Accelerated Geometry B/
Algebra II
Course Description
Accelerated Geometry B/Algebra 2 is the second in a sequence of mathematics courses designed to ensure that students are prepared to take higher‐level mathematics courses during their high school career, including Advanced Placement Calculus AB, Advanced Placement Calculus BC, and Advanced Placement Statistics.
The standards in the three-course high school sequence specify the mathematics that all students should study in order to be college and career ready. Additional mathematics content is provided in fourth credit courses and advanced courses including, calculus, advanced statistics, discrete mathematics, and mathematics of finance courses. High school course content standards are listed by conceptual categories including Number and Quantity, Algebra, Functions, Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.
There are 9 units: Circles and Volume, Geometric and Algebraic Connections, Applications of Probability, Quadratics, Operations with Polynomials, Polynomial Functions, Rational and Radical Relationships, Exponential and Logarithms, and Mathematical Modeling.
TEXTBOOKS: Students will have the Geometry/Advanced Algebra textbook and online textbook resources that can be used at home.
Class Expectations
· Be on time and prepared for class each day.
· Participate in class activities and discussions.
· Stay in your seat and on task.
· Follow directions the first time they are given.
· Respect the teacher, other students, their belongings, & school property.
· Follow all rules of HHS.
Homework will be assigned daily. You must show your work for all problems. Remember that homework is an important part of the learning process. Mark problems that you do not understand so they can be addressed in class the following day. Homework will be checked daily for completion.
Materials and Notebook
3 ring binder (at least 2”) TI-84, TI-83 or TI-Nspire graphing calculator
notebook and graph paper pencils, highlighter, EXPO marker
Cell Phone Policy
Students shall not use, display or turn on cellular phones, video phones, or electronic devices during instruction time except when a teacher uses these devices for instructional purposes. ALL CELL PHONES WILL BE PLACED IN THE DOOR HOLDER IN THE POCKET WITH YOUR CORRESPONDING SEAT NUMBER DURING TESTS AND QUIZZES. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN A DISCIPLINE REFERRAL.
Teacher Blog
My blog will updated weekly/daily and may be accessed the link on Harrison’s website:
Every student will need a graphing calculator. Since a graphing calculator is allowed on the EOC and needed for future math classes, it is strongly suggested that each student have their own. Please do not wait until a graphing calculator is needed in class to acquire one. You are responsible for all work that is done with a graphing calculator.
Always bring your textbook, paper and pencil to class. Suggested sections for your binder are: 1) Class Notes by Unit 2) Homework by Unit 3) Tasks and Classwork by Unit , 4) Tests and Quizzes by Unit. KEEP ALL TESTS AND QUIZZES THEY ARE STUDY RESOURCES FOR EOCT AND FINAL. Staying organized is the key to success!
Extra Help
I am available for extra help before school on Wednesday and Friday mornings before school from 7:45 – 8:15. Please do not wait until the day before a test to ask for help.
Make Up Work
Making up missed work is your responsibility! Only students with excused absences will be allowed to make up missed work. Check my blog to see what assignments you have missed. All make up work and tests will be recorded as a 0 until completed. Make-up tests and quizzes must be taken before the next chapter test to receive credit. If circumstances require more time, you must make arrangements with me on the day of your return. If you miss only the day of review for a test, you are expected to take the test with the class if you return on test day. If you miss only the day of a test, you are expected to make up the test at the next scheduled make up session. Test make up times are Wednesday mornings or Thursday afternoons. See the schedule posted in the classroom for the exact location.
Cheating will NOT be tolerated. If I determine that you have cheated, you will receive a zero on the assignment, your parents will be called, and you will be given a U in conduct for the grading period. The following constitutes cheating: copying or sharing homework, talking during a test or quiz no matter what you are talking about, looking on someone else’s paper or allowing them to look on yours, and using a calculator or cell phone when it is not allowed. ALL CELL PHONES WILL BE PLACED IN THE DOOR HOLDER IN THE POCKET WITH YOUR CORRESPONDING SEAT DURING TESTS AND QUIZZES. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN A DISCIPLINE REFERRAL.
School Wide Tardy Policy: Students who arrive to class after the bell without a pass will be asked to go get a tardy pass. More than 3 absences & 3 tardies will eliminate your exam exemption privilege
4th Tardy – Automatic Saturday School
5th and subsequent tardies – referral to administrator
In Closing
I am really looking forward to working with you this year. Please do not hesitate to ask me for help. That’s why I’m here! However, do not wait until the last minute, like right before a test, to get help. If you put forth appropriate effort, you will be successful in this class.
Student signature: Parent signature: