DE Form 0287 -Local School District Course Submission Form


School District Information:

School DistrictName

School District Address

Telephone NumberE-Mail


Curriculum DirectorSignature

Local Board ChairpersonSignature

Course Submission Process:

Step 1:Course submissions are due to GaDOE curriculum office via this form by September 1of each year.

Step 2:Course standards are reviewed by the appropriate content area advisory committee. The advisory committee will either recommend that the standards be presented to the State Board of Education (SBOE) for permission to post for 60 to 90 days of public review and comment or will recommend changes needed before the course can be considered by the SBOE.

Step 3:As appropriate for secondary courses, standards are reviewed by the University System of Georgia (USG) and/or the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) for review and comment.

Step 4:Pending approval by the advisory committee, USG, TCSG, and GaDOE leadership, the course will be presented to the SBOE for permission to post for 60 to 90 days of public review and comment.

Step 5:A summary of the public review and comments is then presented to the SBOE before a decision is made for approval. Once the course is approved by the SBOE, it will be added to the list of state-funded courses for use in the next semester if time allows or in the next school year.

Name of Proposed Course: ______

Lab Funding Requested (CTAE only) ____Yes ____No

Types of Instruction: (check all that apply)

______Distance Learning____Remedial

______ESOL____Special Education

______Gifted____ Apprenticeship

______On-Line____ One Hour Lab

______Regular____ Two Hour Lab

Check appropriate grade level(s):

__K __ 1 __ 2 __ 3 __ 4 __ 5 __ 6 __ 7 __ 8 __ 9 __ 10 __ 11 __ 12

Unit of Credit:

____one-half unit (1 semester, regular schedule) ____one unit (block 1 semester, regular 2 semesters)

High school graduation unit of credit (check appropriate area(s) of study):

____English Language Arts ____Mathematics ____Science ____Social Studies

____CTAE, ModernLanguage/Latin, or Fine Arts (circle one)

____Health Education/Physical Education ____Other/Electives (list______)

Field of certification needed by teacher(s)______


Course Information:

  1. Rationale for offering course (ensure that there is not an existing “duplicate” course):
  1. Proposed course description:
  1. Target population:
  1. Develop appropriate Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) using the state approved process. (Contact Michele Purvis for questions.)
  1. Program of Study/Pathway:
  1. For CTAE courses, list the National Industry Recognized Credentialing Assessments. (If an assessment is not available, please contact the GaDOE Assessment Specialist before writing the curriculum).
  1. Prerequisite(s):
  1. Amount of instructional time (Days per week/minutes per day/per semester/quarter/block schedule):
  1. Major subject area(s) from which content is selected (e.g., mathematics, science, visual arts):
  1. Description of learning site(s) (If other than classroom, emphasize how the alternative learning site(s) or online format contribute(s) to the course objectives.):
  1. Attach proposed standards for this course in the format used for current Georgiastandards, e.g., Georgia Standards of Excellence for ELA or Math or format used for existing standards for CTAE pathway courses, including the employability standard and elements.)

E-mail a scanned version with original signatures to Rebecca (Becky) Chambers by September 1 of each year. Or mail or FAX Completed Course Submission Form to:

Curriculum and Instruction Division

Georgia Department of Education

1758 Twin Towers East

Atlanta, Georgia 30334-5040

Fax (404) 651-8582 Contact: Becky Chambers 404-463-5098

For Department of Education use only:

Date Application Received: ______Recipient: ______

Review Process Completion Date: ______

Recommendation: _____Approved _____Not Approved

GaDOE Program Manager Signature______Date______

GaDOE Division Director Signature______Date______

GaDOE Deputy Superintendent Signature______Date______

State Board Approval Date: ______

Course Title: ______

Assigned Course Number: ______

Month/Year for course initial implementation: ______

Robert Woods, State School Superintendent

October 26, 2015, Page 1 of 3