Staff Advisory Council Meeting Minutes

SAC [MONTH] Meeting
11.10.2016 / 1:00 pm / Skutt , Rm 209
Meeting called by / Felicia Nuno
Type of meeting / General Monthly Meeting
Facilitator / Felicia Nuno
Note taker / ElizaBeth Syphers
Attendees / Elizabeth Syphers, Sheri Bacon, Katie Breedlove, Adam Haakenson, Dijon De La Porte, Sharene Sterling, Lynne Caruso, Felicia Nuno, Sue Magnuson, Charise Alexander Adams, Craig Weber, Sarah Oliver, Amy Hansen, Nancy Smith, Jasmine Harris
Approval of Minutes from [10.10.2016]
Discussion / Sarah seconded the motion to purchase 20 new SAC polos, not Lynne.
Sue made a motion to accept the minutes as with the corrections noted. Charise seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
Conclusions / Minutes approved.
Action Items / Person Responsible / Deadline
Correction to the minutes will be made. / ElizaBeth
Sheri Bacon– Purchasing Department
Incentives Purchasing Proposal
Felicia Nuno
Discussion / Shavonne had prepared a proposal for new SAC incentive items.
Purchase the following incentives: 100 notepads, 100 flashlights, 100 totes for a total cost of $623.
Dijon made a motion to approve the proposed purchase. Nancy seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Purchasing a voice recorder was discussed. Craig offered that he may have left over ones for the council for free.
Conclusions / Craig will let the council know within a week if there are voice recorders available.
Action Items / Person Responsible / Deadline
Purchasing of these items. / Shavonne
Staff Event – Cocoa Cart
Nancy Smith
Discussion / Nancy presented two cost scenarios for the cocoa cart and cookies event on 11/28-12/2.
Option 1 Hot Chocolate + Seasonal decorated cookies = $852.75
Option 2 Hot Chocolate bar+ Seasonal decorated cookies = $1002.75
Amy made a motion to approve Option 2 costs. Sarah seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Action Items / Person Responsible / Deadline
Arrange with catering the cocoa bar and cookies. / Nancy
Volunteers from the council will need to help fill in and staff the cocoa cart.
The council discussed and agreed to have purple ribbons for Pancreatic Cancer Awareness at the cart and to collect funds for research.
December Potluck Lunch and Meeting
Felicia Nuno
Discussion / The next meeting will be held at Lower St. John’s with a potluck lunch and shortened business meeting.
A collection will be taken up to help a Creighton family in need. Lynne will coordinate with HR.
SAC Newsletter
Jasmine Harris
Jasmine has brought back the SAC Newsletter and passed a draft copy around for everyone to see.
Bimonthly Meeting with President
Felicia Nuno
Felicia will compile all the highlights from her meetings with Fr. Hendrickson and share with the council via email.
President’s Lunch
Craig Weber
Craig reported that on 10/26, 15 staff members joined Fr. Hendrickson for lunch. It was a short meeting due to time schedules but it
was a positive meeting. Craig is asking for feedback from those that attended. He would like to address the issue of the limited time
For questions from the staff.
Action Items / Person Responsible / Deadline
Follow up with Fr. Hendrickson on how to address that issue. / Felicia
Treasurer’s Report
Felcia Nuno
Discussion / Felcia presented the report that Shavonne had prepared. The current balance is $3,041.85
Human Resources Report
Lynne Caruso
Discussion / Each staff member must complete the myHR training. Training materials and resources will be shared through email.
Public Safety report
Adam Haakenson
Discussion / Adam said that Public Safety has stepped up their presence on campus especially around Heider and Kenefick. The JayRide Taxi and shuttle service will be available 9pm to 2am.
Student Life will also soon be starting a campaign about Safety Awareness.