Name of Meeting: April Board of Directors Meeting
Facilitator: Christine Clyne, President / Secretary: Adele Avolio
Date: 04/05/2016 / Time: 5:30 – 7:33p.m. / Location: Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida,
4780 Cattleman Road, Sarasota, FL
Present: Christine Clyne, Marie Graziosi, Steve Hall, , Adele Avolio, Mary Meunier
Absent: Laura Ramirez, Angie Messerschmidt, Liz Cotner, Renee Hood
Guests: Gina Burwood, Dawn Laidlaw, Stephanie Deiter, Kathy Bouchard
Discussion Item / Notes
Call to order and welcome /
- Christine called the meeting to order at 5.:52 PM
Consent Agenda /
- Motion to approve the Consent Agenda was made by Mary to include the MarchTreasurer’s report, new membersand the March Minutes. Seconded by Steve. All in favor. Motion carried.
Dawn Laidlaw /
- SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP classes commenced on February 16th with 16 students
- Current students appear engaged and class participation is very good. Testing is anticipated during the May 1st – July 15th testing window.
- Dawn explained that the HRCI materials are not available.
- Motion to offer only SHRM certification training in the fall. HRCI certification to be offered in the event materials become available and Certification Committee is agreeable to offering in the fall was made by Marie. Seconded by Mary. All in favor. Motion carried.
Stephanie /
- Day on the hill information is now on the website.
- Great learning and networking experience for Stephanie and Amber.
- Have a better understanding of how we can collaborate and connect with our representatives. Important to note, even if the bills die, they will continue to be a topic of conversation. We must stay vigilant.
- Stephanie and Amber will put together a SHRA Call to Action Guide summaryfor our members. This was posted to the website. Comments to representative are encouraged on the DOL Legislation and other pending bills.
- Transgender restrooms for public and work places are the next on the radar in terms of what is the employer responsible for.
Kathy /
- Met with Steve regarding partnering SHRA with the Career Source Suncoast work experience program that focuses on helping out of school youth (18 – 24). Would like to market it to SHRA members.
- Attended a National conference in Washington, D.C. to learn about the program. It is an amazing opportunity to help youth in our community
- Kathy will present the idea at the next Member Meeting
- Would also like SHRA members to volunteer to be a panel member for people in transition. June 2nd is the next HR panel.
Adele /
- Notification of March Membership meeting was sent to the Sarasota Herald Tribune.
Christine /
- Started the meeting by thanking Marie for chairing the Member Meeting in March in her absence.
- Presented Kathy Bouchard with Volunteer of the Year Award.
- Signed contract with Palm-Aire Country Club and canceled October contract with Polo Grill.
- HR Florida Council Meeting - Marie and Christine will attend the Council dinner and meeting on April 7th and 8th in Tampa.
- HR Florida Conference/Registrations – we have sold all of our super early bird registrations (minus the one we hare heold back for the Membership Draw winner) and are now selling the last group of 5. There is an opportunity to volunteer at HR Florida. If interested, or know anyone who is, we can forward the link.
- 2016 Goals & Objectives – Marie, Steve and Christine formalized our objectives for this year and Angela has posted them on the website. Check them out. Busy group!
- Road trip to St. Pete? It would be interesting to attend another chapter meeting.
- Suncoast HR – 2nd Wednesday 7:30 – 9:30, Feather Sound Country Club 2201 Feather Sound Drive, Clearwater, FL 33762.
- Speakers for October conference: Liz, Renee, Marie and Christine held a conference call about the October 21st conference. We are off to an impressive start with speakers for our theme of Workforce Readiness. I will let Liz’ report fill out in on the details.
- Updates from SHRM - SHRA did not receive an award for 2015. Jean will filed an appeal.
- Still waiting to hear about our bylaw revisions. We were told we would hear something in March at the earliest.
- As a non-100% Chapter, SHRA will be eligible for the SHRM e-blast program in 2016. Chapters may request that SHRM send two e-mails per year on their behalf, promoting chapter membership and an event of the chapter’s choice to at-large members. This program will provide access to SHRM’s at-large community, while recognizing the privacy and other concerns surrounding the sharing of SHRM member and e-mail addresses. Waiting to hear more information as of 3/1/2016.
- Platinum award update goal –Board members may complete their individual SHRM Foundation donation do it online at the SHRM website. Give the receipt to Christine for tracking purposes.
- HR Professional of the YYyear can be any HR professional[C1], not necessarily a SHRA member[MG2]. SHRM is partnering with HR Tampa and Suncoast HR to participate in the HR Professional of the Year in the Tampa Bay Area Nominations are due 5/15/16 and open to anyone (doesn’t have to be a chapter member) who works in Hillsborough, Pinellas, Manatee or Sarasota Counties.
Renee /
- Christine spoke reported in Renee’s absence.
- Balance of money left after the projector purchase will determine the cost of the camera.
- Partial payments and Board meeting minutes will be discussed at a later date.
Angie /
- Christine will check with Angie to find out is she needs help with collections.
Laura /
- She is working with Angela on website access.
- Monitoring Dashboard as new membership renewals approach.
- Jerry is reaching out to previous SHRA members.
Gina /
- Manny is ready to accompany anyone willing to take him to events. He has a biography and travels well. Will coordinate Manny’s schedule.
- Currently leading the district by 700 points.
Steve /
- Panel discussion at State College of Florida on April 14. Steve, Stephanie and Amber Thornhill will be panel members. The event is April 14th.
Mary /
- Meeting with people but no dates to report.
- Building relationships with new and previous sponsors.
- Reviewed sponsorship pages of other SHRM chapters.
- April will be Legal Shield.
- Not for profits will be known as the Community Spotlight for the Membership Meeting. They will educate to include their mission, scope of services, need forcannot recruit volunteers, special event information, and provide contact information for member to connect directly if preferred, but not do a direct solicitation and collection but can promote their services .
Marie /
- Served as the March 19th leadership facilitator in Christine’s absence.
- Stephanie and Amber will continue relationship with Don Works and follow up with representatives for information on developing state and federal legislation.
- Lead discussion about not for profit companies soliciting SHRA members. All agree that not for profits are to inform the membership of services as stated above.
Liz /
- Christine reported in Liz’ absence.
- CEUs were submitted for April and May and posted on the website.
- Discussed two different agendas for the October conference.
- Further discussion is needed.
- June’s strategic speaker cancelled.
- Building the 2017 program. January is confirmed with Gail Farb (Williams Parker) and June is confirmed with Jackson Lewis.
# / Action Item (AIl) / Owner / Due Date / Status
1 / HR Florida draw / Laura / May / Pending
2 / Designating April as Member Appreciation Month and come up with an event, Diversity in October, Veterans for November / Christine / October / Pending
3 / Christine to research how monetary donations interact between Excel and SHAPE / Christine / April / Pending
42 / Will track SHRA participation in the State College of Florida April 14theEvent. / Steve / May / Pending
5 / Legislative update summary for Day on the Hill / Stephanie and Amber / May / Pending
63 / Board minutes on the website and partial payments / ALL / May / Pending
74 / SHRM – Platinum status contribution to SHRM Foundation / ALL / 10/31/16 / Pending
Prepared: A.A.
[C1]Yes, this is a separate initiative from SHRA’s HR Professional of the Year. We are partnering with HR Tampa and Suncoast HR to participate in the HR Professional of the Year in the Tampa Bay Area. Nominations are due 5/15/16 and open to anyone (doesn’t have to be a chapter member) who works in Hillsborough, Pinellas, Manatee or Sarasota County.
[MG2]You need to clarify this information – related to combo chapter event in Tampa like last year