Substation:…………………… / Document Number:
EDS 04-8000A
Version: 2.0
Design doc No:
Schedules - Index
1SCHEDULE A - General Particulars of Definite Requirements
2SCHEDULE B - Commencement Date and Date of Readiness for Inspection, Testing, Access to Site, Delivery and Completion
3SCHEDULE C - Manufacturers and Place of Manufacture, Testing and Inspection
4SCHEDULE D - General Particulars and Guarantees
5SCHEDULE E - Drawings, Data, Assembly, Operating and Maintenance Instructions, Models and Samples
7SCHEDULE G - Items of Equipment with Prices
8SCHEDULE H - Summary of Price and Quantities for Definite Work
9SCHEDULE J - Prices for Work at the Option of the Purchaser
10SCHEDULE K - Access and Site Facilities
11SCHEDULE L - Proposed Exceptions or Additions to the Standard
12SCHEDULE M - List of Special Tools and Equipment to be Used
1SCHEDULE A - General Particulars of Definite Requirements
Item / Description / UK Power Networks Requirements1 / Name of substation
2 / Postal/delivery address / See Schedule K
3 / Designation of transformer(s)
4 / Number of main transformers required …..………….
a)Method of cooling…………………………………...
b)Single or dual secondary windings………………..
c)Rated continuous output power (forced)...... MVA
d)Rated voltage ratio on principal tap ...... kV
e)Vector group symbols………………………………
f)Method of HV neutral earthing…………………….
g)Method of LV neutral earthing……………………..
5 / Number of auxiliary/earthing transformers required…………..state which here.
a)Rated continuous output power (ONAN)……kVA
b)Rated voltage ratio on principal tap……………kV
c)Vector group symbols………………………………
6 / Number of HV earthing resistors / reactors req.
State which here……
a)Rated impedance......
b)Rated short-time current...... kA
c)Rated duration of short-time current...... s
7 / Number of LV earthing resistors / reactors req.
State which here……
a)Rated impedance......
b)Rated short-time current...... kA
c)Rated duration of short-time current...... s
8 / Number of tap-change control marshalling boxes required..
9 / Number of cooler control marshalling boxes required
10 / Number of remote voltage control cubicles required
11 / Number of sets of special tools and equipment (if any) required
12 / Installation and site pre-commissioning required......
Note 1:For Item 4a), Supplier to determine appropriate method of cooling if not stated above.
2SCHEDULE B - Commencement Date and Date of Readiness for Inspection, Testing, Access to Site, Delivery and Completion
(To be completed by the Tenderer)
COMMENCEMENT DATE……………………….Item / Times from Commencement Date / Calendar Months
1 / Within which outstanding Schedule D information will be provided...
2 / Within which the material will be ready for inspection and testing:
a)Main transformers......
b)Auxiliary transformers......
c)HV earthing resistors / reactors......
d)LV earthing resistors / reactors......
e)Tap-change control marshalling boxes......
f)Cooler control marshalling boxes......
g)Standby voltage control cubicles......
3 / Within which the Contractor will require access to the site for erecting:
a)Main transformers and ancillary equipment......
b)Standby voltage control cubicles......
4 / Within which the material will be delivered to the site:
a)Main transformers......
b)Auxiliary transformers......
c)HV earthing resistors / reactors......
d)LV earthing resistors / reactors......
e)Tap-change control marshalling boxes......
f)Cooler control marshalling boxes......
g)Standby voltage control cubicles......
5 / Within which the work will be completed, tested and ready for continuous use
Planning of Work
The works shall be carried out and completed in accordance with the Contract completion date stated below. The Contractor shall submit a Plant Manufacture, Delivery and Erection Programme for the approval of the Engineer.
Three copies of the above mentioned Programme shall be provided by the Contractor.
If at any time during the execution of the Contract the Contractor finds it necessary to modify any approved Programme, the Contractor shall inform the Purchaser immediately and submit a modified Programme for his approval. The submission of a modified Programme shall not have effect as a claim by the Contractor for an extension of time for completion as provided by the Conditions of Contract, nor shall the approval of such modified Programme have effect as the grant of such extension of time fixed by the Contract for the completion of the Works.
Progress of Plant Manufacture in Contractor's Works
Progress of manufacture in relation to the detailed Plant Manufacture and Delivery Programme shall be reported on an approved form at such frequency as may be required.
Access to the Contractor's and Sub-contractor's works shall be granted to the Purchaser at any reasonable time for the purpose of ascertaining progress and checking quality.
Progress of Work on Site
Progress of Site Work in relation to the detailed Plant Erection Programme shall be indicated on an approved form and submitted monthly or at such other intervals as required by the Purchaser. These submissions shall include a schedule of Site Labour.
Delivery and Take-over Dates for Completed Work
Confirmation is required that the Tenderer can meet the following proposed Dates:
Factory Acceptance DatesTake-over Dates
Damages for late delivery shall apply in accordance with Terms and Conditions.
3SCHEDULE C - Manufacturers and Place of Manufacture, Testing and Inspection
(To be completed by the Tenderer)
Item / Manufacturer’s Drawing Number and/or Type Designation / Manufacturer / Place of Manufacture / Place of Testing and/or InspectionMain transformers
Auxiliary transformers
Neutral earthing resistors
On-load tap-changers
HV bushings
LV Bushings
Neutral bushings
Insulating cylinders
Core plate
Steel tanks
Pipework / expansion devices
Oil valves
Oil pumps
Oil pump motors
Oil flow
Item / Manufacturer’s Drawing Number and/or Type Designation / Manufacturer / Place of Manufacture / Place of Testing and/or Inspection
Fan Motors
Gaskets for oil tight joints
Pressure relief devices
Oil level indicators
Dehydrating breathers
Rubber bag
Gas and oil actuated relays
Tap-changer control marshalling cubicles
Cooler control marshalling cubicles
Winding temperature indicating devices
Current transformers
SCHEDULE C (Continued)
Item / Manufacturer’s Drawing Number and/or Type Designation / Manufacturer / Place of Manufacture / Place of Testing and/or Inspection
Standby voltage control cubicles
Voltage control relays
Auxiliary relays
Tap position indicators
Control and selector switches
Material for anti-vibration mountings
Dissolved gas in oil monitor
Oil dry out device
Oil/water heat exchanger
4SCHEDULE D - General Particulars and Guarantees
Item / Control, Indication, Alarm and Trip / If Req / Type of Control, Indication, Alarm and Trip / If to be Supplied by Tenderer / Operating Supply VoltageCONTROL
1 / Local electrical control of on-load tap-change equipment
2 / Standby electrical control of on-load tap-change equipment
3 / Remote electrical control of on-load tap-change equipment
4 / Remote voltage reduction (load shed) in addition to standby control
5 / Local electrical control of cooling equipment
6 / Electrical control of cooling equipment
7 / Local tap position indication
8 / Standby tap position indication
9 / Remote tap position indication
10 / Standby main transformer volts
11 / Remote main transformer volts
12 / Local main tx winding temperature
13 / Remote main tx winding temperature
Item / Control, Indication, Alarm and Trip / If Req / Type of Control, Indication, Alarm and Trip / If to be Supplied by the Tenderer / Operating Supply VoltageALARMS
14 / Tap- changer faulty
15 / Main transformer winding temperature
16 / Tap-changer
17 / Main gas and oil actuated relay
18 / Auxiliary transformer gas and oil actuated relay
19 / Neutral earthing reactor gas and oil actuated relay
20 / Pump fail
21 / Fan fail
22 / Dehydrating breather fail
23 / Conservator low oil level
24 / Gas-in-oil monitor Stage 1 and Stage 2
25 / On-line moisture management faulty
Item / Control, Indication, Alarm and Trip / If Req / Type of Control, Indication, Alarm and Trip / If to be Supplied by the Tenderer / Operating Supply VoltageTRIPS
26 / Main transformer winding temperature
27 / Main transformer oil temperature
28 / Tap-changer temperature
29 / Main gas and oil actuated relay
30 / Tap-changer oil actuated relay
31 / Auxiliary transformer gas and oil actuated relay
32 / Neutral earthing reactor gas and oil actuated relay
33 / Pressure relief device
SCHEDULE D (Continued)
Item / Description / UK Power NetworksRequirements
1 / Location (Indoor or Outdoor)
2 / Ambient air temperatures:
a)Minimum daily...... ……………………….….C
b)Maximum daily...... ………………….….C
c)Maximum monthly average...... …………….C
d)Maximum daily annual average...... …………….C
3 / Load power factor...... P.U.
4 / No-load voltage ratio on principal tap ...... kV
5 / Rated power (forced cooling):
a)Rated continuous output...... MVA
b)Maximum ambient air temperature...... C
c)Maximum hot spot temperature...... C
6 / Rated power (ONAN):
a)Rated continuous output...... MVA
b)Maximum ambient air temperature...... C
c)Maximum hot spot temperature...... C
7 / CER rated power:
a)Rated continuous output...... MVA
b)Maximum ambient air temperature...... C
c)Maximum hot spot temperature...... C
8 / Rated power (normal cyclic loading):
a)Rated output...... MVA
b)Duration...... h
c)Maximum ambient air temperature...... C
d)Maximum hot spot temperature...... C
e)Load cycle...... h
f)Rated output (remaining cycle)...... MVA
9 / Whether dual voltage ratio is required......
10 / Alternative rated voltage ratio ...... kV
11 / Rated power (forced cooling):
a)Rated continuous output...... MVA
b)Maximum ambient air temperature...... C
c)Maximum hot spot temperature...... C
12 / Rated power (ONAN):
a)Rated continuous output...... MVA
b)Maximum ambient air temperature...... C
c)Maximum hot spot temperature...... C
13 / CER rated power:
a)Rated continuous output...... MVA
b)Maximum ambient air temperature...... C
c)Maximum hot spot temperature...... C
14 / Rated power (normal cyclic loading):
a)Rated output...... MVA
b)Duration...... h
c)Maximum ambient air temperature...... C
d)Maximum hot spot temperature...... C
e)Load cycle...... h
f)Rated output (remainder of cycle)...... MVA
15 / Delta connected tertiary winding, when to be designed for external loading:
a) Rated voltage...... kV
b) Rated continuous output (forced cooling)...... MVA
16 / Winding connections:
a)HV windings...... Star / Delta
b)LV windings...... Star / Delta
c)Tertiary windings......
d)BS vector group symbols......
e)Whether links are required for alternative vector group......
f)Whether links are required to change tapping range......
g)Alternative BS vector group symbols......
17 /
Voltage limiting devices:
a)Whether required......b)Whether internal or external to main tank......
18 / Impedance voltage envelope at 75C / See Annex C
19 / Zero-sequence impedance:
a)as a % of positive-sequence component...... %
b)as value of ohms/phase...... ohms/phase / 90-100
20 / Short circuit capability:
a)Max. available at HV terminals (3 phase/1-phase)
b)Max. available at LV terminals (3-phase)...... MVA
c) At external terminals of the delta connected tertiary winding with simultaneous HV and LV infeed shall not exceed MVA
refer to table 4 of standards unless higher ratings required.
21 / Rated Insulation Level:
a)132kV Lightniimpulse...... kV
b)66kV Lightning impulse...... kV
c)33kV Lightning impulse...... kV
d)22kV Lightning impulse...... kV
e)20kV Lightning impulse...... kV
f)11kV Lightning impulse...... kV
g)6.6kV Lightning impulse...... kV / 550
22 / Sound power levels:
a)Transformer only (ONAN)...... dBA
b)Transformer plus coolers (forced cooling)...... dBA
23 / Method of variation of voltage ratio / On-Load
24 / Category of voltage variation / VFVV / CFVV
25 / Total range of variation of voltage ratio (expressed as a percentage of HV and LV constant):
a) Plus...... %
b) Minus...... %
26 / Size of step...... %
27 / Whether tap-change control by direct wire or selective system is required at remote control point
28 / Automatic voltage control:
a)Whether required......
b)Whether group parallel control is required......
29 / Space available for voltage compounding current transformer in LV switchgear:
a) inside diameter...... mm
b) outside diameter...... mm
c) Axial length including clamps...... mm
30 / Voltage ratio of voltage compounding VT...... V
31 / Current ratio of voltage compounding CT...... A
32 / Whether load shedding control by direct wire or selective system is required from a remote control point
33 / Number of marshalling kiosk compartments......
34 / Marshalling kiosk switched socket outlets:
a)No. required......
c)Voltage...... V
35 / Marshalling kiosk telephone jacks:
a)Whether required......
36 / Whether delta connected tertiary winding is to be brought out to separate terminations for external loading
37 / Terminals:
a)Bushing insulators or separable cable connectors (SCC) for live terminals:
i)HV windings......
ii)LV windings......
iii)Delta connected tertiary windings......
iv)Auxiliary transformer......
b)Bushing insulators or separable cable connectors (SCC) for neutral terminals:
ii)LV...... / Bushing
Not Applicable
38 / Separable cable connector (SCC) details:
a)HV line termination:
i)Open or enclosed......
ii)Number of SCC bushings per phase......
iii)Number of cable cores per SCC bushing......
iv)Type of cable......
v)Cross sectional area of conductor...... mm
vi)Direction of cable entry......
vii)CENELEC type interface for SCC......
b)LV line termination:
i)Open or enclosed......
ii)Number of SCC bushings per phase......
iii)Number of cable cores per SCC bushing......
iv)Type of cable......
v)Cross sectional area of conductor...... mm
vi)Direction of cable entry......
vii)CENELEC type interface for SCC......
c)Tertiary line termination:
i)Open or enclosed......
ii)Number of SCC bushings per phase......
iii)Number of cable cores per SCC bushing......
iv)Type of cable......
v)Cross sectional area of conductor...... mm
vi)Direction of cable entry......
vii)CENELEC type interface for SCC......
d)Auxiliary transformer line termination:
i)Open or enclosed......
ii)Number of SCC bushings per phase......
iii)Number of cable cores per SCC bushing......
iv)Type of cable......
v)Cross sectional area of conductor...... mm
vi)Direction of cable entry......
vii)CENELEC type interface for SCC......
e)HV neutral termination:
i)Open or enclosed......
ii)Number of SCC bushings per phase......
iii)Number of cores per SCC bushing......
iv)Type of cable......
v)Cross sectional area of conductor...... mm
vi)Direction of cable entry......
vii)CENELEC type interface for SCC......
f)LV neutral termination:
i)Open or enclosed......
ii)Number of SCC bushings per phase......
iii)Number of cable cores per SCC bushing......
iv)Type of cable......
v)Cross sectional area of conductor...... mm
vi)Direction of cable entry......
vii)CENELEC type interface for SCC
viii)Number of neutral bushings...... / Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
39 / Whether CT accommodation is required on bushing insulators rated at 132 kV and below:
40 / Whether neutral current transformers are to be provided:
41 / Whether interposing CTs are required for main protection
42 / Cooling designation
43 / Arrangement of coolers:
a)Tank attached......
b)Separate free-standing......
44 / Number and rating of coolers per transformer:
a)Number and rating......
b)Oil/air coolers......
c)Oil/water coolers......
45 / The maximum allowable winding hot spot temperature......
46 / The maximum top oil temperature rise at any tapping position and supplying rated power at rated secondary voltage
47 / Whether valves for oil filtering require flexible hose adapters......
48 / Size of flexible hose adapter...... mm / 50
49 / Oil preservation system:
a)Conservator fitted with refrigeration type breather......
b)Conservator fitted with moisture absorbing medium type breather (* Delete as appropriate)
c)Conservator fitted with diaphragm......
d)Conservator fitted with bag or bladder...... / No
Regenerative /
50 / UK Power Networks preference for refrigeration type breather:
c)Type...... / NA
51 / On line moisture management system:
a)Whether required......
d)Type...... / Yes
Bowden or Omnia
52 / Losses:
a)The maximum permitted no-load loss of each main transformer on the principal tapkW
b)The maximum permitted load loss of each main transformer at a reference temperature of 75C over a variation of tapping ranges. Average of loss at tap 1, 7, 13, 19.. kW
53 / Winding temperature indicators:
a)Total number required......
i)HV windings......
ii)LV winding......
i)Mercury tilt-switch......
d)If electronic type, preferred:
i)Coolers switch-on...... C
ii)Coolers switch-off...... C
iii)Winding temperature alarm...... C
iv)Winding temperature trip...... C / 90
54 / Size of direct wire electrical winding temperature indicator / Na
55 / Whether anti-vibration pads are required...... / Yes
56 / Whether a noise enclosure is required from the outset......
57 / Number of copies of Operating and Maintenance Instructions required / 3 hard copy
1 electronic copy
58 / Whether core and frame earth connections are to be brought out to bushings
59 / Whether provision is to be made for fitting a dissolved gas-in-oil monitor
60 / Whether a dissolved-gas-in-oil monitor is required from the outset.. / Yes
61 / UK Power Networks preference for dissolved-gas-in-oil monitor:
c)Model...... / GE
62 / Whether multipair cables for SCADA are to ENATS 09-06 or DEF 61-12 Part 5 standards
SCHEDULE D, PART II (i) (Continued)
63 / (Refer to Item 20 for system fault levels for which the CT shall be compatible)
a) Purpose......
b) Quantity......
c) Rated primary/secondary current...... A
d) Minimum knee-point voltage (Vk)...... V
e) Maximum secondary winding resistance......
f) Maximum secondary excitation current at Vk/2...... A
g) Rated output...... VA
h) Rated accuracy class/accuracy limit factor......
i) Continuous Thermal Rating current @ 40°C......
j) Type
k) Turns ratio......
a) Purpose......
b) Quantity......
c) Rated primary/secondary current...... A
d) Minimum knee-point voltage (Vk)...... V
e) Maximum secondary winding resistance......
f) Maximum secondary excitation current at Vk/2...... A
g) Rated output...... VA
h) Rated accuracy class/accuracy limit factor......
i) Continuous Thermal Rating current @ 40°C......
j) Type
k) Turns ratio......
a) Purpose......
b) Quantity......
c) Rated primary/secondary current...... A
d) Minimum knee-point voltage (Vk)...... V
e) Maximum secondary winding resistance......
f) Maximum secondary excitation current at Vk/2...... A
g) Rated output...... VA
h) Rated accuracy class/accuracy limit factor......
i) Continuous Thermal Rating current @ 40°C......
j) Type
k) Turns ratio......
64 / (Refer to Item 20 for system fault levels for which the CT shall be compatible)
a) Purpose......
b) Quantity......
c) Rated primary/secondary current...... A
d) Minimum knee-point voltage (Vk)...... V
e) Maximum secondary winding resistance......
f) Maximum secondary excitation current at Vk/2...... A
g) Rated output...... VA
h) Rated accuracy class/accuracy limit factor......
i) Continuous Thermal Rating current @ 40°C......
j) Type
k) Turns ratio......
65 / (Refer to Item 20 for system fault levels for which the CT shall be compatible)
a) Purpose......
b) Quantity......
c) Rated primary/secondary current...... A
d) Minimum knee-point voltage (Vk)...... V
e) Maximum secondary winding resistance......
f) Maximum secondary excitation current at Vk/2...... A
g) Rated output...... VA
h) Rated accuracy class/accuracy limit factor......
i) Continuous Thermal Rating current @ 40°C......
j) Type
k) Turns ratio......
66 / (Refer to item 20 for system fault levels for which the CT shall be compatible)
a) Purpose......
b) Quantity......
c) Rated primary/secondary current...... A
d) Minimum knee-point voltage (Vk)...... V
e) Maximum secondary winding resistance......
f) Maximum secondary excitation current at Vk/2...... A
g) Rated output...... VA
h) Rated accuracy class/accuracy limit factor......
i) Continuous Thermal Rating current @ 40°C......
j) Type
k) Turns ratio......
67 / (Refer to Item 20 for system fault levels for which the CT shall be compatible)
a) Purpose......
b) Quantity......
c) Rated primary/secondary current...... A
d) Minimum knee-point voltage (Vk)...... V
e) Maximum secondary winding resistance......
f) Maximum secondary excitation current at Vk/2...... A
g) Rated output...... VA
h) Rated accuracy class/accuracy limit factor......
i) Continuous Thermal Rating current @ 40°C......
j) Type
k) Turns ratio......
a) Purpose......
b) Quantity......
c) Rated primary/secondary current...... A
d) Minimum knee-point voltage (Vk)...... V
e) Maximum secondary winding resistance......
f) Maximum secondary excitation current at Vk/2...... A
g) Rated output...... VA
h) Rated accuracy class/accuracy limit factor......
i) Continuous Thermal Rating current @ 40°C......
j) Type
k) Turns ratio......
a) Purpose......
b) Quantity......
c) Rated primary/secondary current...... A
d) Minimum knee-point voltage (Vk)...... V
e) Maximum secondary winding resistance......
f) Maximum secondary excitation current at Vk/2...... A
g) Rated output...... VA
h) Rated accuracy class/accuracy limit factor......
i) Continuous Thermal Rating current @ 40°C......
j) Type
k) Turns ratio......
a) Purpose......
b) Quantity......
c) Rated primary/secondary current...... A
d) Minimum knee-point voltage (Vk)...... V
e) Maximum secondary winding resistance......
f) Maximum secondary excitation current at Vk/2...... A
g) Rated output...... VA
h) Rated accuracy class/accuracy limit factor......
i) Continuous Thermal Rating current @ 40°C......
j) Type
k) Turns ratio
a) Purpose......
b) Quantity......
c) Rated primary/secondary current...... A
d) Minimum knee-point voltage (Vk)...... V
e) Maximum secondary winding resistance......
f) Maximum secondary excitation current at Vk/2...... A
g) Rated output...... VA
h) Rated accuracy class/accuracy limit factor......
i) Continuous Thermal Rating current @ 40°C......
j) Type
k) Turns ratio
68 / (Refer to Item 20 for system fault levels for which the CT shall be compatible)
a) Purpose......
b) Quantity......
c) Rated primary/secondary current...... A
d) Minimum knee-point voltage (Vk)...... V
e) Maximum secondary winding resistance......
f) Maximum secondary excitation current at Vk/2...... A
g) Rated output...... VA
h) Rated accuracy class/accuracy limit factor......
i) Continuous Thermal Rating current @ 40°C......
j) Type
k) Turns ratio......
69 / (Refer to Item 20 for system fault levels for which the CT shall be compatible)
a) Purpose......
b) Quantity......
c) Rated primary/secondary current...... A
d) Minimum knee-point voltage (Vk)...... V
e) Maximum secondary winding resistance......
f) Maximum secondary excitation current at Vk/2...... A
g) Rated output...... VA
h) Rated accuracy class/accuracy limit factor......
i) Continuous Thermal Rating current @ 40°C......
j) Type
k) Turns ratio......
a) Purpose......
b) Quantity......
c) Rated primary/secondary current...... A
d) Minimum knee-point voltage (Vk)...... V
e) Maximum secondary winding resistance......
f) Maximum secondary excitation current at Vk/2...... A
g) Rated output...... VA
h) Rated accuracy class/accuracy limit factor......
i) Continuous Thermal Rating current @ 40°C......
j) Type
k) Turns ratio......
a) Purpose......
b) Quantity......
c) Rated primary/secondary current...... A
d) Minimum knee-point voltage (Vk)...... V
e) Maximum secondary winding resistance......
f) Maximum secondary excitation current at Vk/2...... A
g) Rated output...... VA
h) Rated accuracy class/accuracy limit factor......
i) Continuous Thermal Rating current @ 40°C......
j) Type
k) Turns ratio......
a) Purpose......
b) Quantity......
c) Rated primary/secondary current...... A
d) Minimum knee-point voltage (Vk)...... V
e) Maximum secondary winding resistance......
f) Maximum secondary excitation current at Vk/2...... A
g) Rated output...... VA
h) Rated accuracy class/accuracy limit factor......
i) Continuous Thermal Rating current @ 40°C......
j) Type
k) Turns ratio
a) Purpose......
b) Quantity......
c) Rated primary/secondary current...... A
d) Minimum knee-point voltage (Vk)...... V
e) Maximum secondary winding resistance......
f) Maximum secondary excitation current at Vk/2...... A
g) Rated output...... VA
h) Rated accuracy class/accuracy limit factor......
i) Continuous Thermal Rating current @ 40°C......
j) Type
k) Turns ratio
70 / (Refer to Item 20 for system fault levels for which the CT shall be compatible)
a) Purpose......
b) Quantity......
c) Rated primary/secondary current...... A
d) Minimum knee-point voltage (Vk)...... V
e) Maximum secondary winding resistance......
f) Maximum secondary excitation current at Vk/2...... A
g) Rated output...... VA
h) Rated accuracy class/accuracy limit factor......
i) Continuous Thermal Rating current @ 40°C......
j) Type
k) Turns ratio......
SCHEDULE D (Continued)