Purpose. The purpose of the improvement plan is to identify specific deficiencies in performance and foster growth through professional learning and targeted support. The intent of the plan is help an employee be more successful. This form is adapted for the annual evaluation cycle but dates may be adjusted to specific needs (e.g. a 90-day improvement plan).
Administrator Name / Evaluator Name / School YearArea(s)
Needing Improvement
Include one or two examples that describe the problem / Specific Plan of Action
- Describe in detail specific plans of action that must be taken by theemployee to improve his/her performance.
- Indicate the sources of evidence that will be used to document progress.
Professional Learning
Consider if the employee needs classes, mentoring or workshops, etc. / Timeline / Mid-Year Evidence / Year-End Evidence )
Date of Initial Meeting to discuss plan (Sept)
Date of mid-year meeting to discuss progress toward plan goals (Jan)
The administrator should keep this document, bring it to all meetings, and provide the evaluator with a copy.
EmployeePrint Name and Signature
SupervisorPrint Name and Signature
Signatures indicate that the document has been shared and discussed.
A signed final copy of the completed Performance improvement Plan should be provided to the administrator, evaluator, and submitted to the Human Resources Office by May 1.
Please collaborate with the Human ResourcesOffice prior to April 1 if there are issues that could lead to non-renewal.
Employee Name / Supervisor Name / School YearThe Improvement plan will be evaluated at the end of the time specified in the plan and will result in one of the following actions:
Improvement demonstrated and standards met a satisfactory level of performance
Continue with the Improvement Plan for a specified amount of time. Date:
Recommend dismissal
I have reviewed this evalution and dicussed it with my evaluator. My signature indicates that I have been advised of my performance status; it does not necessarily imply that I agree with this evalution.
Employee Signature Final Meeting Date (prior to May 1)
Supervisor Signature_____ Final Meeting Date (prior to May 1)
Signatures indicate that the document has been shared and discussed.
A signed final copy of the completed Improvement Plan should be provided to the administrator, evaluator, and submitted to the Human Resources Office by May 1.
Please collaborate with the Human Resources Office prior to April 1 if there are issues that could lead to non-renewal.
May 2017 Department of Human Resources2