LERG™ Routing Guide

General Information

This document has been prepared in support of the LERG Routing Guide and is updated occasionally throughout the year as may be needed. A copy is provided with each monthly LERG CD and via Web download. It is available at no charge at www.trainfo.com (documents tab).

For further information about the LERG or any other products issued by the Telecom Routing Administration (TRA), please contact the TRA Customer Care Center (CCC) on 732-699-6700 or 866-NPA-NXXS (866-672-6997), or via email at .




Copyright © 1984-2018 Telcordia® Technologies, Inc., dba iconectiv.

Telcordia and iconectiv are registered trademarks and LERG and CLLI are trademarks of Telcordia Technologies, Inc.



LERG™ Routing Guide

General Information

This is a dynamic document, subject to change monthly. Month-to-month changes may be non-substantive (cosmetic, typographical corrections, etc.); however, when they are substantive, they may only pertain to a specific section, paragraph, topic, etc. It is suggested that the most recent version of this document be referenced when possible.



1.0 General 1

2.0 LERG Structure 2

2.1 LERG – Basic Format 2

2.2 LERG – File Overview 2

2.4 LERG One-Day Changes Process 10

2.5 LERG OnLine 10

2.6 LERG Change Management 11

3.0 Terminology Reference Section 12

3.1 Glossary of Terms 12

3.2 State, Province, and Island Code Table 60

4.0 Additional NANP Numbering Considerations 61

4.1 Special Plant Test Codes (1XX) 61

4.2 Service Codes (N11) 61

4.3 Service Access Codes (SACs) (e.g., NPA N00, etc.) 62

4.3.1 Non-Geographic 5XX-NXX 63

4.3.2 NPA 6YY – Non-Geographic – Canada 64

4.3.3 NPA 800 – Toll Free (also pertains to 888, 877, 866, etc.) 65

4.3.4 NPA 9YY – Premium Services 66

4.4 Reserved NPAs 67

4.5 NANP Universal Central Office Codes 68

4.6 Operator Service Codes 68

4.7 NPA 710 – Code Assignments, Routing Procedures, Definitions 69

4.8 976-LIKE Codes 71

4.9 NXX 555 71

5.0 Signaling System 7 (SS7) Network Codes 73

6.0 Vertical Service Codes 74

6.1 Vertical Service Code Assignments 74

6.2 Definitions of Vertical Service Code Assignments 76

7.0 Carrier Identification Codes (CICs) 81

8.0 ANI II Digits 82

9.0 Country Codes 86

10.0 Telecom Routing Administration 89

10.1 Product Ordering Information 89

10.2 TRA Contact Information 89


See proprietary restrictions on title page.

Page 1 LERG ROUTING GUIDE iconectiv


LERG™ Routing Guide

1.0 General

The LERG Routing Guide (referred to as the LERG throughout the rest of this document) provides routing data obtained from the iconectiv Business Integrated Routing and Rating Database System (BIRRDS) into which data is entered by service providers (SPs) and/or their agents. The LERG is a snapshot of information contained in BIRRDS at the point in time a given LERG is produced. With few exceptions, close of business on the last working day of each month is the cutoff for the data in the LERG that is dated the first of the following month.

The LERG reflects the current state of active network data and as well as future activity within the North American Numbering Plan (NANP), as reported by SPs. The basis of the LERG is a requirement set by the 1984 MFJ (Modified Final Judgment) for the then Regional Bell Operating Companies (RBOCs) and GTE, to provide points in their networks (e.g. tandems and switches), to where specific calls (based on NPA NXX data) could be routed by interexchange carriers, and especially as a means to notify others when changes in that routing data are scheduled to occur. Independent Local Exchange Carriers had their data maintained by the RBOCs, and have evolved to maintain their own data or have arranged for their data to be maintained in the TRA database by third party companies that provide various services to ILECs. Future activity should be reported in line with industry notification timeline guidelines, but ultimately is the responsibility of each SP. Most data value changes encompass activity that is to occur within the next 6 months, although data can be reported as far in the future as a provider may deem reasonable and necessary. The current state of active network data appears in the LERG with a blank STATUS code and without an effective date. Future activity appears in the LERG with an effective date and, assuming no changes in the SP’s plans, will appear in each monthly LERG with that date, until the effective date has passed. Future activity (as well as the current network state) provided in each monthly LERG is a complete replacement of previously reported activity — that is, the removal, addition, or change to future information from one monthly LERG to the next is not flagged in the primary main files (e.g. LERG6). However, files that have associated “insert” files (e.g. LERG6INS) can be used to identify such changes.

The RBOCs centralized the maintenance of the LERG reporting process (underlying database and LERG generation) in 1984 in Bell Communications Research that has since evolved to a process currently managed by Telcordia Technologies, Inc., dba iconectiv. The industry, via various committees, provides oversight to the LERG content and surrounding processes. With the advent over time of other SPs such as wireless carriers, Completive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs), Internet Service Providers (ISPs), etc., the LERG is used by all SPs within the NANP to report to other SPs their routing and numbering information, especially planned changes, in a common and accepted manner.

2.0 LERG Structure

2.1 LERG – Basic Format

General Notes:

·  LERG files are numbered (e.g. LERG1 = OCN Information). Files having the same number contain variations or extensions of closely related data (e.g. LERG8 and LERG8LOC).

·  Specific file layouts of the LERG flat files are provided in the LERGSPEC.DOC file. Copies of this document can be also downloaded from www.trainfo.com (documents).

·  LERG Special Data Products (SDPs) may, at times, be made available in lieu of the LERG. However, any files that are also provided in such SDP LERGs that are named per the LERG files noted in this document are structured consistently with the descriptions noted herein.

·  The LERG One-Day Changes Process involves a file (LERG67) that does not correspond in name or layout to a monthly LERG file; files that are provided daily are also a subset of all the files provided in the LERG. For further information, see the LERG One-Day Changes Process section of this document.

Microsoft® Access® Version of LERG data:

·  The LERG provided on CD ROM, and as can be downloaded from the Web, also contains a Microsoft Access database version of the LERG data. This is an alternative view of the data in the flat files. The data in the flat files and in the database files are identical for a given month. However, the Microsoft Access files may have data (in datasheet view) displayed in a different sequence and/or sort order than described in LERGSPEC.DOC. Column headings in the Microsoft Access files may also differ slightly from the fieldnames in LERGSPEC.DOC. Filler space is not shown in the Access tables.

·  The Microsoft Access database version of the LERG provides a graphical user interface front end that can be used to access and view data records using a TRA-designed “form view” as well as Microsoft Access “table views.” The database requires users to have a local licensed copy of Access. Users with a basic knowledge of Microsoft Access can easily search for specific data elements, create customized queries, cross-relate data files, export data to other software (e.g. Microsoft Excel), generate files that can serve as input files downstream operations support systems, etc.

2.2 LERG – File Overview

The following provides a synopsis of the files provided in the LERG, including some data considerations and qualifications. Field definitions can be found in the Glossary section of this document. Flat file layouts can be found in the LERGSPEC.DOC file.

Most LERG files have one or more common elements that can be used to “tie” the files together to permit integrated reports, analysis, etc. Those obtaining the LERG, other than via isolated grandfathered electronic transmittals, have a Microsoft Access version of the LERG data (in addition to the “data” (flat file) version). Microsoft Access features provide an ability to “tie” (link, etc.) appropriate files together.

Notes regarding data accuracy and related data questions:

The overwhelming majority of numbering and switch related data provided in LERG files are provided by SPs or their agents. Records that contain an AOCN fall into this scenario. Should there be issues or questions about specific data, please contact the AOCN or OCN involved. Other as well as high level data in the LERG is maintained by TRA, but most often obtained from other primary sources.

Contact information in the LERG1 file, although entered by TRA, is derived from contact information in NECA data (i.e. for newly assigned Company Codes / OCNs), but may subsequently be changed, upon request, by the AOCN responsible for the specific OCN’s data. Such updates may be due to the desire to have a more appropriate “LERG” (e.g. routing) contact than what NECA may have (i.e. for other purposes). OCNs are responsible for the accuracy of contact information. TRA works periodically with AOCNs to confirm and update contact information, however, changes to contacts and/or contact data is ongoing. Should you determine that contact data is not accurate, please inform TRA and the matter will be pursued with the appropriate party responsible for the data.

LERG1 (Operating Company Number (OCN) information)

The LERG1 file provides high-level information about Operating Company Numbers (OCNs) such as the name of, and type of, company. This includes contact information (for purposes of LERG data) as has been provided to TRA. Contact information is maintained as best as possible; however, due to constant changes in personnel in a company, reorganizations, mergers, acquisitions, etc., some information will not be up to date. In addition, the contact noted may not necessarily be familiar with all aspects of a company’s operation (network, billing, etc.). The contact name defaults to the party requesting the assignment of the number used as the OCN unless the company has specifically requested another party be listed for purposes of addressing LERG data.

Maintenance of company names are the purview of the company itself. Although a company may change its name for various reasons (e.g. mergers and acquisitions), at times, the name used at the consumer level may not be the legal name of the company. If you have any questions regarding a company’s name as listed in LERG1, please contact the company directly to either receive an explanation or to prompt the company to have the data changed through the proper channels.

LERG1CON (additional “contact” information for OCNs)

The LERG1CON file is information directly entered by each OCN or its agent. All OCNs will have, at minimum, a SERVICE OF SUBPOENA contact identified (there may not necessarily be a telephone or additional information though). Since these records are established on a per company basis, the extent of information may vary. Maintenance of the data is the purview of the OCN.

LERG2 (Country Code information)

The LERG2 file is independent from other LERG files. This file contains high-level Country Code information (e.g. Republic of Hungary = 36). There is no City / Area Code information in this file. The file is provided for reference should there be a need for a resource for Country Codes.

LERG3 (NPA (Area Code) information)

The LERG3 file contains high-level information about NPAs (Area Codes). This includes the date the NPA went or is going into effect, permissive dialing periods for splits, the NPA that had previously served the area (or continues to do so in a case of an overlay), etc.

LERG4 (SS7 “Point Code” assignments to companies)

The LERG4 file contains SS7 “Point Code” assignments at the network, cluster, or member levels of coding. Network and cluster code assignments provide for a company to assign member level codes on its own. Level of assignment is based on a combination of need/request as well as the specifics about a given company’s network. This file simply identifies the company to which the code has been assigned; it does not associate any network elements to any specific Point Codes.

Due to ongoing changes in personnel in a company, reorganizations, mergers, etc., company names and contact information will often not be up to date since under current industry defined SS7 assignment processes, contact information maintenance is not required. Also, the party identified as the contact may not be a party having any information about actual use of the point codes in the company assigned the point codes.

LERG5 (NPA/LATA cross reference)

The LERG5 file identifies the NPAs in use within a LATA. The LATA information is then grouped by Region.

LERG6 (NPA NXX BLOCK information)

The LERG6 file provides NPA NXX (central office code) information and, where applicable, BLOCK assignments within the NPA NXX. NPA NXX assignments (those made by the CO Code Administrator) are represented with a BLOCK value of “A”. Thousands Block Pooling assignments (those made by the Pooling Administrator) are represented by numeric BLOCK values (0-9). Only those BLOCKS actually assigned and entered by the SP are provided in LERG6 (i.e., not all blocks 0-9, may appear in LERG6). This file includes among other data, the Rate Center associated with each record, the OCN (company assigned the record), the serving switch/POI with an associated switch homing arrangement (SHA) Indicator, the identified “use” of the record (e.g. cellular, wireline — see COCTYPE/SSC), and LATA (both switch and Rate Center LATA).

Note regarding “A” BLOCKs and numeric BLOCKs:

·  The designated CO Code Administrator in each NANPA country assigns NPA NXXs. An “A” in the BLOCK field of LERG6 files identifies these assignments when the NXX begins with a 2-9. In many cases, numeric BLOCKs will appear associated with an NPA NXX. Numeric blocks are assigned by the Pooling Administrator (as of December 1, 2003, this applies only to the United States and its NANP territories except for Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, and the U.S. Virgin Islands). The “A” BLOCK information exists primarily for default routing purposes. Information provided for numeric BLOCKs (e.g. COCTYPE, OCN) may differ from the “A” block information if the block holder is a different SP than the “A” block holder. In cases where no numeric BLOCKs exist for an NXX, it is assumed that the “A” BLOCK information pertains to all telephone numbers associated with the identified CO Code Holder.