Timesheet Alternative Options

A valuable component of this program is cooperative work experience where students enhance their learning with their day-to-day experiences on the job. For those that are not employed, these weekly (time sheet alternative) options will help you to explore a variety of topics and report back, to simulate a comparable learning opportunity. You may choose from the follow options:

  • Research professional organizations

Becoming a member of a professional organization can enhance your resume. Find a professional organization online (related to business/marketing). Word-process a 1-2 paragraph summary of the organization, describing the benefits and what is required to join. Be sure to include URL address and the name of the organizationin your assignment & on your timesheet alternative weekly summary.

  • DECA Direct

DECA Direct Online is a digital platform that brings all of DECA’s relevant news articles & resources into one place. You also can have the option of sharing or commenting using social media, providing a dialogue to enhance your learning experience. Read an article online at and then word-process a 1-2 paragraph summary on what you learned. Be sure to include the title of the article, the author, and the issue (date) that the article was published in on your assignment & on your timesheet alternative weekly log.

  • Current story in the news

Every day there is something in the news that is related to what we are studying in business/marketing. Read a news story (that connects to the curriculum) and word-process a 1-2 paragraph summary on what you learned. Be sure to include the name, date, author & URL address and of the source you acquired your information from in your assignment & on your timesheet alternative weekly log.

  • Article from a business/marketing publication

Read an article online or in a magazine that is relevant to what we are studying in business/marketing or related to your personal career interests. Word-processa 1-2 paragraph summary on what you learned. Be sure to include the title of the article, the author, the issue (date) that the article was published in, and the URL address, on your assignment & on your timesheet alternative weekly log.

  • Glencoe practice games

Visit the textbook student centerat glencoe.com and do the chapter "interactive tutor" or “practice tests or quizzes” activities for any of the chapters. After completing the activity, screen shot the finished screen and turn it in. Must complete 10 questions(showing an 80% or better on the material) for full credit.

  • Online modules at HP Life

HP Life is a free platform, featuring a variety of online courses on topics related to marketing/business. These modules will take a little more time but will provide a more comprehensive study access to a global network of entrepreneurs. For this option, you will need to register to obtain a user ID & password. You can select any course & successfully complete the business concept, technology skill, survey to receive your certificate (which will be emailed to you). This option counts for 2 weeks of work.  For the 1st week, you will simply screen-shot your progress to submit for your weekly work & then in the 2nd week you will attach your certificate of completion for your assignment & record both weeks on your timesheet alternative weekly log.

  • DECA test questions

The co-curricular DECA Competency Based Competitive Events Program provides learning activities designed to evaluate students’ development of essential skillsnecessary for entry or advancement in the fields of marketing, management, hospitality, finance, and entrepreneurship. Practices tests can be a great way to reinforce concepts and to prepare for academic competition. See a DECA officer for practice tests and after successfully completing (minimally) 10 questions with an 80% or better, screen-shot your work to submit for the assignment. Be sure to include the name of the exam (and year, if available) on your timesheet alternative weekly summary.