Volume 21 Issue 1 November 2009

President’s Remarks

In August there was a shooting incident at WedgewoodPark, in which the victim was shot twice, fortunately not fatally. We have been aware of undesirable activity in our area, and since then, we have discovered that we were not aware of the extent to which our area is being used by adults to meet after dark in the areas near all of our parks.

On consulting with Staff Sergeant Bradley Dove, who is in charge of neighbourhood policing for our area, we decided our actions to date have not been sufficient to discourage such activities. Sergeant Dove will be our guest speaker and will lead a discussion on how best to proceed.

Come and Meet Our Community Leaders

MPP David Zimmer, Councillor David Shiner, and Separate School Trustee Maria Rizzo will all be in attending our AGM reception if their schedules allow, as well as our speaker Staff Sergeant Brad Dove. Maria will have information for us regarding the St Agnes/ St. Joseph’s Girls’ Schools

31st BCNA Annual General Meeting

It is time again to elect the Directors of the Association. The positions are President, two Vice-presidents, Secretary, and Treasurer. We have nominations for all offices and additional nominations are in order.

In addition to the elected positions, we have, at present, four representative members all of whom have volunteered to help with the work of the Association.

Our AGM meetings are always a chance to meet your neighbours and find out what is happening in the neighbourhood. Any adult person living in the area bounded in the North by Steeles Avenue, in the South by the hydro concession ravine, in the West by Willowdale Avenue (except Harnish and Revcoe Aves.), and in the East by Bayview Avenue, is a member of our association.

Voting members are those who have paid their 2009 membership of $15.00, which is for two in the same family.

Sandy Robertson, President

(416) 223-3870

Bayview Cummer Community Meeting

Wednesday November 25th


At The WillowdalePentecostalChurch

288 Cummer Ave.


6:30Community Reception

– Chat with your neighbours – Chat with your community leaders

– Enjoy a snack or two

7:30Annual General Meeting

President’s Remarks & Neighbourhood . Update

– Treasurer’s Report

– 2009 Elections For 2010 Year

8:10Guest Speakers

Staff Sergeant Bradley Dove

Re: Discussion on Neighbourhood . Policing

SeparateSchool Trustee Maria Rizzo

Re: St Joseph’s & St. Agnes Update

9:00Closing Remarks

BAYVIEW CUMMER Neighbourhood Association Inc.

Local Traffic

The traffic flow through our area is getting busier and busier, especially in the morning and evening commute times. There are a number of different reasons for this increase, but one in particular is that Doris Ave. has recently been put through to Finch Ave. and then on to Bishop Ave. Cars turn on Bishop to Maxome Ave. and head north to Steeles or Cummer Aves. The opposite direction applies in the morning commute.

The Association Executives have worked at this obvious problem for many months, as well, a group of our members living on Maxome have been especially vocal on the subject. The final actions have not all been determined, but there will be traffic restrictions south bound in the mornings and north bound in the afternoon. With the Doris Avenue extension being put through, this has increased the urgency for action.

St. John’sRehabHospital Update

Phase one of the hospital’s construction project has been completed. The work included a new and better loading dock area that is screened from the front entrance of the original building, reconstruction of the sewer and water services connecting to Cummer Avenue, and the rebuilding and improvement of the driveway.

In addition to the work at the hospital itself, the city has approved the installation of a traffic light on Cummer Avenue, at the hospital, to help traffic access and to provide protection for pedestrians crossing the road to reach the bus stop.

Membership Update

This is your last chance to become a Voting Member for the 2009 AGM! To become a Voting Member you may pay the 2009 membership fee (of $15) by using the form below or bringing it to the AGM in person. We have an hour before the AGM to enrol any last minute members.

During the year we mailed out two membership notices; one in May and a reminder in October to the previously paid 2008 members. I am pleased to say the response has been very good.

We have aligned our dues with the calendar year; therefore, renewal notices will be sent out early in the New Year for 2010 for those Voting Members from 2009. Or better yet, renew for 2010 immediately at the upcoming AGM or mail your 2010 membership to me using the form at the bottom.

Please encourage your neighbours to become Voting Members too! Just photocopy the form below or call me, or Sandy our President, if you need more information.

Remember our Association’s strength is in our numbers.

Sandra Moad (416) 221-7253

T.D.S.B. Trustee Mari Rutka’s

News Letter

This hard working lady has a great newsletter, which contains items of community interest as well as school issues. We have posted it to our web site, as we think it is of broad general interest.

For those with a computer and Internet access, our web site has progressed significantly. Please look us up at bayviewcummer.ca and give us your comments.

You can email us at

Remember that if you live in our area, you are a member; your active interest makes us stronger.

Scout Trees For Sale

The Annual Christmas Tree Sale by the local Scouting Group – 14th Willowdale is scheduled for the last two weekends before Christmas, and Tuesday evening December 22nd. The money raised from this sale is used to fund summer canoe trips, winter camping trips and a week at the Haliburton Scout Reserve, among other events and programs.

The sale itself even provides a good learning opportunity for the participants

Our usual sales location is on Bayview Ave. near the Hydro lines or the Mall.

Call Tom Gillett, Group Commissioner at (416) 222-4076 if you are interested in finding out more about the program that the 14th Willowdale delivers to our 55 local boys and girls aged 5 to 16, by 25 adult volunteers (parents mainly).

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Bayview Cummer Neighbourhood Association Inc. Membership Form New Member  or Renewal 

For 2009  or For 2010 

The Bayview Cummer Neighbourhood Association Inc. invites all residents within its boundaries to join or renew their membership in the Association. The annual dues are $15 and are used to operate the Association by volunteers. It entitles up to 2 adults in your household to become voting members. Please complete this form now and drop it off or mail it to:

Sandra Moade, 127 Steeles Avenue East, Toronto, OntarioM2M 3Y5 (416) 221-7253. Or bring it to our AGM!

Make cheques payable to: Bayview Cummer Neighbourhood Association Inc.

Name of 1st Adult: ______Name of 2nd Adult:______

Address: ______Postal Code______Telephone:______

E-Mail Address: ______Your e-mail is only used for Association business.

(Note that if more than 2 adults reside at your home a second membership can be paid to allow 4 adult memberships)

Payment Received:______Date Received:______