HELD AT THE Council Chamber, Moreland Civic Centre, 90 Bell Street, Coburg

ON Wednesday 15 November 2017

The Mayor opened the meeting at 7 pm and acknowledged the traditional owners, the Wurundjeri people, and paid respects to their Elders, past and present, and the Elders from other communities who may be here today. The Mayor acknowledged that currently many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have made Moreland home and in doing so have contributed to the positive, rich diversity of this municipality.

Present: / Time In / Time Out
Cr John Kavanagh (Mayor) / 7 pm / 10.04 pm
Cr Natalie Abboud (Deputy Mayor) / 7 pm / 10.04 pm
Cr Sue Bolton / 7.24 pm / 10.04 pm
Cr Annalivia Carli Hannan / Apology
Cr Helen Davidson / 7 pm / 10.04 pm
Cr Ali Irfanli / Apology
Cr Dale Martin / 7 pm / 10.04 pm
Cr Mark Riley / 7 pm / 10.04 pm
Cr Lambros Tapinos / 7 pm / 10.04 pm
Cr Oscar Yildiz JP / 7 pm / 10.04 pm


Cr Abboud moved, Cr Davidson seconded –
That Council approves the requested leave of absence for Cr Mark Riley from 16to28November 2017.

Apologies were lodged for Cr Carli Hannan and Cr Ali Irfanli.


Chief Executive Officer – Nerina Di Lorenzo

Director Corporate Services – James Scott

Director City Infrastructure – Grant Thorne

Director Social Development – Arden Joseph

Director Planning and Economic Development - Kirsten Coster

Executive Manager Organisation Development - Anita Craven

Manager Property and Governance – Olivia Wright

Unit Manager Governance – Sally Curran

The Mayor also welcomed the Moreland Venturers in attendance as part of their Queen’s Scout activities.

The Mayor noted the significance of the same sex marriage survey result and noted Council’s strong advocacy on the issue.




Cr Davidson moved, Cr Riley seconded -
The minutes of the Council meeting held on 11 October 2017 and the Council meeting held on 30 October 2017 be confirmed.


The petitions were received en bloc as follows:

PET26/17 Request for Speed Reduction Mechanisms in Taylor Street, North Fitzroy (D17/399352)
A petition (D17/399248) has been received containing 28 signatures requesting Council to consider the installation of speed reduction mechanisms within Taylor Street, North Fitzroy due to the frequent use by drivers as a means to bypass traffic on Nicholson Street.
Cr Riley moved, Cr Abboud seconded -
That Council:
1. Receives and note the petition.
2. Refers the petition to the Director City Infrastructure for consideration.
3. Emails any proposed action to all Ward Councillors and Councillors Responsible for Sustainability, Transport, Climate Change and Water, allowing seven days for Councillor feedback.
4. Advise the petition organiser of this action.
PET28/17 Federation Village
A petition containing 8 signatures, objecting to the development of 6 new units at Federation Village, Box Forest Road, Glenroy (MPS/1997/262/B), was presented by the lead petitioner.
The Mayor noted that as this petition relates to a planning matter it will be referred to the planning permit objection process.
Cr Riley moved, Cr Abboud seconded –
That Council:
1. Receives and note the petition.
2. Refers the petition to the Director Planning and Economic Development for consideration.
PET27/17 Request For Access To A Community Centre On A Daily Basis For Organising Cultural Activities
A petition (D17/421617) containing 61 signatures requesting Council to consider providing the Moreland Welfare Services Inc. access to a Community Centre to be used for cultural activities on a regular basis was tabled by Cr Abboud.
Cr Riley moved, Cr Abboud seconded –
That Council:
1. Receives and notes the petition.
2. Refers the petition to the Director Corporate Services.
3. Emails any proposed action to all Ward Councillors and Councillors Responsible for Infrastructure, Libraries and Community Facilities and Social Diversity, Multiculturalism and Reconciliation, allowing seven days for feedback.
4. Advises the petition organiser of this action.

Reports from Committee to Council:

The Mayor noted these reports are now being provided through the Governance Report.


Question time commenced at 7.12 pm.

QT122/17 Nic Dolby - Bicycle Infrastructure
Mr Dolby noted the report on bicycling infrastructure in the agenda and requested more cycling infrastructure in Moreland.
At the invitation of the Mayor, Cr Martin noted he and other Councillors were also seeking more infrastructure.
QT123/17 Nancy Aitkin - Serenading Adela Street Opera
Ms Aitkin asked if Council would please support the Notice of Motion for free use of the Coburg Town Hall for rehearsals for the upcoming ‘Serenading Adela: A Street Opera’.
The Mayor thanked Ms Aitken for her question.
QT124/17 Katherine Oakley - Madina Villiage Parking issues
Ms Oakley asked for an update on parking issues at Madina Village and asked to provide a recommendation following the report by Council.
The Mayor thanked Ms Oakley for her question.
ON12/17 Vicki McLachlan - reduction in parking 18 Albert Street, Brunswick East
The resident enquired about the empirical data, assessment and the result of the assessment on car parking demand and subsequent reduction in car parking spaces in the vicinity of the proposed development at 18 Albert Street, Brunswick East.
At the request of the Mayor, Kirsten Coster, Director Planning and Economic Development advised:
·  The general practice is to take into account access public transport in the area
·  The practice follows through at a VCAT hearings
Regarding empirical data, Ms Coster took this on notice.
QT125/17 Wenyuan Liu - 18 Albert Street, Brunswick East
The resident asked about the visual bulk impact of a 11 metre wall on a northern boundary overlooking a small courtyard. The resident stated the visual bulk impact could have an impact to the natural light to a bedroom.
At the invitation of the Mayor, Cr Abboud noted the possible referral of the relevant application to the Urban Planning Committee to the November meeting.
ON13/17 Sally Drummund - 18 Albert Street, Brunswick East
Ms Drummond stated there is confusion around the different sets of regulations regarding car stackers and the noise impact on residents and asked what action is Council taking in regards to this.
At the request of the Mayor, Kirsten Coster, Director Planning and Economic Development:
·  Noted the gaps in state government policy;
·  Noted that due to the way the regulation has been structured, there are limitations on what Council can do;
·  Noted the recommendation for Council to consider tonight; and
·  Stated that Council is part of the consultation regarding the regulation.
Ms Coster took the issue of whether car stackers are required by our policy to be in the basement on notice.
QT126/17 Helen Kratzmann - Campbell Reserve
Ms Kratzmann asked about community engagement and consultation regarding the works to Campbell Reserve pavilion and pitch.
At the request of the Mayor, Arden Joseph, Director Social Development noted:
·  Council upgrades pavilions across the municipality every year. The works at Campbell reserve are part of a planned cycle.
·  Funding provided by the state government has provided a unique opportunity.
·  Planned works are under $1 million, therefore the planning permit process is not applicable.
·  There has been local interest from community members about access during and outside of game times, and officers are trying to respond to that with a meeting with the community members and the club next week and invited the resident to the meeting.
·  A fence will be put between the two pitches, not around the entire ground.
Kirsten Coster, Director Planning and Economic Development stated that in regards to parking for Moore Street, Council resolved in authorising the amendment that no vehicular connection between Moore Street and Moreland Road be included.
Extension of Time
Cr Bolton moved, Cr Davidson seconded that question time be extended by 30 minutes.
Question time was extended at 7.40 pm.
ON14/17 Luisa Macmillan - Land at rear of 106 McBryde Street, Fawkner
Ms MacMillan spoke on behalf of the Merri Creek Management Committee and asked:
·  Was Council provided with the first right of refusal for the purchase of VicRoads land along Merri Creek in mid-2015 and if one of the parcels was land known as Reserve 1, rear of 106 McBryde Street, Fawkner?
·  What was Council’s decision on the land purchase and what criteria did Council use to get to their decision?
·  Did Council’s Open Space Unit provide advice in regards to the option of purchasing Reserve 1?
At the request of the Mayor, James Scott, Director Corporate Services advised:
·  The communication in mid-2015 was not a first right of refusal. The communication was from VicRoads to commence discussion.
·  The first right of refusal was provided in March 2017. There was no Council decision required as Council had already resolved on the land swap.
Mr Scott took the issue of the Open Space Unit providing advice on notice.
QT127/17 Lou Tenace - Flashing Pedestrian Lights in Derby Street, Coburg North
Mr Tenace stated he tabled a petition in April 2017 and is awaiting a response to an email he sent on 26 October.
Dr Nerina Di Lorenzo, Chief Executive Officer noted the key issues raised in the email dated 26 October require a consolidated response. Dr Di Lorenzo advised an email response is expected to be sent this week.
QT128/17 David Callaghan - Millward Street Petition
Mr Callaghan spoke on behalf of the Millward Street, Brunswick petition regarding more street trees and enquired why there had been no response to the petition 18 months later.
The Mayor committed to following up this issue this week.
The Deputy Mayor advised as part of the new urban forest strategy, a review of the pruning practice for the trees has taken place.

Question time concluded at 7.53 pm.

On Notice Items from Previous Council Meeting:

ONR6/17 On Notice items - October 2017 Council meeting (D17/407750)
The following item was taken on notice at the previous Council meeting.
· ON10/17 – Mr Issell – Pascoe Vale Community Centre
Cr Davidson moved, Cr Abboud seconded -
That Council notes the response to the on notice item ON10/17 from the Council meeting dated 11 October 2017 and also that ON9/17 has been responded to.


MCC64/17 Cr Sue Bolton
Cr Bolton highlighted:
·  The project with Council and the local Wurundjeri people to develop an indigenous community hub. Development of concept plans has commenced; and
·  Fawkner Festa – Great and successful event, particularly the engagement of young people and the response to campaign for toxic free Fawkner.
MCC65/17 Cr Natalie Abboud
Cr Abboud highlighted her attendance at:
·  The Launch of Libraries After Dark project in Glenroy;
·  Disability Advisory Committee meeting, noting the discussion on Brunswick Music Festival venue accessibility.
MCC66/17 Cr Dale Martin
Cr Martin drew attention to:
·  Ward Meetings held monthly in North West Ward;
·  His participation in in two visioning workshops, one with Moreland Energy Foundation Limited and the second with Brunswick Business Incubator.
MCC67/17 Cr John Kavanagh
Cr Kavanagh spoke of his attendance and participation at:
·  Coburg Historical Society Book Launch – The Old Boys of Coburg State School Go To War;
·  Remembrance Day service at Pascoe Vale RSL
·  Victoria Police community forum;
·  Fawkner Festa;
·  A presentation to 100 year old resident;
·  Turning of sod celebration at Merlynston Hall;
·  Broadmeadows Rotary forum about initiatives in Glenroy.

8.03 pm Cr Davidson left the Council Chamber.


DED95/17 Residential Areas - Proposed Amendment C171 to rezone parts of the Residential Growth Zone (D17/375808)
At the May 2017 Council meeting, Council resolved (NOM21/17) to undertake work to respond to the release of the State Government’s reformed Residential Zones. The decision reflects the 2017-2021 Council Plan action to review the 2017 reformed Residential Zones to understand their impacts on residential development outcomes, and scope any necessary changes to the Planning Scheme.
A strategic review of residential areas of Moreland has been undertaken in light of the reformed residential zones. Following analysis of the implications of the reforms and a review of previous submissions about residential zoning across Moreland, this report recommends an Amendment to the Moreland Planning Scheme be prepared to rezone some residential areas within Neighbourhood Centres (referred to as Amendment C171). This would respond both to limitations in the reformed residential zones to achieve the outcomes for 3 storey areas within the Neighbourhood Centres previously sought by Amendment C153 (New Residential Zones, approved on 30 April 2015) and respond to previous submissions received from residents in relation to residential zoning in some areas.
This report recommends Council seeks the Minister for Planning to prepare, authorise and approve Amendment C171 to rezone areas in a Residential Growth Zone within Neighbourhood Centres (limited to those locations where Council originally proposed a 3 storey height limit as part of Amendment C153) to a General Residential Zone Schedule 2. This will seek to reinstate the heights originally proposed for those areas as part of Amendment C153 through a proposed fast track amendment process.
Given the extensive community consultation completed when preparing Amendment C153 which informed the 3 storey heights proposed in Amendment C171 it is recommended that these changes be approved under Section 20(4) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. This is the most expedient way to achieve the controls previously endorsed by Council.
For areas outside Neighbourhood Centres, there is no ability to limit density or number of dwellings on a lot, however the Medium Density Housing Review (which is being progressed in accordance with Council Action Plan 2017-18 Item 35 Key Priority: P1o) and the Garden Area Requirements introduced by Amendment VC136 (Reformed Residential Zones) on 13April 2017, will in tandem result in improved outcomes in these areas.
Amendment C159, which was adopted by Council on 8 March 2017, implements the Neighbourhood Centres Strategy 2017 into the Moreland Planning Scheme through building height and setback requirements. Amendment C159 also proposes to rezone some land in Brunswick West, within and outside Neighbourhood Centres. This report recommends waiting for a decision from the Minister for Planning to approve (with or without changes) or refuse Amendment C159, before progressing Amendment C171 which proposes further changes and refinement of planning requirements in Moreland’s Neighbourhood Centres.