Please note that if you completed a JHSPH course with an approved practicum component, you may not be asked to answer some of the questions below.

Practicum Final Report (student completes)

Please complete the Practicum Final Report. Your responses are important in the evaluation of your MPH practicum experience as well as for the MPH practicum program.

We highly encourage you to review the questions in the Final Report before submitting this online form. To review the online form, please download the Microsoft Word version of thisplan by clicking the link below.

Please submit this form online:

Your First Name:

Your Last Name:

What practicum type did you complete?

  • Customized practicum (with outside JHSPH preceptor or JHSPH faculty member)
  • JHSPH course with an approved practicum component

If you selected “JHSPH course with an approved practicum component”, which course did you take?
*For the following 6 questions, if you completed a course with an approved practicum component, please enter information for the primary preceptor at the partnering organization (not the JHSPH professor teaching the course).

Name of organization where practicum was completed:

City where the organization is located:

State or Country where the organization is located:

Primary Preceptor's First Name:

Primary Preceptor's Last Name:

Primary Preceptor's Email Address:

Practicum Project Title (1 sentence). Summarize the project in one sentence:

What was the start date of the practicum experience? (mm/dd/yyyy)
If this is a customized practicum, please verify the dates with your preceptor.

What was the end date of the practicum experience? (mm/dd/yyyy)

Please describe the activities were undertaken during your practicum experience.

Did you (or will you) link this practicum with your capstone project?
If yes: Please describe how your practicum and capstone projects are (or will be) distinct.
If not sure: Please explain why you are not sure if you practicum will be linked to your capstone project.

Which public health practice competencies related to your learning objectives for this experience?

Analytical/Assessment Skills

Policy Development/Program Planning Skills

Communication Skills

Cultural Competency Skills

Community Dimensions of Practice Skills

Public Health Sciences Skills

Financial Planning and Management Skills

Leadership and Systems Thinking Skills

Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements about your personal and professional development (Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree, N/A)

  • The experience improved my understanding of myself and my career goals.
  • The experience enhanced my ability to function as a health professional in the future.

Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements about the practicum experience (Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree, N/A)

  • What I learned in my practicum experience was relevant to my academic coursework.
  • This practicum experience met my expectations (please explain those expectations in comment area in the next question block).
  • I accomplished my learning objectives as I had originally proposed (in the next question block, please explain those objectives based on what you submitted in your Practicum Learning Plan).
  • My practicum experience added to the academic rigor of my degree program.

Please explain how your practicum experience met or did not meet your expectations.

Please explain how your learning objectives were or were not accomplished (based on what you submitted in your Practicum Learning Plan).

How effective was your preceptor in helping you to achieve your learning objectives?

  • Good
  • Fair
  • Poor

Would you recommend that future students complete a practicum with this preceptor?

  • Yes
  • No

Please highlight any strengths or areas for improvement regarding your preceptor and the practicum site where you worked.

Please add any comments or concerns about your overall MPH practicum experience.

Does this experience fulfill your MPH practicum requirement (100 or more hours), or will you be reporting additional experiences to fulfill the remaining hours?

  • My practicum requirement was fulfilled by this experience alone
  • My practicum requirement was fulfilled by more than one experience; the other experience(s) has(have) already been reported.
  • I plan to submit additional reports for other practicum experience(s).

If you selected “My practicum requirement was fulfilled by more than one experience; the other experience(s) has(have) already been reported.”, please reflect on how your combination of practicum experiences were integrated to accomplish your overall academic goals.

Below is the estimated total number of hours that I completed in this practicum experience. Note: Please report your total hours completed, even if it is more than the required 100 hours.
If this is a customized practicum, please verify the hours with your preceptor.

Aside from your reported practicum experience(s), did you or will you complete any additional internships, experiential learning outside the classroom (volunteer, service learning, etc.), practice-based projects, and/or courses with a practicum component during your MPH program?

  • Yes
  • No

If Yes: Please provide a brief description of these additional practice-based experiences. Please include the name of the organization(s) with which you completed or will be completing these experiences and an approximation of the totaltime commitment. (Example: “Completed data analysis forHealth Leads Baltimore for a total of 25 hours.”)

Please highlight any strengths or areas for improvement regarding administration of the practicum, including any suggestions for how the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health might improve this process.

Would you be interested in the Practice and MPH Offices sharing a brief written description of your practicum with incoming students as an example of what could be completed in a practicum?

Would you be willing to serve as a resource and contact for future students who have questions about the MPH practicum?

  • Yes
  • No

If Yes: Please provide your post-graduation email address.

Practicum Final Report Template (Revised 06/16/17)Page 1 of 3