Final version 26/8/08

Disability Studies Conference

Lancaster 2008

Schedule of Paper Presentations

Paper Session A Tuesday 16.00-17.30
LT2 / Chair: Russell Shuttleworth
Symposium: Toward an Inclusive Sexuality and Disability Research Agenda
Ruth Garbutt
Exploring the barriers to sex and relationships for people with learning difficulties.
Andrea Hollomotz
Sexual ‘vulnerability’ of people with learning difficulties: a self-fulfilling prophecy
Teela Sanders
The Right to Sexual Pleasure: Disability; Commercial Sex and Activism
Russell Shuttleworth
Toward an Inclusive Sexuality and Disability Research Agenda
LT3 / Chair: Jennifer Harris
Birgit Kirkebæk
The invisible ones
Claudia Malacrida
Work, Education, and Privilege: A Small Town’s Parasitical Relationship to a Total Institution for ‘Mental Defectives’
Antti Teittinen
Three perspectives on deinstitutionalisation process: a Finnish case
LT4 / Chair: Rachel Purtell
Hilda Beatriz Miranda-Galarza
The construction of 'intellectual disability' in Ecuador: From the lack of a sense to a matter of development.
Katia Vuoti
Does successful interaction relationship hold the key to community participation? Promoting communication between people with severe intellectual disabilities and their communication partners
Mary Wickenden
Listen to Me: How 12 teenagers who use AAC represent themselves
LT5 / Chair: Karen Beauchamp-Pryor
Stephen Lee Hodgkins
Discoursing Disability; The Personal and Political Positioning of Disabled People in Talk and Textwork
Jeong-Ki Kam
On the Concept of Ambivalent Disablism
Miguel Ferreira
A new disability interpretative theoretical-sociological framework: critical theory, citizenship and gender
B56 / Chair: David Hoskings
Patrick Kermit
Bioethical discussions on paediatric cochlear implantation: Obscuring the view by constructing an antinomy where ’nature’ is set up against ’convention’
Larry Arnold
Does medical research in autism procede "arse backwards"?
Toby Brandon
Obesity and Fattism: A Comparison to Three Models of Disability
LT6 / Chair: Kate Esser
Sara Ryan
“It’s like you are just a spectator in this thing”: experiencing social life the ‘aspie’ way
Armineh Soornian
Barriers in education for disabled international students
Alison Wilde
Homophily, special educational needs and processes of educational inclusion
B59 / Chair: Pam Thomas
Jennie Flemming
The Standards We Expect
Ravi K Thiara
Making the Links: Disabled Women and Domestic Violence
Jens Ineland
The story about Theatre organisation, the Publics approval and the Actors identity processes in Nordic Disability Theatre
B32 / Chair: Karen Fisher
Debbie Kramer-Roy
Concepts of and attitudes towards disability in the Pakistani community in the UK
Ema Loja
The impact of social and political disability discourses on the experience of physical disability in Portugal
Muhammad Mobin Uddin
Supporting Independent Living

Paper Session B Wednesday 9.30-11.00

LT2 / Chair: Russell Shuttleworth
Symposium: Disability and Sexuality Support: exploring attitudes, experiences, rights and challenges
Helen Crowley
Sexuality Support, Policy and Practice: Getting it Right
Carol Hamilton
Sexuality Support and Social Meaning – Exploring the difference between ‘good’ sex and ‘bad’
Grace Kelly
Sexual Rights and Intellectual Disability - Balancing Stakeholder’s Views
LT3 / Chair:Stephen Lee Hodgkins
Theo Blackmore
“Half of my friends don’t even see me as disabled.”: What can field, capital and habitus reveal about disability, inclusion and exclusion?
Donna Reeve
Homo sacer, states of exception and zones of indistinction: What can the work of Agamben offer disability studies?
Griet Roets
Unravelling Mr. President’s Nomad Lands: Travelling to Interdisciplinary Frontiers of Knowledge in Disability Studies
B32 / Chair: Sarah Woodin
Emily Last
Participation or marginalisation? Disabled citizens and the local governance of access
Marcus Redley
Understanding the stalled welfare of citizens with learning disabilities
LT4 / Chair: Karen Fisher
Andrea M. Cooke
The Impact of Globalization on the Third World and on People With Psychiatric Disabilities
Astrid Halsa
Madness and motherhood – mothering alone
Naoko Taira
Challenging Stigma and Discrimination: The experience of mental health service users in Japan
B56 / Chair: Debbie Kramer-Roy
Tillie Curran
Social Workers, Disabled Children and Organisations of Disabled People: A Cycle of Practice Transformation Towards Desirable Ways of Living
Carolyn Gutman
Communities of Practice: The Development of a Disability Studies’ Curriculum
Irene Rose
Disability Studies in the Cultural Studies Classroom
B59 / Chair: Pauline Hislop
Peter Beresford
Towards A Social Model Of Madness And Distress: Reporting the findings from a new user controlled research study of service users’ views.
Kristjana Kristiansen
Madness in the mountains: lessons of mental health and resilience in exploring everyday life for people in recovery with ‘psychosis’
Brendan Stone
Madness and distress: From individual to collective narratives
LT5 / Chair: Kate Esser
Sarah Lewthwaite
Forward Slash Disability: Social experiences of disability online, in and around higher education
Nicola Martin
Towards an inclusive environment for university students who have Asperger syndrome (AS)
Emma Jane Rowlett
Print Impairment in Higher Education
B33/35 / Chair: David Hosking
Mark Priestley
Participating in the European Research Agenda
Michael Rassell
Separation, society and the state: Living with disabilities in Russia
Pedro Teixeira
Empowerment and disability - An organizational analysis in Portugal
LT6 / Chair: Ghasem Norouzi
Chan Kim Geok
Parents’ of Child with Down’s Syndrome: Their Care-giving Experiences, Parent - Child Communicative Pattern at Home and Perceived Quality of Life: A Pilot Study
Nick Hodge
Tales from the Battlefield: the challenges of parent-professional partnership
Sonali Shah
Future Selves: Career Choices of Young Disabled People

Paper Session C Wednesday 14.45-15.45

B59 / Petra Flieger
Project Presentation - The Painting of a disabled man
LT2 / Discussion Session led by Rachel Purtell, Len Barton, Peter Beresford and Simon Unsworth
Issues of Death and Dying for Disability Studies
LT5 / Chair: Colin Barnes
Patrick Devileger
The making of 'Hearing and Touching Leuven": Blindness and multi-sensorial experience in cities
Simon Wing Kuen Wu
A critical review on the built environment policy for disabled people in Hong Kong in a decade: Progress or regress?
LT4 / Chair: Donna Reeve
Mariela Gaete-Reyes
The impaired body, the technology of the wheelchair and the environment
Ana B Pereira
Voyage to the Inside of the Shadow: Women, Disability, Chronic Illness and Invisibility in an Ableist Society
LT3 / Chair: Pauline Hislop
Karen Fisher
My money matters – findings from direct payments research
Sarah Woodin
Whose Money? Control Over Direct Payments
B33/35 / Chair: Jennifer Harris
Simone Borsci
Global Rank: Improving a qualitative and inclusive level of web accessibility
Cheryl Nosworthy
Mind-Body Spaces of Human - Non-human Communication: A Socio-spatial Study of 'Disabled' and 'Non-disabled' Horse-riders
7 / Chair: Alison Sheldon
Nicholas Cimini
Struggles online over the meaning of disability
Yvonne Latham
Making Connections: Disabilities, Technologies and Affordances
B32 / Chair: Kirsten Stalker
Lorna Bourke
The psycho-social and emotional experience of physical disablement for children and their families in Malawi
Borgunn Ytterhus
Managing turning-points and transitions in childhood and parenthood – insights from families with disabled children in Norway
LT6 / Chair: Debbie Kramer-Roy
Claire Edwards
The geographies of disability and a re-evaluation of the social relations of research production
Michael Glennon
Notes on subjectification and the research of community based group homes for developmentally disabled: constituting nomadology as emancipatory method for ethnographers who won’t sit still

Paper Session D Wednesday 16.16-17.45

LT2 / Chair: Alison Sheldon
Symposium: Latin American Perspectives on Disability and Disability Studies
Raul Mideros, Beatriz Miranda, Sandra Oliver, Rosana Ferreira Sampaio
B56 / Chair: Simon Unsworth
Rebecca Mallett
Theorising Comedic Immunity: Or, What Do You Get When You Cross Contemporary Comedy with Disability?
Michael Shamash
Anything Can Happen in the Next Half Hour
Deborah Williams
That joke isn’t funny any more: Impairment, disability and audience in the films of the Farrelly brothers
LT5 / Chair: Karen Fisher
Leanne Dowse
Insurrection and Resistance: exploring the activist ‘self’ in self- advocacy by people with intellectual disability
Liz Ellis
In/dependency, Interdependency and Resistance in the Lives of People with Learning Difficulties
Deborah Philips
Learning Difficulties, Embodiment and Landscapes: narrative accounts of lives, labels, spaces and place
LT6 / Chair: Karen Beauchamp-Pryor
Angharad Beckett
‘Inclusive classrooms need inclusive literature’: a qualitative content analysis of primary age children’s literature about disability
Berni Kelly
Some people think I am different, but I see myself as an equal person to everybody else”: Exploring Identities of Young Disabled People at School
Solveig Magnus Reindal
Disability, Capability and Special Needs Education. A theoretical framework
LT4 / Chair: Jill Anderson
Andy Hill
Policing Dyslexia - beyond the Laptop & Stab proof Vest.
Julie Ridley
Disclosing disability - conflict for student and qualified social workers, teachers and nurses
Jannine Williams
Disabled Academics’ Career and Organizational Experiences
LT3 / Chair: Pam Thomas
Christine Brown
A Day at the Museum: Disability Activism and Things to Remember
Jocelyn Dodd
Rethinking Disability Representation: absence and attitude
Beth Haller
Soldiers & Symbols: Images of Disabled Veterans in U.S. Political Cartoons
B33/35 / Chair: Alan Roulstone
Staffan Sanden
Citizenship - Disabled People's Perceptions and Definitions
Kirsten Stalker
The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and Adults with Learning Disabilities
B32 / Chair: Jennifer Harris
John Bertelsen
Breaking the isolation
Rebecca Lawthom
Psychosocial resources to unpack disablism: global case studies, social psychoanalytic possibilities
B59 / Chair: Sarah Woodin
Pauline Heslop
Why do people with learning disabilities say they self-injure?
Ghasem Norouzi
Mainstream employment for people with the label of ‘Learning Difficulties’: the experiences and perspectives of supported employment providers (SEPs)
Chrissie Rogers
(S)excerpts from a life told: sex, gender and learning disability

Paper Session E Thursday 9.30-10.30

LT3 / Chair: Colin Barnes
Susan Buell
A Meeting of Minds: Exploring the Boundaries of the Social Model of Disability in Bolivia
Scott Allan White
no-name (non-diagnostic medical models and the social construction of disability)
LT4 / Chair: Jennifer Harris
Kate Esser
Dyspraxia: the Silent Sister
Marian Hawkesworth
The care of the visible self
B56 / Chair: Donna Reeve
Danny Goodley
The odd, different and disruptive: Towards a productive psychology and critical disability studies
David Hosking
The Theory of Critical Disability Theory
LT5 / Chair: Alan Roulstone
Tabitha Collingbourne
Muddling through? The UK, economic and social rights and the Disability Rights Convention
Hisayo Katsui
Why International Cooperation to Deal with Disability? Politics of the Article 32 of the Convention
LT6 / Chair: Karen Fisher
Ole Petter Askheim
Personal assistance in Norway and Sweden: From difference to convergence?
Jennifer Harris
Direct Payment Employers: Challenging the social relations of support
B32 / Chair: Jill Anderson
Karen Beauchamp-Pryor
The ‘involvement’ of disabled people in the development of disability policy and provision is now high on the Government’s agenda, but in practice, whose voice actually dominates these processes?
Zoe Hughes
Getting political: The experience of students with intellectual disabilities in University politics
B33/35 / Chair: Pauline Hislop
Peter Burke
Brothers and sisters of disabled children: revisiting the experience of disability by association
Janet Read
Disabled Children in the UK: Characteristics and household circumstances.
LT2 / Chair: Simon Unsworth
Dawn Benson
Equal Access in Shaping Your Services - with a little help from some friends: reflecting on the evolution of participatory research
Katherine Runswick-Cole
'Liminal lives: non-disabled mothers and the disability world'
B59 / Chair: Pam Thomas
Bernadette Cassidy
The Role of Information in Supporting People with Disabilities Return to Independence
Parvaneh Rabiee
Choice: What, when and why? Exploring the importance of choice to disabled people