Episode 1: The Metallic Brute

(One month after we last saw XBOM)

Titus is in his room in the fortress below the school. His room has posters of Deadpool, Wolverine, Elektra, Ms. Marvel, and the Avengers. His room also has a king size bed, a gaming chair with a plasma across the way, and a work out area. Titus grabs his phone and puts on a song (Flagpole Sitta By: Harvey Danger(JL)) and begins to do pull ups.

After, Titus heads out of his room to the main den where he sits on the couch, Michelle is sitting across from him on another couch. "What's up Michelle?" Titus asked. "Nothing much moron" Michelle answered then got up and walked away. "Great talk" Titus responded. Cobalt then walked into the den and yelled, "Yo Titus! Hows it going? Man I am loving our new rooms, it is so much better than our old dorms that we had to share upstairs. I can get use to being a hero with all the perks." "Yea dude I hear that!" Titus yelled in response, "I got a sweet plasma in my room and a great work out section." "Yo man that ain't nothing" Cobalt answered, "I got a slurpee machine, a popcorn machine, and a machine I don't even know what the hell is for, it's fantastic!" Medic walked into the den and Titus and Cobalt shouted, "MEDIC!" "Sleeping Beauty's finally up?" Michelle snickered after walking back to the couch. "Good morning Medic, how did you sleep?" Titus asked. "Fine" Medic answered, "Until two guys started screaming..." "Sorry" Cobalt and Titus replied. Titus started to look around then asked, "Where's Gabby?" "I'm over here!" Gabby called from the kitchen. "I'm baking cupcakes for everyone!" "Alright cool thanks Gabby" Titus responded, "Now where's Draco?" "Im right here" Draco answered while sitting next to Titus on the couch. "Woah!" Titus screamed jumping up in fright, "When did you get there dude?" "I've been here the whole time" Draco replied, "Didn't you notice?" "Uh...yea...yea I di...honestly I had no fucking idea." Titus answered. Titus then stated, "Alright so that just leaves Kristie, does anyone want to wake her up?" No one responded. "I wouldn't even wake her up" Michelle finally replied, "Don't need that attacking me." Finally Kristie walked out into the den and everyone greeted her. "Uh I'm starving" Kristie said and went to the kitchen. "Oh hi Kristie!" Gabby began to say, "If you wait I'm making cupcakes and will-" "Yea I'll have those too" Kristie interrupted, "Now let me just make a cup of coffee and have a donut." Kristie then made coffee, grabbed a donut, and walked over to the couch and layed down. "Rough night?" Titus asked. "I'm not a morning person" Kristie replied, "Or an afternoon, or a night person." "Great to know" Cobalt replied. "Alright so now that everyones here" Titus began to explain, "I figured we would have a group meeting." Everyone started to groan. Titus continued, "Oh come on guys lets just have a quick one, we are a team and there's no I in team." "There is in victory" Cobalt stated. "Not helping dude" Titus replied. "There is in depression" Draco stated. "What the fuck guys?" Titus asked, "Ok so anyway I'd like to st-" Michelle threw an icicle at Titus' head and Titus fell to the ground. "Will you stop doing that Michelle?!" Titus yelled to Michelle. "No" Michelle answered, "At least, not until it stops being fun." Titus got up and stated, "Guys as leader you need to learn to listen to me and not just-" "But there's no I in leader" Kristie interrupted and Titus pouted and then just sat down. "CUPCAKES ARE READY!" Gabby yelled as she brought the cupcakes to the den. Everyone took one (Kristie took three) and started to eat them. "Thanks" Titus, Cobalt, Medic, and Kristie replied. "You're still annoying Gabby" Michelle replied. "By the way" Michelle said to Titus, "As leader don't you have to prove yourself?" "Um, I'm pretty sure I proved myself when I triggered my rage mode and took out all the bad guys while you guys sat there in awe." Titus responded. "Well I think there should be a test" Michelle answered, "Lets do a test of strength." "Ok" Cobalt interrupted, "Titus lets go." Cobalt then moved to the table in the middle of the den and put his arm on it. "Alright, lets do this" Titus replied and moved to the table and grabbed Cobalt's hand with his adamantium arm and Cobalt turned metal. "Time to see how strong adamantium really is" Cobalt said. "Arm wrestling...?" Michelle asked, "Really? I was thinking of something more-" "Ready!" Cobalt interrupted. "Set!" Titus responded and then both said "GO!" Each then tried to bring the others arm down. After a minute of the two trying to bring each others arm down Cobalt's arm finally started to slowly go down, Titus saw this and took the upper advantage and smashed Cobalt's hand onto the table. "Yea! Winner: The Metallic Brute!" Titus yelled. "Adamantium is strong" Cobalt replied.

Suddenly the alarm sounded and the plasma TV's came down and Professor Xavier appeared on them, "Good morning" Professor Xavier stated, "Are you ready for your mission?" "Cant it be after 11?" Kristie asked. Professor Xavier ignored Kristie's comment and continued, "Sources told us Pyro and Sabretooth were in town entering an abondoned warehouse, Titus I'm sending you the coordinates now" The warehouse appeared on the holographic table beneath the plasmas and Titus recieved the coordinates telipathically, Professor Xavier then continued to explain, "You seven are going into town where there are humans, so you will need to be disguised and not use your powers unless necessary. It's best if the humans do not know we were there. Head to the BlackBird and get on your way when you're ready, good luck." "Alright lets move out team" Titus said. "Which way?" Michelle asked, "The door way, or the giant hole Gabby made that still needs to be repaired." The team looked at the giant hole in the wall, "Has that been there the whole episode?" Titus asked. "Sorry about that again" Gabby replied. The team then moved to the hanger and boarded the BlackBird. "I'll put in the coordinates" Titus stated and put the coordinates in the GPS while Draco and Michelle sat down and strapped themselves in, everyone else stapped themselves in as well. The hanger door opened and Draco and Michelle started to lift the BlackBird off the ground. "PUNCH IT!" Titus yelled and the BlackBird flew forward and they were on their way. Titus walked to the side of the BlackBird and pushed a button and a wall slowly opened outward revealing different clothing. "Alright Medic, Cobalt, and Kristie you guys look normal, well normalish...so you won't need disguises" Titus explained, "Michelle, Gabby, you two do, here are coats. Draco, you are gonna need to wear a coat and a hat." Titus began to hand out the disguising clothing to everyone. "I have a sweatshirt with a hood I can wear" Draco stated, "I'll put it on when we land." "What about you dude?" Cobalt asked Titus, "You can't just walk around with a metal arm." "Yea I know" Titus replied, "I'm gonna wear one of these things." Titus then took out a rubber tan colored sleeve from the wall of disguises and put it on his arm, he then hit a small button on it. The sleeve instantly changed color to match Titus' skin. "Alright cool, that works" Cobalt responded. "Yep" Titus replied, "And uh...Cobalt, you know you can't go into town carrying a giant sword dude." "What am I suppose to do with it?" Cobalt asked. Titus then took Cobalt's sword from him and locked it in a giant case on the ship. "Um...great" Cobalt said, "But how am I suppose to get it when I need it?" "When you need it" Titus answered, "Just open a portal to that locker and grab it." Cobalt tried and opened a portal to the locker and grabbed his sword. "Cool" Cobalt said and opened the portal again and put it back in the locker.

The team soon arrived just outside the town and Draco and Michelle landed the BlackBird, the team then got off of the BlackBird and entered the town. "I've never been to a town" Gabby stated, "This is so exciting! Look it all the stores, look it all the people!" Gabby then ran up to a random guy and hugged him and said "Hello beautiful sir!" The guy looked startled and then ran away fast. "Nice meeting you!" Gabby yelled as he ran away." "Ok Gabby" Titus said, "Lets stay behind me and keep our hands to ourself." The team moved through town until they saw the warehouse. "Alright guys there it is" Titus stated, "Gabby, hook us up with telepathy so we can communicate secretlely." Gabby then hooked the team up telepathically. "Ok" Gabby thought to each teammate, "We are all set to go." "Awesome" Titus thought in response, "Lets enter through the roof." Titus grabbed Medic and jumped to the roof, Draco grabbed Cobalt and flew up with him, Michelle teleported up, and Gabby grabbed Kristie and flew her up. "Michelle" Titus thought, "Teleport in and tell us where we can enter." Michelle nodded, then teleported into the warehouse. Soon she teleported back to the roof and told the team where they could enter. The team walked to the spot on the roof, the team then grabbed hands making a chain with Medic in the middle. Medic then traveled through the roof and the rest of the team traveled through as well. They landed on a stack of crates and looked around. "Ok good job guys" Titus thought, "Now we just need-" (BANG) The whole stack of crates fell and the team fell with them, losing all of their disguises when they hit the ground. "WELL LOOK WHO SHOWED UP!" Juggernaugt yelled while standing over the team, Juggernaut seemed to have a type of machine strapped onto his back. "So much for trying to take a stealth attack" Titus said. "Man I thought we were talking telepathically?" Cobalt replied. "There's no point now asshole they see us" Michelle answered. "Wait I thought we were looking for Pyro and Sabretooth." Medic stated. Pyro and Sabretooth then appeared out of the darkness and stood beside Juggernaugt, then twenty Bots rose behind them. "Well, there they are" Kristie replied, "And they brought friends, I should of stood in bed today..."

The town is peaceful and people are seen walking around, the atmosphere is lovely and could only be described as, misty and beautiful. Veronica and Jacob are on a bench and Veronica moves closer to him. "Veronica" Jacob said, "I must tell you something, I'm not like other guys... I'm a werewolf." "I don't care!" Veronica yelled in response, "I love you, I'll always love you!" The two went to kiss closer...and...closer...and closer... (BANG) Titus came flying through the warehouse wall and crashed into the couple. Titus slowly got up and took a piece of wall out of his head, then turned to the couple and asked, "Oh I'm sorry were you guys having a moment?" Veronica screamed as she watched Titus' cut heal slowly. Titus looked at Jacob and said, "Lovely woman dude, she has lovely boobs, you're one lucky guy!" Titus then got up, yanked the skin sleeve off and patted the couple on the shoulders and said, "You kids have fun." Titus then shot out two adamantium blades and ran at a Bot and jumped on it and stabbed his blades into the Bots head. "And so much for not making contact with the humans" Titus stated. Cobalt turned metal and lifted a Bot up and ripped it in half, Cobalt then opened a portal and grabbed his sword. "Man, Professor Xavier ain't gonna be happy" Cobalt stated. "Beat the shit out of these three assholes and their Bots and he will be!" Michelle replied. Michelle then formed two skates on the bottom of her boots and started to shoot an ice trail to skate on, she then shot icicles at two Bots while skating and then formed dual sword and spun around taking out another Bot. Sabretooth charged Michelle and beat Michelle before she could teleport and stabbed her in the gut with his claws. "AH! MEDIC!" Michelle screamed. Gabby shot a beam and hit Sabretooth away and Medic ran over and took a vile and started to heal Michelle. "I need a minute" Medic told Gabby, "Cover me." Gabby stood in front of Medic with beams ready to fire to protect her. Draco grabbed two Bots by the throat and flew them outside where he threw them to the ground, Draco then shot a bolt of lightning out of his mouth and electrified both Bots to ash. Pyro walked up to Gabby and lit his hands on fire, Gabby shot two beams at Pyro but Pyro dodged each, Pyro then shot a fireball at Gabby and Gabby went to move, but then realized she couldn't leave Medic, Gabby held her hands up covering her face and the fireball hit her arm and lit her arm on fire. Gabby screamed and fell to the ground and tried to put the fire out. Kristie jumped onto Pyro's back and started to choke him but Pyro shot her off by making a mini explosion which knocked Kristie to the ground unconscious. Pyro then shot flames at Cobalt, but Cobalt walked through the flames unaffected, Pyro continued shooting flames at Cobalt, then looked up as Cobalt towered over him. Cobalt then grabbed Pyro by the neck and lifted him up, then looked him in the eyes, and then opened a portal and threw Pyro inside and jumped into it as well. Another portal opened outside of the warehouse in the air and Pyro fell through with Cobalt standing above him, Pyro crashed into the ground and Cobalt landed on him, crushing him and knocking him unconscious. Suddenly Juggernaut ran outside and grabbed Cobalt and held him against the ground while running causing Cobalt to break the ground as he was dragged against it. Juggernaut then threw Cobalt into a wall and then picked up a car and threw it at Cobalt, hitting him and crushing him against the ground. Cobalt lifted the car up slightly and crawled out from under it, Juggernaut then charged Cobalt again and collided with him head first. Cobalt was sent flying back and crashed into the road. Titus shredded through four Bots, then lifted a piece of the street out of the ground telekenitically making a giant boulder, and threw it crushing five more Bots. One Bot went to grab Titus but Draco landed on it and ripped its head off, Draco then landed and stood next to Titus. "Just you and me Draco" Titus said to Draco as he shot two more blades out into his hands, "At least we took care of the Bots." Sabretooth stood across from the two, "You call this a team?" Sabretooth asked as he spit to the side, "They're pathetic" Sabretooth then charged at Draco and Titus and Titus stabbed Sabretooth in the gut with his blade and lifted Sabretooth above his head, Draco then grabbed Sabretooth and shot a lightning bolt into Sabretooths face which threw Sabretooth back into a wall. "One left" Titus stated and they both turned and stared at Juggernaut. Medic finished healing Michelle and Michelle got up and ran and joined Titus and Draco, Medic then started to heal Gabby. "It's over Juggernaut!" Titus stated, "It's three on one." Juggernaut smiled and replied, "Not so fast!" Juggernaut then turned the machine that was on his back on high and the machine lit up and began to spawn a Bot every second, soon he had an army of Bots. "Oh well...it seems the tables have turned." Titus stated. Suddenly Sabretooth jumped up and grabbed onto Draco, stabbing his claws into Draco's wings. Draco yelled and flew into the air. Sabretooth then bit Draco and dug his teeth into Draco's shoulder and Draco fell and crashed into the ground. "There's to many of them" Michelle said to Titus, "If you have any bright plans now would be the time." "You seven are finished!" Juggernaut yelled. Titus thought for a second, then turned and to Michelle and said, "Michelle you have to hit me." Michelle slapped Titus across the face without hesitation. Titus grabbed his cheek and then turned back to Michelle"You have to hit me harder" Titus replied, "I have to get angry in order to enter my rage mod-" Michelle then took an icicle and stabbed Titus in the gut. Instantly Titus' hair changed to black and red and his eyes turned black and his shirt slowly disintegrate. Titus looked up at Michelle and said in a demonic voice "THANKS." Titus then turned and walked toward the enemies as his veins began to turn a dark red and glow like embers. Titus took the icicle out of his gut and threw it into one of the Bots head, Titus then levitated up and brought the ground Juggernaut, the Bots, and he was on into the air. Juggernaut yelled and tried to run forward at Titus, but Titus held his non-metal arm up, keeping Juggernaut in place telekenitically. Titus then brought all the Bots into the air and disinitegrated each instantly. Juggernaut looked around at the ashes of the Bots, then looked back at Titus. Titus then flew full speed into Juggernaut and knocked Juggernaut off the platform they were on and sent him crashing into the ground.