Waynesboro Area Senior High School

Course Syllabus



Instructor:Mrs.Melanie Bitner

Phone:762-1191 ext2425

E-Mail Address:

Teacher Webpage:

Preferred Method of Contact:E-Mail

Required Text(s):Biology, Holt McDougal

(online version available too!)

Related Materials:3 Ring binder (bring to class every day.)

Course Overview:

Course Description:

Biology is the science of life. In this course we will study the characteristics of living things, how they interact with each other and how they function.

Course Objectives:

The course is designed to practice the scientific method and learn lab skills that will be used in future science courses. Students will discover some of the hot topics in biology, use a variety of technologies, study discoveries impacting biology, and investigate careers in Biology

Course Instructor Philosophy:

As a teacher, I will provide a variety of activities to challenge and promote interest. Labs and simulations will be incorporated as much as possible. Activities will promote creative and critical thinking. Remedial and enrichment activities will be provided as needed. I believe it is my job to make the class an enjoyable one in which all students can achieve. I will provide a positive environment conducive to learning. I will also communicate any concerns with you and your child.

Course Outline/Topics: Chapters 1, 3, 5, 6, 13-16

Basic biological principles, cell structure and function, cell division, genetics and inheritance, and ecology

Course Requirements:

Students will be required to keep an organized notebook with notes and assignments. This should be brought to class every day. There will be different types of projects assigned in various units. Labs and simulations will be integrated in various units with data collecting, calculations, graphs and analysis of results. Homework will be assigned as needed.

Instruction will be differentiated for students with special requirements according to their needs. Anyone needing extra help of additional time on assignments should see me to discuss the issue.

Use of Technology:

Students will use computers for research, typing and preparation of projects. Students will also use various lab equipment such as microscopes and digital scales. I will present material using the overhead projector for notes and LCD projector for power points, various simulations, and video.

Assessment Plan:

Student’s grades will be based on the following:

a. Tests/Summative Assessments40%

b. Quizzes/Formative Assessments30%

* Prefix Quizzes 10%

* All other quizzes/labs/projects 20%

c. Class work20%

d. Homework10%

Homework may be collected and graded or checked for effort and completion at the beginning of class. Collected homework needs to be turned in on the day that it is due. You cannot make up a “0” on a homework “check”.The best way to avoid a “0” is to always do your homework. Homework is usually worth 5 – 10 points.

Labs are usually done in pairs. This means that partners will perform the lab and have the same data. This does not mean they should have the exact same answers and calculations. Each student is responsible for following proper safety procedures. If safety procedures are not followed, students may not be permitted to do the experiment and receive a “0” for the lab grade. Labs are usually worth 25 – 50 points. There is a 50% deduction for the first 2 days late. After two days, the grade will be a zero.

(Lab safety form needs signed to participate in lab activities)

Tests will be given at the end of each chapter/unit. Test questions will include multiple choice, short answer, and essay. Tests will be announced 2 to 3 days in advance. Tests are usually worth 50 – 100 points.

Prefix Quizzes will be given weekly (usually on Fridays). The quizzes will consist of 10 new words (always announced on Mondays) and 10 old words (from previous weeks). Each quiz will be worth 20 points.

Various projects may be assigned throughout the course. Some projects may be done individually, in pairs, or small groups. They are worth 25 – 100 points. Handouts and rubrics are given and explained when projects are assigned.

Various Internet activities or simulations may be incorporated into the class. Some of these may be graded and some may not be.

Class participation is not awarded points but an active participant will earn a better grade.

For all assignments (except homework), there is a 50% deduction if it is not turned in on the due date. After 2 days, the grade will be a zero.

Course Policies/Expectations:

Class rules: 1. Be attentive, prompt, and prepared

2. Be courteous, cooperative, and honest

3. Treat yourself, others, and property with respect

4. Be responsible and follow directions

5. Follow school rules

6. Remain in your seats until the bell rings


8. Disruptive activities will not be tolerated. (All students have the right to learn in an environment conducive to learning.)

Disciplinary procedures: The following is an outline of consequences for behaviors. Some behaviors may require different actions depending on the severity. Students should refer to “Student code of conduct and discipline” in planner for building polices that will be carried out in class also.

First offense: Verbal warning

Second offense: Change of seat

Third offense: Time spent in the hall

Fourth offense: Teacher detention

Fifth offense: Parent contact

Sixth offense: Office referral

Attendance/Make up work: Attendance is important to be successful in the class. If students have an excused absence, they will be given 2 days for every excused day absent. Students are responsible for picking up missed work (check the file folder on the bulletin board for your class period). Missed labs and tests due to excused absences must be made up within 1 week. Students must schedule time to make up work on own time. Any unexcused absences will result in a “0” for all assignments, labs and tests on that day.

Turning in Assignments: Assignments are expected to be turned in on due date. As per school policy, assignments will not be accepted beyond the 2 day penalty period.

Academic Dishonesty: Refer to school policy. If you don’t do the work, you don’t get the credit.

Emergency Procedures: In the case of an emergency, please remain calm and exit the building as follows:

~From 425, Turn left out of the room. Proceed down the stairs and exit via door at top of “44 stairs”. Meet on the bleachers, home side.

Suggestions for Success:

●Be an active participant in the class

●Record assignments in planner

●Ask questions when you don’t understand

●See me for extra help if you don’t understand

●Re-read notes daily

●Keep an organized notebook

●Sign up for REMIND101 (system to get email or text to remind student/parent of assignments, tests or other important information)

●Check grades on community portal. Make sure to meet deadlines for assignments. Assignments will not be accepted beyond 2 days after due date.


(Keep first two pages in binder. Sign next page and return to teacher)

Biological Approaches to Science SyllabusMrs. Bitner

I have read and understand the syllabus for this course

Student name:______

Student Signature:

Parent/Guardian name:______

Parent/Guardian Signature:

What is your preferred method of contact? (phone or email?)

Please complete any information below that you are willing to share for contact purposes:

Email address-______

Home phone number-______

Cell number-______

Work number (s)______

Any comments/concerns?