Reepham Church of England Primary
Staff Handbook
All staff are to retain a copy, please see Headteacher if you have any additional questions.
We are a family…
We aim to ensure all of OUR children are best prepared for life by:
- Offering the highest quality teaching and learning
- Living and sharing our Christian Values
- Caring for and supporting all members of our school family
- Collaborating and innovating with others to ensure that we grow together
Organisation of the School Day
Teachers are expected to be in their classroom from 8.30 am
8.40 am -Doors will be opened and children can come into class. Teachers are expected to have activities linked to targets or thinking skills available.
School lesson times are approximate and subject to changes
8.55 am – staff on duty blows whistle, children stand still and then line up. The children are sent in as quickly as possible.
9.05 am - Playground gates are locked the children arriving after this time must report to the office to be registered as late
10.30 am - Playtime. The teacher on duty should make sure they are out on the playground promptly. No child should be outside without adult supervision.
Any children who wish to leave the playground must ask the teacher on duty. Teachers wishing children to finish work should be prepared to supervise these children during the break/lunch time.
10.45am The bell is rung to signal end of playtime. To ensure a prompt and calm start to the next session teachers should collect their children from the playground.
11.55am Teachers should have pupils wash their hands and a lunch prayer should be said in the classroom.
12.00 noon lunch time for Reception through Year 2 (entry to hall should be staggered, use hand washing to create a staggered affect). Infant support staff will be on duty in the hall 12-12:15.
12:15pm lunch time begins for KS2
1:00pm Year 1 & 2 teachers to go on duty
1.15pm lunch time ends
3.05 pm – Collective Worship, Tuesday is class assembly.
3.30pm- Pupils are released to parents by staff, children are only allowed to walk home alone if prior permission is given.
Teachers are expected to be available after school for 30 minutes each day.
Procedure for Booking a Staff School Dinner
Inform school by the Tuesday of the week previous to meal being required.
Pay in advance, cheque or cash, check in office for current price.
· Extreme care should be taken when marking registers.
· The register is a legal document and you have a contractual obligation to fill it in properly.
· The register may also be used in court cases, in prosecution over absence and in custody cases.
· Erasing information or concealing an error in any form on the register is illegal.
Mark registers using the correct coding, if a child is absent and a reason is given, do not leave an empty absence mark. If digital registers don’t work, use a paper register.
Classes should fill in their laminated ‘number of pupils in class’ daily, this should be kept on the fire exit and taken with the class when not in school, as a reference for head counts.
Teachers will let the office know if a child has failed to attend school.
Tea Money
Tea money is paid once a term.
All staff employed by the school are asked to contribute. The contribution is currently £5.
Health and Safety/ Child protection
(See Health + Safety policy)
You are responsible for the health and safety of the children in your care.
Certain points may need emphasis:
· Children should be supervised at all times.
· Any concerns of child protection should be taken to the schools Child Protection Officer: 1- Headteacher 2- Miss Rawlings 3- Use posters in staffroom/ heads office to contact an officer in a local school.
· There is a concerns book in the cupboard in the heads office, complete writing exactly what was seen or said, sign and date- note this may be used in legal proceedings.
· Any contact from parents/ pupils made to staff via the internet (that is not made via school mail system) should be recorded in the e-safety log in the staff room.
· Members of staff or any adult working for the school (eg volunteers) are NOT permitted to put any images of pupils up on the internet such as on social network sites without prior permission from parents and the Headteacher. Staff are not permitted to talk about ‘school business’ (See Glossary) on the internet or social media- this will lead to disciplinary action being taken (see Social Media Policy). Social Networking sites are blocked in school, unless required. If you require access to a website which is blocked, a request must be made to the headteacher.
· Portable devices/ Mobile phones- as the school uses portable devices it is acknowledge that there may be time when these devices are taken home. These will then only be used for ‘school business’ and any images will not be extracted at home. –failure to comply with these rules will result in disciplinary action.
· Accident forms- where a child is hurt these should be completed detailing the accident and area on the body hurt, where there was an injury to the head- no matter how minor- the school will notify parents.
· Policies- the school has a number of polices, these will be available on our website, periodically you will be asked to read policies and policy updates –failure to follow policies may result in disciplinary action. Keeping Children Safe in Education – all staff will be issued with this document and receive regular Safeguarding updates.
· Medicine- if a child or their parent, brings medicine into school make sure it taken to the office and correct forms are completed.
The health and safety representative for the school will make an inspection every term of your classroom and areas you are responsible for. You are, however, expected to report any immediate hazards - i.e. exposed wires, ripped and raised carpeting etc to you’re the caretaker.
Staff Conduct
All staff are expected to be role models for pupils and uphold the values of the school. Where staff conduct is questioned, the headteacher will investigate to see if there are grounds for misconduct.
The same expectations are made of all adults in school, whatever role they are fulfilling, including volunteers and students.
If anyone is unclear, they should take guidance from the headteacher.
Fire Drill
Fire drills are held regularly. Fire exits should be kept clear at all times and children should be familiar with the route to be taken to the assembly point in event of fire. When the fire alarm rings children should use the external doors in their classrooms and walk quietly to the playground. The class teacher will call registers. In the event of the class not being in their room and the register not being accessible then a head count will be matched to the number of pupils in.
Children Left After School
Children should be aware that they wait in the office after school if the person meeting them does not arrive at the end of the school session. They should not go home with other children.
Where this occurs on a regular basis the EWO will be informed.
Strangers in School
All staff are expected to challenge any strangers or unauthorised persons who may be on the premises. For identification there are badges and stickers located in the office.
School Visits
(See policy document)
Visits associated with schoolwork are encouraged. A risk assessment must be filed in and agreed before the visit takes place. Where possible a preliminary visit by the teacher concerned should be arranged to ensure suitability for the age group of children being taken etc. Although many galleries etc charge admission, teachers may, on many occasions, be able to get in free by arrangement.
The recommended minimum ratios for visits vary for each age group. The ratios are explained in detail in the visits policy.
Parental Permission
Parents must be informed of any excursion away from school premises and permission given for any journey made. Please ensure that as much notice as possible is given about trips etc. Normally a letter drafted by the organizing teacher or team leader and typed by the office should include a tear off slip for signature by the parent/guardian. If the visit extends beyond school hours parents should be advised of such.
Note –parent consent for walks in the immediate village is given when their children start at school.
Where absolutely necessary a child may be excluded from a visit when behaviour does not reach the expected standard, this must be discussed with the headteacher and the parent.
On all journeys it is expected that school uniform is worn (unless specifically not appropriate) and that children demonstrate impeccable behavior.
(Refer to behaviour policy)
Sick Children in School
(Refer to Health + Safety policy)
Children who complain that they are unwell should be observed for a short while in the class. The school should have an emergency telephone number and the name and address of a carer to be contacted. Unwell children should not be sent to school except on the recommendation of a doctor. Supervision of children unable to be outside at playtime is not practicable except under exceptional circumstances, for example a child with their leg in plaster or where a parent has consulted the Headteacher. Arrangements may be made for these children to sit outside the library area with a friend during break times.
No medicines should be kept by the pupils. Normally medicines are not administered in school. Please ensure all medicine is seen by the office and correct forms completed. Children suffering from asthma have open access to their medication. Asthma pumps should be taken onto the field for games and kept with the child when swimming or on visits off site etc.
If a child leaves the school premises for any reason, such as a dental appointment, the parent must report to the office with the appointment card/or have previously informed the teacher, and sign the child ‘out.’ The child will meet the parent/carer at the office. For safety reasons, under no circumstances will children be allowed to leave school unaccompanied during school session times.
If a child is absent, the school should be notified by telephone or letter.
Dealing with Sick/Unwell Children
Children that feel unwell/are hurt should be monitored by staff.
Each class has a list of the children on the asthma register and any medical needs of the class e.g. diabetes, allergic reactions and how to treat a medical emergency.
If a child is injured an accident slip will be filled out and sent home with the child. If the member of staff is concerned they must notify the office or SLT. Staff also are able to directly notify parents.
If a child receives a bump to the head, parents will be notified by the office.
Pupils who have been sick need to be kept of school for 24hrs since their last bout of sickness.
Unplanned/Planned Staff Absence
If you are not well enough to come into school please contact either the Headteacher or School Business Manager before 7.20 am. Please contact the school before 3pm if you are aware that you will be absent the following day.
It is good practice to inform the headteacher as soon as you believe you will be missing school so arrangements can be made (eg- If you have been ill all weekend let HT know on the Sunday).
A certificate is needed from your doctor if an absence extends over 5 working days. If this falls either side of a school holiday a letter from the doctor may be required to say that you were fit to work on the day that the holiday began. Otherwise pay may be stopped for this period.
Students/ NVQ participants and regular helpers who use the school to gain experience and require a written report are also required to follow the absence plan, else their placement may be stopped.
The school Sickness Policy states that school leadership will maintain contact during prolonged periods of absence, please see Sickness policy.
Every effort should be made to make dentist/doctor appointments outside school hours.
Unpaid leave of absence may be available with permission from the headteacher and/or the governing body.
INCASE OF ABSENCE DUE TO BAD WEATHER or unforeseen event: At times the school may need to close due to bad weather, if this is expected to be the case staff should listen to local radio for updates and will be notified by the text service.
It is the counties stance that ‘Necessary Travel’ does include children going to school and Staff going to work. If you are unable to attend and the school is open, you should follow the procedure outlined above for sickness.
Clothing and appearance
We expect staff to wear suitable smart clothing that is practical and suitable, trainers are expected for PE. No denim. Although we want to celebrate diversity, tattoos and piercings may not be suitable for display, this is at the headteachers discretion.
PE kit should be worn for indoor and outdoor PE. If a child has no proper kit the parents should be contacted. Children who wear button shirts should have these tucked in. Pupils should not usually wear coats inside.