I.  Course Description

The purpose of this course is to provide instruction in a variety of science topics (physical science, life science, earth science, space science and science processes). Hands-on lab experiences will be included throughout the course.

II.  Textbook

We will be using Prentice Hall’s Interactive Science series. Students will be held financially responsible for any textbooks or other materials damaged or lost.

III.  Materials

All students must pay a yearly $5 lab fee to be used for lab materials. Please bring the money during the SECOND week of school.

We also ask that each student bring ONE of the following for classroom use:

·  Ream of white copy paper

·  Box of facial tissues

·  Container of sanitizing wipes (like Clorox wipes)

·  Roll of paper towels

·  Bottle of hand sanitizer

Please bring these materials by the end of the second week of school.

It is the responsibility of the student to have all the following materials each class period:

·  Kenwood agenda book

·  1” binder with notebook paper and 3 dividers (notes, handouts & FCAT)

·  2 pens and 2 pencils with erasers

·  2 highlighters

IV.  Communication Policy

The best way to reach me is through email:

You may also leave a message with the Annex Office receptionist (305-271-1499).

V.  Grading Policy

Breakdown of Graded Materials

Classwork/Labs = 35%

Quizzes = 30%

Tests/Projects = 35%

VI.  Assignments

Students will be responsible for completing all assignments. All completed assignments must be neat, presentable, and have the correct heading. Parents and students are responsible for monitoring the students’ progress through the Student/Parent Portal.

Homework: All homework assignments should be written in the agenda books to ensure accuracy. Approximately three to four homework assignments will be given each week.

Quizzes and Tests: Students will be assessed periodically on the material covered in class. Students should use their notes as well as any supplemental materials to study. Important course information (e.g., science fair, study tips) will be posted on under the name Sandi Acosta. The page is called “Ms. Acosta's Science Classes.” This can be accessed through Kenwood’s website or through directly.

VII.  Rules/Procedures

·  Students must arrive on time. Tardiness is UNACCEPTABLE.

·  Students enter the room QUIETLY, go straight to their seats and get materials ready for the day.

·  Students must show respect for their teacher and peers at all times.

·  Cheating will not be tolerated. Cheating will result in a grade of zero for the assignment and parent contact. More serious consequences may result for repeat offenders.

·  Eating, drinking or CHEWING GUM will not be permitted in the science classroom.

·  Students must clean their work area before leaving class.

·  Consequences for violating any of these rules include parental contact and detentions.

I have read and understand the information in this course syllabus.


Student signature Date


Parent signature Date