Application to Host a Northern Ireland & Ulster Championship Race

  1. Name of Club:
  1. Which event do you wish to host? (5k, 10k, Half Marathon)

O5K NI Championships

O10K NI Championships

OHalf Marathon NI Championships

  1. Is this event to be incorporated with an event you have hosted before?



  1. If the answer to the previous question is yes, what is the name of this event?

All applications must meet the following requirements.

Applications that do not meet these requirements will not be considered. Please tick to indicate that your race will have the following:

OCertified course (specify how your course was certified)

OMile and/or Kilometre markers and clear directions on course (markers and/or marshals to direct runners)

OA starting line on which at least 15 people can stand abreast

OChip timing

OPermission to be sought and gained from the PSNI

OFirst aid facilities

OA full marshals’ briefing before the race

OToilet and changing/showering facilities within half mile of the starting line

Course Safety Considerations

(This section will be scored on a points-based system. For each item, your application will receive 1 point if it satisfies the committee that you will take appropriate safety measures. It will receive 0 points if it does not satisfy the committee.)

  1. First, to help us assess the criteria, please describe the setting of the course (mainly urban, mainly rural, a mixture of urban and rural, self contained, i.e. in a park)
  1. Given the nature of the course, how many marshals are required to guarantee the safety of the runners? Specify how many marshals you had last year and how many you will have this year.
  1. Given the nature of the course, do you require the PSNI to lead the race, provide traffic management, or to marshal the course? Describe what arrangements with the PSNI you have used previously and what arrangements you will put in place for this year.
  1. Describe what first aid facilities you will have available.
  1. For races more than 5km, describe how many drinks/aids stations you will provide.

Race Quality Considerations

(This section will be scored on a points-based system. For the first two items, your application will receive 1-5 points based on the number of runners and quality of field that the race normally attracts or, if this is a new race, you expect it will attract. For verification purposes, please provide links to race results over the last three years. If it is a new race, tell us why you are confident it will attract the number and quality of runners you expect. For courses on which it is unsafe to have more than 750 runners, please provide information to satisfy the committee that your race is at its maximum capacity and you will receive 5 points.)

  1. How many runners does this race normally attract? (if it has not been run before, how many are you expecting?)

OMore than 1,000 (5 points)

O750-1000 (4 points)

O500-750 (3 points)

O250-500 (2 points)

OLess than 250 (1 point)

  1. What quality of runner does this race normally attract? (if it has not been run before, what quality of runner are you expecting?)

OInternational (5 points) Provide examples of top internationals in the last 3 years

OTop Northern Ireland & Ulster (4 points) Provide examples of top NI&U in the last 3 years

OTop club runners (3 points)

OA mixture of club and fun runners (2 points)

OMostly fun runners (1 point)

  1. Prize structure: Please provide a detailed account of your prize structure, including the amount/quality of cash or other prizes for the top 3, and age group prizes. Applications will not be considered unless there are age group prizes and equal prizes for men and women. This item will receive 1 point if it satisfies the committee and 0 points if it does not satisfy the committee.

Pre-Race Publicity and Provision

(This section will be scored on a points based system. An application will receive 1 point if it meets the provision and 0 points if it does not)

OA dedicated race website and/or all information provided to Athletics NI for inclusion on the ANI website

OA course map posted on the dedicated race website and/or the ANI website

OClear directions to the race venue posted on the dedicated race website and/or the ANI website

OOnline entry

OEntry on the day (unless there is a limit on the number of runners due to safety/capacity concerns)

OHow many toilets will be available? (This figure will be compared to the projected number of entrants to determine if it is adequate.)

OHow many car parking spaces will be available? (This figure will be compared to the projected number of entrants to determine if it is adequate.)

OEvidence of a marketing strategy (tell us how you have marketed your race in the past or will market it this year, i.e. social media, flyers, press releases, etc. Let us know if your race has been reported on in local papers before the event. This question will be scored on a 1-3 point basis: 1 for basic, 2 for good, 3 for excellent)

OA goody bag

OA pre-entry fee of £15 or less

OOther pre race information or innovations (please specify – max 1 point to be awarded for this criteria)

Post-Race Considerations

(This section will be scored on a points based system. An application will receive 1 point if it meets the provision and 0 points if it does not)

OPost race refreshments, including drinks

OPost race refreshments, including food

OResults available within 45 min of the conclusion of the race

OPrize giving within 45 min of the conclusion of the race

OEvidence of coverage of race results in the local press (i.e. provide examples of race reports in newspapers or other media outlets)

  1. Do you intend to do anything innovative with the race? If so, please describe what you intend to do.(Innovations are not included in the points-based scoring system, but will be taken into account in cases where there is a tie or a difference of 3 or fewer points between the applicants with the highest scores.)

In the event of a tie, the Championship will be awarded at the discretion of the committee.

The race organiser must agree to and sign the following:

I agree that this is a preliminary application and is no guarantee that championship status will be awarded.

I understand that if championship status is awarded then a meeting with Athletics Northern Ireland is mandatory before full planning and promotion is finalised.

I agree to liaise with the Marketing & Communications Manager at Athletics Northern Ireland before any promotional and advertising designs are created, as the Athletics Northern Ireland brand must be prominent on the front of all materials, forms, billboards etc, and mentioned on radio/TV exposure. It is also mandatory to refer to the event on all materials as the Northern Ireland (5k/10k/half marathon) Championship in association with Athletics Northern Ireland.

I understand that failure to comply with the above may result in championship status being withdrawn.

SignedPrint Name


Athletics Northern Ireland (2008) is a Company Limited by Guarantee

Registration Number NI059740