seen by companions as part of the national structure and so benefit them as workers in this field

Wendy said her companions know we are meeting today and will feed back to them. We should all in turn feed back to the companions through reconnectors etc.

We agreed to meet in May and November each year, diaries permitting.
We will raise standing agenda items for future meetings. Amongst these would be Regional Updates.

We agreed that these minutes, once agreed, would suffice as the TORs for this forum.

5.  Data Collection
We acknowledged the work that Yolande does at national office in terms of collecting and receiving data and information from companions delivering programmes. Some had systems in place wherein companions notified their local trainer when they were ordering journals and so delivering a programme; others did not: we all do things somewhat differently in each region.

ACTION All to bring examples of what data we hold and how for the next meeting.
Fiona will prompt us for this nearer the time. All / Fiona

6.  Newsletter
We all valued the newsletter earlier this autumn and wanted to express thanks to John Joyce for coordinating and producing this. We felt we might need to consider an agreed format for our respective region’s input lest one area be seen to be more important than another. John could agree with us on a word count maximum from each region (nationally). We felt as a group that we might increase momentum for a next newsletter from this group whilst acknowledging the importance of the national perspective. We suggested the following ideas to build on the current newsletter if possible.
So, we suggest including the following in the next national newsletter:

-  qualitative feedback from participants in the programme

-  qualitative feedback from participants in Companion training

-  qualitative feedback from Companions about their experience of the SfG process

We suggested that each region’s input would also include up to four images for John’s editorial choice to be included with each region’s narrative. We agreed that, beyond that, the structure of each region’s input could have its own style / focus. We might like to encourage companions to offer feedback at annual reconnectors to be included.
We suggest a November newsletter nationally. Obviously this will depend on John’s availability. We also suggest we do something locally if we can between each November newsletter (this will vary from region to region) in order to maintain interest and connectedness between stakeholders, especially companions.

ACTION Speak with John about this idea. Barry

7.  Keeping in touch WITH companions LOCALLY
This can be very difficult where there is no admin support. MailChimp is a free option for mass emailing. Impossible for some because of work policies. Trainers should perhaps use the itinerary forms to keep abreast of companion activity and preserve QA.

ACTION Consider value of Itinerary Forms copied to Trainer and national office All

8.  Keeping in touch with each other
We agreed to meet twice per year (May and November). Ged mentioned that social media might aid our connectedness with each other and a wider SfG network. Whilst there were problems with this for some of us because of lack of access to Facebook etc at work, it was felt that it was worth our trying it. The trustees had already agreed to this.

ACTION Circulate Facebook protocols for members of this group (non-work emails) Ged

We also agreed that we would also use email between each other (group emails where needed, replying to all etc as required).

ACTION Setup circular email group for this group. Fiona

9.  SEASONS Website
The website is not being used and its structure is too static. It has some shop window value as it is but it needs updating. Ged offered to upload stuff if other trainers sent it to him but he had no access protocols for this. It would need clearance from the trustees.

ACTION Trustees to consider allowing Ged (at least temporary) access to content management system for SfG website to upload info. Barry / Ged / all

10. Regional UpdateS (notes only)

a.  Lancaster and Morecambe
Wendy and Joy were trained as Trainers in June 2011. Training in November 2011 for 14 participants. Barry supported this. Since then altogether there are 24 trained in varying degrees of contact and reconnecting. Some are open to be mentors for others. Recent struggle with recruitment for June /July training. Olympics was an obstacle for June. £250 charged but reduction for 2nd person from same school. Recent training was small (7) of whom 50% are delivering already. We have had two big annual connectors. These are half day events. Wendy and Joy are now linked to other CAMHS primary mental health workers. There may be an opportunity for growth in the delivery programme here, e.g. across Lancashire. Phase 1 will be for Wendy and Joy to train new companions. Down the line there may be 12 me trainers needed (within 12-18 months). If the budget needs to be spent, we may need to negotiate how to secure the funding even if the training is not scheduled yet. Ged noted that other areas (e.g. Leeds had expressed interest in our training other new Trainers.) No firm dates were available for this but, in the first instance, people had to be trained Companions before training as a Trainer.

ACTION Check current level of need within existing regions (nationally) for new trainers to be trained before planning next training. Fiona / Ged

Wendy and Joy are currently mentoring most of the active companions themselves within their general role or through seasons itself. Wendy regularly maintains info flow if Yolande is in touch etc. Wendy remains unsure about how many children have completed the programme .She will contact Yolande to update herself on this. Some difficulties with ordering partly due to payment because organisations often demand goods up front before payment is made. Wendy and Joy do not have control of the finances due to their organisation's policies. Barry asked about what CAMHS expects of Wendy and Joy re Seasons. They have had some autonomy but more scrutiny is anticipated. Fiona expected this in her area too.
Fiona tabled researcher Anna Riley's recent article which may help here to show impact of seasons to employers and commissioners.

b.  North West
Three trainings: July, November and one coming early new year. Main difficulty is keeping old time companions still interested. Some of these are out of touch nowadays. Some have been to reconnectors but haven't delivered (and a few, vice versa).
Fiona suggested a refresher course for those who have not delivered ... It was mandatory if you wanted to stay accredited. They then have to deliver in 6 months or get unaccredited. Fiona to circulate the refresher course input.
Recent changes in Leanne and Barry's roles demands that they renew contact with people in new ways, as they no longer have same capacity for companions. Also looking to have trainings in new venues. Usually attract 12-14. Recent group of 19 was too onerous; not to be recommended. Barry and Leanne put a lot of work into getting the right people in the room. Learning, where they were there because of meeting a budget deadline, participants were not as engaged and less likely to deliver.
Discussion here on the critical importance of information sessions before the trainings - however these are delivered - if we are to prevent a high attrition rate and to maximise the number of companions who will deliver after their training. This region focuses on the two days as an inside out experience for participants.
Barry and Liz shared the value of the pathway in equipping the trainer to discern unsuitable candidates and to aid them in weeding people out of the pathway who don't meet required standards. (Very difficult to have to deliver these messages to schools and to individuals when we discern that they should not proceed with delivery or need attend the training.) All encouraged to reflect on the pertaining pathway again. Barry and Leanne are probably moving into Children's Bereavement Charity UK and are keen to take Seasons with them.

c.  North Wales
Funding from Families First for a post but first incumbent did not stay. Band 5. Coordinator post with some delivery and mentorship ... Broadly for North Wales.
Last training in autumn 2011 was cancelled due to trainers' bereavements. Aril 2013 training is looking promising.
Team around the family ... Different models. Some people involved in this will be trained in April, we hope. Day 2 of the Companion Training ... We do get the books out but connector increasingly practical and now includes introduction to mentors where possible.
Mentors have a close link with the trainers post training. Info session for children used as well as same for parents and teachers. Split the role of mentor: some will do debriefing; some will do the development of programme start ups. Companion training does not equip people to be mentors.
(Wendy said in their area, children are targeted. We discussed the value of diverse groups here. Fiona said info sessions for children should include teachers and they then see the value of selecting children who need the programme rather than assuming this.)
Annual Reconnector coming in June 2013. Liz still keen on developing Adult programme but she and Fiona want to deliver it before they train others to do so. Mental Health Measure (cf. IAPT) may help with opportunities for adult programme delivery.

11. From the trustees

a.  Trustees are keen to think through and seek our views on:

i.  Levels of interest in the adult programme

We did not have much current activity on this score within the group. In general, whilst welcoming of the new programme, trainers here felt that they would want to deliver the programme before training in it. Also, most of us present were currently going to focus on the children and young people’s programme for the time being. The potential revenue stream for Seasons from the delivery of the grief seminar (in particular) was noted.

ii.  Quality Control processes for trainers
We thought working out of area with other trainers could work for some. Peer education at its best! Liz thought this might also be useful for isolated companions (those particularly in rural areas, e.g. W Wales).
Perhaps we need to occasionally also report on learning and or concerns through these minutes up to the Chair of Trustees.

iii.  Accreditation of new trainers
Ged suggested that his understanding was that newly trained trainers were to deliver two trainings (one as lead) before being accredited by Australia. Wendy and Joy have now fulfilled the required numbers of trainings.

ACTION Complete brief report on trainings to be countersigned by Trainer Mentor and return to Chair for Accreditation Certification Wendy and Joy

b.  Seasons trustees are still pursuant of a national coordinator but are aware that their priority is to raise funds to keep the charity going in the immediate future. They are aware through Barry that it may be possible for another charity to take the work on nationally (e.g. Children’s bereavement UK) in the event of this charity not continuing. Fiona raised the concern that CBC might be overly focused on death related losses where SfG is clearly about other losses (not only death).

c.  Financial situation is critical just now. 2 bids have been submitted to mitigate risks of income stream failure and outcomes will be known in February 2013. Barry reported that the current funding will sustain the office for a further 3 months only. Current bids are focused on children's programme. Fiona raised the issue of exit strategy in terms of support for existing activity.

d.  SfG (EW) Ltd. now has the licence to publish and print materials in the UK (Hobbes). Jackie and the trustees have done a lot of work on this liaising with Good Grief in Australia. Liz also named the Welsh translation / transliteration issues, hoping that the rights to publish in the UK may facilitate this more readily.

12. AOB None.

The meeting ended at 14:45.

13. next meeting
Monday 13 May 2012 9.45am -3pm Runcorn (details to follow from Barry or Fiona)

Minutes: Seasons Trainers Forum 2012 December 6 Page 1 of 5