Rutherford Co., NC DB A-D p.206

No. 192

This Indenture made the fourth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & eighty three between John Huddleston of Rutherford County in the State of North Carolina of the one part & James Scott of the County & State aforesaid of the other part witnesseth that for & in consideration of the sum of one hundred & thirty pounds specia? To the said John Huddleston in hand paid by the said James Scoot at & before the ensealing & delivering of these presents the receipt & payment whereof is here by acknowledged hath granted bargained sold alliented enfeoffes?? Conveyed & confirmed & by these presents doth grant bargain sell allienal enforess conveyed confirm unto the said James Scoot his heirs & assigns for ever all that mepage or tract of land situate lying & being in the County of Rutherford & in the state aforesaid on both sides of Cleghorns crest of Broad River beginning at a chestnut in William Cleghorns line thence N70E 110 poles to a red oak thence with Byars line N50W 266 poles to a stake & pointers thence with Thomas Beatys line S8W 122 poles to a stake in William Cleghorns line at the river bank thence by two of his lines N70E 82 poles to a stake thence to the beginning containing ninety seven acres of land granted to Samuel Bright by patton dated the 24th of December 1770 & conveyed from him to the said William Cleghorn deed bearing date third April in the year 1771 as reference unto the patton may more ?? be the same more or less with the appurtainances situate lyng as aforesaid with their & every of their appertainances whatsoever revision & revisions remainder & remainders of all & singular ?? & tenements herridatiments & premises hereby granted or indend??? Granted & of every part & parcel thereof to have & to hold the said ?? & tenements herridatiments & premises hereby granted with ?? appurtainances unto the said James Scoot his heirs & assigns hereby promise covenant & agree that he the said John Huddleston his heirs shall & will at all times ?? & defend the ?? to the said James Scoot from himself his heirs & assignees against all lawful claims & demands whatsoever whereof above mentioned premises might or may be enfected or ?? contrary to the true intent & meaning of these presents In witness whereof the said John Huddleston hath hereunto ?? hand & seal the day & year first above written.

Signed sealed & Delivered John Huddleston {Seal}

In presents of us Sarah her X mark Huddleston {Seal}

John Scoot Sr.

John Scoot

James his x mark Cleghorn
