Minutes of a Meeting of the Town Council held on

Tuesday 19th July 2016, 6.50pm at the Community Centre.

Present: Councillors Mr D. Ellison, Mr A. Gibb, Mr R. Harris, Mr J. Hobbs, Mr L. Ivall, Mr R. Jordan, Mr P. Langridge, Mr J. Lean, Mr A. Leggatt, Mr J. Lewis, Mr A. Macdonald Chairman, Mr C. Temple, Mr R. Whitfield and Mr A. Zerny.

Absent: Councillor Mr G. Emery.

Also Present: The Town Clerk.

1 / Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Mr G. Emery.
2 / Declaration of Interest
Councillors were reminded that they should declare an interest in any matter of personal or prejudicial interest to be discussed at this meeting. Information about this requirement had been on the table.
3 / To Receive any Questions from the Public
No questions from the public.
4 / Planning Application(s) outside the remit of the Planning Committee
11 Horslow Street, Potton SG19 2NS
New first floor side window, change of existing windows to same style UPVC and 1 no. car space created at rear.
It was resolved to query whether the windows should be wooden as the property is in the conservation area.
Cllr Jordan left the room before the next application.
2 Chigwell House, Horslow Street, Potton SG19 2NS
Remove one Sycamore tree where the base of the tree is touching a Listed boundary wall. The tree is located to the front of the grounds of the building adjacent to the footpath running parallel to Horslow Street.
It was resolved to support the removal of the tree subject to the approval of the arboricultural officer and the council would appreciate the tree is replaced with another tree somewhere else in the garden also subject to the approval of the arboricultural officer.
Cllr Jordan re-entered the room before the next application.
Cllr Zerny arrived.
Cllr Zerny advised he would have to leave the meeting by 7.25pm.
Land to the South of Sandy Road, Potton
Outline application: demolition of existing buildings and development of up to 90 dwellings (Use Class C3), parking, and associated works including means of access, with all other matters (relating to appearance, landscaping, scale and layout) reserved.
Members discussed about the impact of additional housing on the schools, doctors, dentist and town centre parking.
The Chairman as a governor of Potton Federation advised members that the schools in Potton aren’t full.
Members discussed about whether the site is outside the development area of Potton.
Members commented that the site comes level with the Nursery Close properties in Potton, unlike the proposed larger development for North of Sandy Road, Potton.
The town council had been contacted again about a proposed cemetery parking area (8 spaces) which would be incorporate into the layout – subject to agreement on the transfer of the land to the Town Council.
Members discussed about the proposed cemetery parking area.
Cllr Zerny as Central Bedfordshire ward cllr advised that he called in the application to development management and if the application goes to a development management meeting a town cllr could then speak about the application.
It was resolved to object to the application on the basis that the current infrastructure (doctors, dentist, town centre parking etc) cannot support the rapid rate of housing in Potton at this time. The impact on the town’s infrastructure from the two housing developments on Biggleswade Road is not yet known.
Cllr Zerny left the meeting.
Cllr Jordan left the room before the next application.
9 Bull Street, Potton SG19 2NR
Rear conservatory following demolition of lean to.
It was resolved no objection.
Cllr Jordan re-entered the room before the next item.
A member asked Cllr Jordan if he had filled in the declarations of interest book for the items he left the room for.
Members were advised that Cllr Jordan had completed the declarations of interest book earlier in the meeting for both items.
5 / To Arrange Date of the Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Town Council had been arranged for Tuesday 6th September 2016.
6 / Supplementary item - Road Naming
Members considered a road name for Land East of Biggleswade Road, Potton, Sandy SG19 2LS.
Members looked through the road (street) naming list.
A member mentioned about naming the road after a market gardener, because Potton used to have many market gardeners.
Members discussed about naming the road after Peter Hutchinson as he was a major employer of the area, innovator and pioneer of construction methods.
It was noted that Potton History Society had suggested naming a road after Peter Hutchinson.
It was resolved to put forward the name Hutchinson for the road name for Land East of Biggleswade Road, Potton, Sandy SG19 2LS.

The meeting closed at 7.25pm.

Signed………………………………………………..…….Chairman …………………………..Date

Mission Statement

The aim of Potton Town Council is to serve the people of this town to the best of its ability.